Sleds 11

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Gregor was the least of my worries at present. To allow Angelique ample time to play with Lana and by extension Mason, I engaged him in polite conversation, all the while keeping a close watch of my charge.

Angelique was a disaster. Instead of directing her attention to Lana, she'd speak to Mason who often had to shift his focus from his little sister who waited patiently for him to finish listening to whatever story Angelique was telling.

"They are a good pair, aren't they?"

Gregor's words drew my focus back to him once more. "Yes," I agreed. "Do you know Angelique well?"

He flashed me a smile and asked, "Would you also like to try sledding?"

I'd never engaged in any winter activity really. He led me to a wooden sled which I leaned forward and scrutinized.

"You can sit first," Gregor told me, "and I'll be behind you."

In record time, I stood to my full height and met his gaze. I did not know this man. He was Mason's friend, so I used that to vouch for his honor.

To be seen with a man sitting behind me was surely unacceptable.

Still, poor Lana would need more help at this rate and I could not provide it without more knowledge of how it's done.

"Please show me," I said, reasoning that I'd watch him at first before making the attempt.

After he got onto the thing and slid a way, I clapped. No, I was not ecstatic, just mindful of my manners.

"Oh, wonderful."

But when Gregor brought the sled back and sat, he extended his hands to me. Something about his leer filled me with discomfort. Still, it was best to gain this knowledge. I barely took one step toward him and a hand held my shoulder.

I do not know where the duchess came from but she leaned in to whisper, "What are you doing with Gregor?"

Doing with Gregor? I was doing absolutely nothing with him.

An answer alluded me when I looked up to find Mason staring me down. His look of woe and shock drove Angelique, who was prattling on about something or another, to slow in her speech and focus on me as well.

A pit formed in my stomach and I turned to face the duchess. "What is going on?"

She didn't answer at first but said, "It's quite all right if you do not have feelings for Mason, but please consider him."

I met eyes with her, quite fed up. From Angelique who refused to listen to Mason who refused to listen, now to this, I was feeling molested by everyone.

Perhaps the efforts for the day were exhausted, I concluded, and so I made my way to Lana and took her by the hand. In that instance, I snatched the rope of her sled from her brother and decided to pull her for now until I could understand the mechanism of riding it along with her.

That suited her just fine. I couldn't get far on a flat area but I found a small incline and decided to be brave.

"Governess, are you going to ride it, too?"

"I am!" I sat down, much like Gregor had, and called her to me. Once we were set, I told her, "But I've never tried this before, so we'll start slow."

Holding the rope tight, I waited. We did not move.

"What has happened?" I wondered.

Lana laughed. "Governess, you have to hop forward."

I did as instructed. "Like so?"

A hand pressing against my back had me alarmed. "Like so." Mason ran with us a moment then gave me a shove and off we went.

The ride was fast but short and my pulse raced.

Lana wasn't the only one laughing once it was over.

"That was rather fun. Shall we do it again?" I asked her.

At our next attempt, I went closer to the incline in an effort to minimize the need for help. It was a success.

But ten minutes in and Lana presented me with a drop I did not have the confidence for.

It was quite a ways down. All around us, several people, many of them young couples, took to the hill with glee but when Lana's eyes met mine, she must have seen my fear.

"Oh, oh, we don't need this hill," she said, rather unconvincingly.

"No. It's...." I hesitated. A shadow covered us and I sighed. "Please go and see to Angelique," I told Mason without even looking.

"Do you want to go down it?"

Fists clenched, I turned to give him a piece of my mind only to find him crouching before Lana.

At her definitive nod, he stood and held out his hand for the rope.

He looked rather pleased with himself, so I complied and simply watched. They were fast and they must have gone down that hill three times before I felt confident enough to make the attempt. I would first try it alone then take Lana, I decided.

But after I sat, Mason did not trust me. "Are you sure you're all right by yourself?" he asked.

I ignored him and instead tightened my hold of the rope. This was basic physics and I did not need help. That was what I'd thought, but when I peered down that hill, my body froze. Basic physics also said that I was heavy enough to perhaps slam into a tree.

That was my fear conjuring up morbid images. There were no trees for a while. But as I sat there for some time without the confidence to carry out my plans, I decided to give up.

A large body thrust itself behind me and we started to slide.

"Mason, you—!"

We dropped. Simply dropped. The scream coming from me was no act as I shut my eyes tight. A hand came around my waist and he grabbed the rope from my hand.

To be honest, I wasn't even certain it was Mason until we slid to a stop some time later and he cooed, "It's all right. It's all right. We've made it."

I meant to stand and curse him but instead, I trembled and turned in the hold he offered.

"Are you really so frightened of something like this? You're usually so fearless."

My body stiffened. As I did not appreciate the mockery, I tried to pull back but he held on.

"I'm sorry. I keep forgetting that you haven't much experience with winter sports."

Despite the cold, his embrace felt warm. I calmed enough finally to realize he still held me in broad daylight.

Breaking the hold took some doing but he let me go and grabbed my hand.

"Let us try it again. It will be easier the next time."

I slipped from his grip but he looked back at me, sled trailing behind him.

"You won't get another chance and this is a good way to overcome your fear."

I doubted his sincerity at first but decided to try at least once more until my nerves got used to it.

My plan was to try it on my own but as soon as I sat, Mason's large body pressed against my back. He positioned our feet and gave a hop which had us moving.

This drop should have been identical to the first but it was far worse. Instead of using one hand for the rope, he used both, however, and even maneuvered us about before came to a stop.

For a long moment, we didn't move.

"How is it?" he asked, trying to see my face. "Was that time better?"

Yes and no.

I was still fearful so I decided, "We will try it again."

He gave off a chuckle as he stood. On our climb up, I took his offered hand only once.

Lana greeted us while clapping furiously.

"Would you like to try?" I asked her.

"With you?"

I still hadn't the confidence, so I indicated her brother and she grinned yet shook her head.

Mason stood behind me but reached around for the sled I pulled. "One more time," he announced.

It came in a grumble. "Perhaps you could allow someone else the chance," Angelique said.

She was speaking to me and I opened my mouth to convey that Lana conceded but the gleam in her eyes brought me back to myself.

"Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry." I turned to Mason. "Perhaps you can take Angelique—"

But he yanked me down into his lap and shoved off the hill. I barely caught hold of him much less the rope. Eyes shut tight, I hugged him for dear life.

Once we reached the bottom, I was furious.

"I had no warning!"

He gathered the rope, asking, "Why do you need warning? You know I'm trustworthy."

But as I opened my mouth to scream, I was forced to hunch over.

A hand was on my back in seconds. "Wait. Are you having another tantrum?"

I shoved him aside. "Say it a little louder so the whole world can hear!"

My legs shook as I tried to walk away but couldn't move. He made small circles on my back, crouching down to meet eyes with me.

"You do know you can trust me. Let us try it one more time. I'm sure you'll overcome this fright." He brushed my hair from my eyes, holding my face with his cold hand as he insisted, "We'll say that the wind got knocked out of you. Come. No one will know."

But he knew. He knew my secret and shame drove me to box his hand aside.

Once I got a hold of myself, I marched up that hill and right past everyone. From behind me, Lana called for me but I didn't have it in me to look back.

"Brother, is she all right?"

"She's all right. Just a bit cross that I didn't take someone else down. Come. Let us get something hot to drink and warm up."

Angelique entreated, "But I waited for you to take me next."

I was sure to slow in my stride to hear Mason's reply but he gave none.

This wasn't working. It was time to get serious. We finished for the day and headed home. Once we arrived, though the family took to warming themselves by the fire, I decided to seek refuge in my room and rethink my course of action.

A knock at my door came tentatively and I answered.

Instead of a cup of homemade elixir, today Mason held a water bottle.

I regarded it in confusion but he said, "It's still rather chilly out."

The sweet gesture left me speechless and I took his gift and held it close.

"Thank you."

He lingered at the door for some time. "About today...."

My face warmed, especially upon remembering how I'd treated him.

"I caused you to have a fit. I want to apologize for that. I'd—I'd thought it would be all right."

In an effort to not weather his guilt-ridden gaze, I trained my eyes on his chest.

A hand held my shoulder but it lit me up. Since when had we become so familiar that he'd touch me whenever it suited him?

I should have pushed him aside or asked him not to, but instead, I did nothing, said nothing when his fingers traced my arm downward and he interlocked our digits.

"Please don't change your mind about us. Because I haven't changed mine. My mother's schemes don't concern me in the least and you should know you have nothing to fear. There's no threat to my feelings for you. I was too worried about you to show how furious I was about her bringing that woman back here."

"That woman is a good fit for you."

He flinched as if I'd struck him. My words certainly had but if he was actively working against my efforts, I'd need to curtail his plans. Scheming wasn't my strongpoint. I decided to be upfront.

Though he still held my hand, I turned to face him. "It's not two people plotting against you, it's three. I'm involved, too."

His lips parted slowly at first, then wider as his face morphed into this look of fury I'd never seen before.

"For her to force you—"

"She hasn't forced me," I explained. "I agreed that Angelique is a suitable match. Her father's business ventures have worked out rather nicely and her wealth has increased due to the fact. The only thing he's missing is a stronger title. But his business combined with your fathers going forward would be a strong venture. From a financial standpoint, she is good real estate."

My words ended but his eyes didn't stop growing wider. He resembled a bug as he perpetually stared at me.

"What are you saying?"

I took that for shock because I'd just said all I needed to rather clearly.

Despite his astonishment, he didn't loosen his grip. "I thought I was clear about where my interests lie."

My current interest returned to the lake as I leaned my left shoulder against the wall.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he rested his chin on my right shoulder, his voice soft.

"Don't you fancy me at all. Even a bit?"

To what end?

When I didn't answer, he stood to his full height and let me go.

"Sorry to have bothered you."

I caught him by the vest. Though I hadn't turned to him, my body betrayed me. Why couldn't I let him go? That was the reasonable thing, the proper thing.

But having him near set off sensations and emotions in me I'd never known. A part of me feared it, a part of me desired it. A bigger part of me knew better.

"She's a good fit for you," I told him, my gaze and posture unchanged. "Won't you just consider her? Even for my sake?"

Mason said nothing for some time. I dared not meet his gaze to see what he held for me, malice or anger.

He brushed my hair out of my face while tracing my birthmark, his current habit. I found myself hating it a bit less.

"Now I understand why breakfast is as it is. I hadn't imagined you were a part of this ambush."

My fingers traced the buttons of his vest though I didn't look back.

"I have no interest in Angelique," he insisted.

"If I wasn't here, would you?"

He didn't answer. A fact that had me turning to him finally.

"Wait. You would?"

But instead of indicating either to the positive or negative, he simply moved his lips. He was unsure. As flattered as I was that he refused to lie to me, I was also elated.

This could still work.

"I will do everything in my power to get you to give her a fair chance," I promised.

He didn't like that if his frown was any indication.

After a long staring contest, he broke my gaze and looked down at my hand still fiddling with the button of his vest.

He took hold, stilling my fingers, then looked me in the eye and challenged, "I will consider her if you will consider me."

I raised my right eyebrow at him. This was no consideration. Still, it was an opportunity I could not risk squandering. "Explain your meaning."

"Meaning that I will court her if you allow me to court you." When he leaned close, our lips nearly touching, he smiled.

My lips parted, almost in automatic preparation for him. I leaned away when I realized.

"Whatever you do on my behalf, Angelique must have the same," I insisted.

His boldness faded somewhat. "Explain your meaning."

"Meaning that if you take on such an intimate posture with me, you must do the same for her."

His jaw worked. Worry creased in his face but then he focused on my lips then my eyes and asked, "So if I kiss you...?"

Surprised, I blinked at him but kept composed. He'd kissed me before and it wasn't exactly terrible.

"I'll allow it. But you'll owe her the same."

He leaned in, his breath hot against my parted lips when he asked, "Must it be to the same intensity?"

At the first peck, I startled. The second pressing of our lips together had me closing my eyes.

When it ended, he kissed my cheek then whispered in my ear, "Challenge accepted."

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