Ch-9 Forging Friendships (part 2)

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       In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'

- Aameen.

Chapter Nine

Forging Friendships (part 2)

To say that George fit in the posh school without any difficulties would not be accurate, but contrary to his fears he didn't suffer much either. Having your own room (though it was small) was still a huge unexpected treat for George who did a little dance standing up on the hard bed.

Except for the first few months in his First Form where he observed and tried to learn everything carefully, he adjusted to mingling with the others in the common room, classrooms and other places where you were constantly monitored and corrected, mostly he kept his mouth shut about himself and refrained from doing any mischief unlike in his old school back home. 

His housemaster was strict but kind and George learned from his mistakes, tried to stay out of trouble, out of the prefect's way and gradually adjusted to all the individual attention and elaborate care that the tutors provided to each pupil.

He did not make any close friends yet neither did anybody reject him as he became part of groups where he usually cracked jokes, many lame ones but others laughed anyway and some nicknamed him, 'pretty boy' while a few girls gave him particular attention as usual.

George became homesick at times, especially when he sat in the huge old chapel (if he could he would have skipped but visiting the chapel was compulsory), so at times he missed home, wanting his mother's care and fussing, his father's reassuring smiles, his siblings annoyance and support but otherwise he enjoyed being in this boarding school which was itself like an elaborate family and when his grades improved a bit (obviously with all the individual attention to his academics), his parents couldn't ask for more. He hugely enjoyed being a part of many sports, excelling in some, making friends and competing with the other Houses.

The downside to going to this expensive school was without realising, George took to lying easily. He avoided speaking about his parents' jobs or about his siblings or his small home; rather listening to the others' talk about their visits to exclusive shooting lodges, private beaches, yacht trips and foreign countries, he in turn said about the exotic destinations that he had gone during the holidays.

George lived in the dread that they would find him out and would boot him from the top of the social hierarchy to the lowest rung where he would be isolated and mocked at... so he desperately tried to fit in with all the carefreeness that only affluence would bring not realising that he was slowly losing all the values that his parents had taught.

Perhaps he was too busy learning, adjusting and trying not to make any serious blunders, that George noticed Alexander Montex properly for the first time in his Second Form. He was a thin pale boy belonging to another House and they usually had classes together.

Alex sat apart from others and when group activities were formed by the teachers he reluctantly participated.

"Him? Don't you know? He's Alex Montex, a snob! But don't mess with him, ya know? Heard of the Montex Hospitals? Yeah, they all belong to him, and the rumour is he beats you up then sends to his hospital to patch you back," his friend hooted in laughter but George only saw the stiff line of Alex's back that somehow seemed lonely to him.

That had been a strange moment for George because he had always feared that his friends would desert him when they came to know of his lack of wealth, yet here sat probably one of the wealthiest kids in school and it appeared that he had no friends at all. Or perhaps he didn't care. Because even if Alex didn't bother, George noted how some boys and girls still made efforts to include him in their activities.

Why? Why does he not take advantage of his wealth, make friends like the others or simply enjoy? George kept wondering and gradually it became an obsession as he took to watching Alex. Strangely, Alex was far from a bully, he didn't speak much yet it was true that when he spoke, he gave orders expecting them to be carried out, and when most were fulfilled George looked at the thin boy with eyes of growing awe and admiration.

George knew that if Alex had wanted he would have easily become a part of the popular clique yet he remained unapproachable, stayed in his own isolated circle and didn't seem to give a da** about it.

Sometimes he saw Alex smile or laugh with some girl, and George was surprised to see how Alex's face changed, blue eyes lighting up. There was another boy too, Wilson Rowland. Grey- eyed, smart and confident, George learned that he was the son of a military officer.

Wilson was one of the boys who usually accompanied Alex in the games. They both smiled at George's funny remarks and this made George become drawn to both the boys and he found himself watching them whenever they were close, casually eavesdropping on their quiet conversations and when Wilson or Alex caught his eye, he usually nodded pretending to do something else, while his heart hammered wondering whether they would ask him to join too. But they didn't, not until he came.

His name was Michael Browne.

Michael joined in the Third Form, a scrawny sandy-haired kid with glasses, looking younger than his thirteen years. Most other boys were older than him by a year but Michael was already doing his Masters in Physics. He was accepted through full scholarship, and though he had been home-schooled until now his parents wanted him to improve his social skills, to grow up being a part of students near his own age.

Michael or Mick though hadn't fit in easily. He was awkward, painfully shy, had almost no social skills. He was in the same dorm as George's and George felt guilty watching how the other boys teased and harassed him repeatedly. Everything would be normal in front of the elders but George knew what was going on and he felt ashamed to be a part of the same group that bullied the helpless boy.

He wanted to speak up, to say that just like Mick's, his parents were ordinary people too! And just because Mick was way smarter than all of them put together they had no reason to pick on him!

"Hey George, I know you aren't comfortable about Mick's initiation. Just a word, its taking place now," one of his friends had warned and his heart clenching painfully George ran all the way from his dorm (he knew he would get in trouble later for going without permission) to the field where the 'formal initiation' of any new student took place. It simply meant they beat you up rough and you have to bear it like a man.

The field actually contained their huge golf course, and George made his way towards the wooden lockers. As expected he found them in the shadowed corners, away from the eyes of any coach, and George opened his mouth in a silent scream looking at the piteous sight of the boy lying curled up as blows rained upon him.

George did not know what he would have done except that a boy's enraged voice rang out suddenly,

"That's bloody enough I think!"

George turned and saw both Alex and Wilson standing with their golf clubs. Alex's face blazed in fury as he said to the others, "You have done what you wanted to do and if you don't leave him alone after this, I'll see that each of you are reported and punished, I don't care the **** who your daddy is!"

"Go," Wil's mouth twisted in a grim line as he motioned them to leave and the group left laughing, stuffing their hands in their pockets.

"Let's get him to the infirmary," Wilson suggested and a white-faced George helped the mute boy from the ground whose face and body were covered in bruises and blood ran from his nose. As he assisted Wil, George watched that Alex stood with closed eyes, as if he was controlling, mastering his emotions before he spoke further.

"Here," Alex pressed a kerchief to Michael's nose, and they all trudged to the nurse's rooms.

Of course they lied about the injuries; rarely anybody said the truth even though the nurses suspected what took place and reported to the headmaster. But George's fears didn't materialize as he didn't get in serious trouble except with the dorm master who gave him a bad mark for leaving without permit after school hours.

" are you?"

It was a fortnight later and George sat next to the boy who had nearly healed from his physical wounds. Emotionally, he was a disaster.

Michael jumped at the voice then smiled weakly. "Thank you, I'm good."

"I," George began uncomfortably, rubbing his neck and looking around the common room. Some boys watched them but most were doing their own work.

"I wanted to know whether you would help me."

"Help you?" Mick looked faintly puzzled.

"I thought you could help me a little in my work, it's difficult for me at times..."

"Oh. Which subject?"

"Er... all of them?"

For a moment Michael stared at the handsome boy who without doubt belonged to the most popular group, and here he was asking help! Michael relaxed, smiling and George couldn't help noticing how behind the glasses his eyes nearly disappeared with the widening smile.

George grinned, happiness bubbling like warmth inside him. If they attracted glances from the other boys, he couldn't care less.

That was the beginning of their solid friendship that would settle deeper as years passed.

Later, much later, both of them would become close to Alex and Wil and the whole school would nickname their inseparable group as the Famous Four. But now all that seemed so long ago, and Michael's loss remained a dark bottomless hole... at times like these George wished that he was still there to help him out, yet when he realised that Mick was long gone, the buried ache washed over him in fresh waves, so sharp and unbearable that George only drank further as he sank into thankful oblivion.


A/N :)

Guess there would be another update of this book before IHL's chapter in shaa Allaah.

I don't know whether I would update again this month as my brother is getting married in a few days in shaa Allaah (remember in special Duas please), but there would be updates before the blessed Ramadhan in shaa Allaahu Rahman :)

Jazak Allahu khairan katheera!

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi)  

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