🏝️ The Island OCS 🏝️

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"Ace" Rory
Gender: Female (She/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: She's definitely a whole load of crazy. One of the most dedicated of the queens guards. She mainly keeps her emotions locked away.
Strengths: She's great at acrobatics, she's a skilled fighter, and she has a good standing with the queen.
Weaknesses: She doesn't have any magic, her emotions get out of control, and she's reckless.
Relationships: Open
Backstories: Rory was pretty young when her family crashed on the island. The boat crash happened because of her. She distracted her family and it made them lose control. Both of her parents died in the accident. Rory was a servant at first, but the queen introduced her to dark magic. Rory decided to embrace the crazier side of life, changed her name to Ace, and is now a member of the queens guard.
Other: None
Appearance: Dove Cameron

Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Personality: Elide is on the softer spoken side usually. She's pretty melancholy because she feels like she's alone even though she's surrounded by people. In the village she was incredibly smart.
Strengths: She was a good investigator, she had a good relationship with the villagers, and she's determined.
Weaknesses: She's trapped in place, she forgets conversations, and she is lonely.
Relationships: Open
Backstories: She's a part of the Queens "Garden of Living Flowers". Not everyone can play a role in the village, because there's really just not enough. So some of those people are added to the queens garden and becomes "flowers". Think talking flowers in Alice in Wonderland. It's pretty difficult to get out of. Elide was originally one of the main villagers, but when she started investigating too much she was added to the garden. In an effort to make sure she doesn't remember anything, Elide forgets about a conversation right after she has it.
Other: She's based on a forget me not
Appearance: Lily Collins

Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Personality: He's very strict and obedient, he's never broken a rule before. He's very awkward besides that.
Strengths: He's skilled with weapons, he's loyal, and he's good at coming up with a plan.
Weaknesses: He's bad with social interaction, he does things by the book only, and he's not the most trustworthy.
Relationships: Open
Backstories: While the queen does have her immediate group of guards, she also has a secret elite task force she's been creating. They're all inspired by chess pieces, and he's the red knight of the group. He was originally a servant in the castle until the queen recruited him for that. He still works as a servant from time to time, and no one knows about where he sneaks off to.
Other: None
Appearance: DK

Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: He sort of has golden retriever energy, but only a little bit. He's relatively friendly to everyone, and he just tries his best to get by.
Strengths: He's physically pretty strong, he's good at baking, and he has a good report with the other villagers.
Weaknesses: He's a people pleaser, he doesn't break the rules, and he's a little emotionally unavailable.
Relationships: Open
Back stories: He crashed up onto the shore with his family. He was turned into a villager, and actually owns his own bakery in the village. His family that had been in the ship with him have gone completely missing since the crash, and he's been trying to get on the queens good side to find them.
Other: None
Appearance: Kit Connor

Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Personality: She's shy, quiet, and pretty kind. She spends most her time daydreaming or watching the TV.
Strengths: She's optimistic, she's great with animals, and she's technically in a position of power.
Weaknesses: She's weak at night, she's very naive, and she can't control her magic.
Relationships: Open
Backstories: In Lucy's eyes, she's been a princess the entire time. Her dad died when she was young and her step mother started taking care of her. She was told the world is too dangerous for her, so she stays inside the castle at all times. She believes in happy endings and true love.
Other: None
Appearance: Xoangxa

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