Few 24

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I secured my horse and sucked in a deep breath before scaling the steps. My knock wasn't all that strong but the door opened in good time.

A pair of eyes I knew well greeted me but I kept my hat in my hand as I asked for the man of the house.

My former butler backed away. He didn't seem to know what to do with me but I made the decision easier for him by standing perfectly still.

Lana was the first to spot me. She charged from the hallway and hugged me. Mother came out next. Her expression was a mix of elation and fear.

"I'm all right," I told her. My efforts to look behind her for Father proved fruitless.

I was taken aback when she turned me around and ushered me out.

Once outside, she whispered, "You cannot be here."

Surprised, I blinked at her. "But...."

It felt strange to be at home again but foreign as well.

She embraced me then held my shoulders and begged, "Please leave. I fear what he'll do upon seeing you again."

Those words shouldn't have shocked me—I'd been awful when I'd left—and yet they hurt me to my core.

"Are you well?" she asked.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled.

"Wait. Did you have good news?" Her eyes held hope. "Are you expecting a child?"

Scoffing, I asked, "Would that make a difference?"

Lips trembling, she begged, "Please let me see. I can come and visit you instead. Please. Do not deny me that."

I held her face then hurried to my horse. This time when I rode away, I did so with the firm knowledge there was no going back there.

It clouded my view. My entire day changed. Tonight's dinner was the best by far.

I couldn't eat it. She couldn't eat it. And it was a colossal waste.

"We're moving," I told her.

She picked her head up. "What? But why? If it's the cost, I can get another job to help. I have the time."

Every effort I made to sound casual failed. I could hear the grit in my voice when I said, "I simply don't like it here. It's too cheap."

A sound left her but she forced a smile.

Once she secured the meal for eating the following day, she readied for bed, no longer waiting on me.

I stood with the intent to follow but the door closed and I sat back down again.

We'd find something else. But I'd have to get a loan.

I couldn't secure much money but my posh close and good breeding amounted to something.

By myself, I found a place that wasn't too far from the major shops. I'd have to count on word of mouth to get people out this way but it could work.

The structure was good but it was filthy but that didn't matter. One thing was important to me, and that was the living area directly above.

In two week's time, I showed her our new home and she no longer feigned happiness. She was devastated.

To her credit, she helped me clean. It took days. We barely put our meager belongings into the little rooms before we lost access to our previous home.

But the place was dank and dark. I'd intended to share a bed this time around but there were two now instead of the one. I went to bed in a temper.

That night, a knock came and I sat up. A lamp put the room in a soft glow.

"It's rather cold. May I share the bed with you?"

She couldn't see my smile but my laugh set her in motion. I was more than thrilled when the lamp came to rest on the bedside table.

Tonight, too, the thin nightgown drew my focus. She slipped in beside me and I pulled her close.

After a while, I assured her, "This will work."

She was so still, I mistook her for sleeping until she answered, "I know it will."

The kiss on my throat made me smile. Eyes closed, I sought sleep until I felt the first button of my shirt loosen.

My right eye opened then my left and I scooted lower to kiss her then put our foreheads together, stilling her action.

The silence stretched out for ages and she tried to get up but I held her firm.

"It's not what you think." I risked letting go of one hand and pulled her close by her waist. "See?"

When I was certain my current excited condition was clear to her, I closed my eyes and explained my intent. After I was done telling her of my noble effort, she had nothing to say.

"So it's not what you think."

"No. It's far worse," she whispered.

"What? This is reasonable."

Her silence surprised me.

"Isn't it?"

She said, "So you wish for us both to do this? Me, who actually has a small income, to abandon it so we both are without and make this effort?"

I understood her fear and, surely, she was right, but I needed her skill in baking.

Her lack of faith in me hurt. I almost let her go but forced myself to rethink it. She meant me no harm, and she'd followed my way for some time and it was I who could not provide.

"Then teach me how to make it," I insisted.

She had nothing to say for some time. "You bought this place without consulting me. You made the decision about our marriage without consulting me. Is there anything else?"

I dared not mention trying to ask my father for a loan...without consulting her.

That night, she stayed in that bed with me but with no interest in doing more than sleeping. I would make good on my promises, I was sure.

Our first attempt at making the treats was an utter failure. I wanted to throw the brand-new pots and pans down but I couldn't afford to. Never mind the wasted ingredients. I tried it one last time after she took a rest, exhausted.

Throughout my life, failure wasn't rewarded and forgiveness was scarce. So I expected her utter abandonment but seeing her return some hours later, ready to try again, thrilled me.

Instead, I presented her with a surprise of my own.

"Ignore the burnt ones," I begged.

Her eyes gravitated from the few treats I managed to salvage then to me before she sucked in a deep breath and took a bite.

She made a face at first then slowed and regarded me in shock. "It's even better than mine."

"That, is a lie."

We laughed and she didn't move for so long that I feared for my handiwork.


She charge me, throwing her hands around my neck and I laughed. The kiss was sweet and I returned the second and third but stopped at the fourth.

Her panting against my lips had me griding my teeth. "Tomorrow I'll take some out and sell them on the street. You don't have to come—"

"I will."

"No. What you said was right. You have a job. So do it. And I'll do this. I promise, I'll make it work."

The first month was awful, as was the second.

Each night, as winter grew more bitter, she'd make a smaller meal, climb into my bed, kiss me and tease, "Are we going to risk making a baby tonight?"

By the start of month three, I groaned in response. "The cruelty of a woman."

She laughed.

"You wouldn't believe who stepped into the store today."


I scoffed and told her.

She leaned away, "What? Both of them?"

"Oh yes. Apparently, they are an item."

Disgust dripped from her words. "They deserve one another." She paused and asked, "Was that why a batch of the biscuits were in the trash?"

I was proud to admit. "Gregor, 'accidentally' dropped them."

"And...you didn't 'accidentally' drop him?"

A kiss on her forehead was all the answer I'd give.

She was impressed. "That is amazing."

"I am amazing."

The sound of her laugh made me smile but it stopped when I uprooted my shirt.

The lamplight still afforded me a beautiful view of her shocked eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Actually, to answer you, yes."

She gasped. "Yes?"

I undid the first button of her nightgown and took a kiss. "Oh yes."

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