♡ Seven ♡

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©️ All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



Times these days felt like sand slipping through our fingers.

Before I knew it, it was my mayoun. It is a part of the wedding tradition where the bride is applied turmeric paste (ubtan), as well as oil in their hair. Sometimes this event starts a week before the wedding, and a bride is applied ubtan every day till the mehndi. The bride an groom are not allowed to see each other from this point on till the actual wedding functions start, and the bride must avoid all housework and relax during this time.

Fariha and Fatima Aunty had brought my mayoun dress, a simple but pretty turmeric-yellow lehenga.

The mayoun arrangements were made in our living room, decorated in the colours of a mehndi ceremony. I sat in the middle of it all, allowing the ladies to apply turmeric paste over me, starting with Dr Fatima Ali herself.

Money was repeatedly waved over my head for sadqah, which would later be donated to the needy. It is believed that this is done to ward off evil intentions, evil eye, and/or harm.

My hair was in a braid, with jasmine flowers woven through it, and I wore no make-up.

"Come on, Jasmina." Ammi helped me once everyone had applied ubtan on me. "Let's get you upstairs to your room. I'll send your dinner upstairs."

"I'll take her, Aunty." Fariha volunteered, standing up. She helped me up and led me out, ensuring that no males were in sight. I was wearing a sleeveless blouse to easily apply the paste. For this purpose, this event had been strictly ladies only, and all the men of our family had gathered at the Ali family home.

"How are you feeling, Bhabi?" Fariha whispered to me as she helped me up the stairs.

"It feels weird that you're calling me Bhabi, but otherwise, I'm finding it a little hard to believe right now that I'm the bride. I feel like I'm just being a part of someone else's wedding rituals."

"I'm so happy that you're marrying Fawad Bhai, In Sha Allah."

"In Sha Allah."

Usually, as per tradition, the bride doesn't shower to let the full effect of the turmeric paste to show. However, I didn't want that, and I had just said that we would only do this ceremony as a formality, leaving the turmeric paste on for just one night.

"I know that you already know Fawad Bhai, so it's pointless of me to say this, but I will still say it: he is a very caring, very loving person, Ma Sha Allah, and he will always ensure your happiness, Bhabi. My brother has a heart of gold, and he is a true gem of a person. Ma Sha Allah, again."

I smiled at her, feeling suddenly emotional.

"And whenever you need, I'm also going to be there for you." She added. "I know that as a new bride, you may occasionally need female support as you learn to adjust in your new home, and you can always count on me." 

"That means a lot, Fariha." I giggled. "You know, it's funny. I've always called you Appi when we were younger, and now suddenly I'm going to be your elder Bhabi."

"Suddenly?" She looked at me, teasingly. "The sparks have been there a while now, I think. Nothing has been 'sudden'.

I blushed.

She sat down on the bed, facing me. "You've been crushing on him for a long time, haven't you?"

Those moments when he had been helping me with my science homework, when he drove me home from school or college when nobody else was available, how he had always been so kind to me, all came rushing into mind like a montage of flashbacks. Even when he and Arhaan Bhai used to prank us all, Fawad always showed me some mercy and compassion, especially when I ended up in tears due to the pranks. As I entered my late teens, I began to feel butterflies in my stomach when I merely heard his voice. I began to nervously clutch onto my books, my bag, whenever he was appeared in my sight. My cheeks seemed to be permanently warm in his presence.

Yes, I had a crush on Fawad Ali for years, and the crush on Jibril could never, ever start to compare to how I felt about Fawad.

I couldn't answer Fariha's question aloud though, and I dropped my gaze, blushing again.

She hugged me. "I can't wait to officially welcome you into our family, Jasmina Bhabi."



The morning after Mina's mayoun, I entered the dining room and was just making my way to where I usually sat, when Fariha cleared her throat and lifted her phone up.

I had no idea what she was doing until I passed by behind her and saw a photo of Mina on the screen, in her mayoun outfit. I stopped in my tracks and tried to get a clearer look at the photo, as discreetly as possible. Jasmina Sheikh was a natural beautiful, Ma Sha Allah, and seeing her all prepared to be my bride brought an automatic smile onto my face.

Fariha smirked. "You can thank me with a cup of coffee later. You make good coffee."

"You already showed me the photo. I owe you nothing." I grinned, sitting down in my chair.

Our mother was out running wedding errands, while Papa was at work. Omar and Saad had already left for school, so it was just me and Fari.

"I'm going back home today." She said suddenly, her smile disappearing. "I'll come back on the mehndi day."

"Stay. There's barely a week left now."

"I can't." She shook here head. "Umair and my in-laws need my help in preparing for their wedding outfits as well." She rolled her eyes. "I can't believe they're all going to show up. Why did Ammi and Papa have to invite them again?"

"They are your in-laws. It's kind of an unwritten rule of society that they must be invite to family weddings." I grabbed two slices of buttered toast, and a couple of boiled eggs. I usually preferred desi breakfast like parathay, but Ammi had 'gently' reminded me that the sherwani was fitted and I wouldn't want to struggle to fit into it on my wedding day. I worked out regularly at the gym and stayed in shape, knowing the importance of maintaining health for the sake of the heart, but I didn't want to risk gaining even a kilo before the wedding.

"I just don't want any drama at your wedding." Fariha said. "Especially considering that our father's side of the family is also coming, and I'm already fearing something." She groaned. "Why can't we be from a stable family like the Sheikhs?" 

I chuckled.

"Don't laugh. You're from this messed up family as well." 

"Fari, we'll handle everything, don't worry." I paused. "And forward me that photo of Mina."

"Nope." She shook her head. "I will forward it to you after you've both signed the Nikah Nama."

My phone buzzed and I saw that it was an alert from my team at the hospital. "I need to get to work. Emergency." Without finishing my breakfast, I got up. "Fairy, would you pour some coffee in the flask for me?"

"I won't if you call me that stupid nickname!"  She called out as I raced out and up the stairs.

I chuckled. I called her 'Fairy' because I knew it annoyed her. It was mandatory for me to irritate her, as a part of my brotherly duties.

Before I got ready, I sent a quickly typed message to Mina.

<Fawad: Ek jhalak hi dekhi, laikin Ma Sha Allah, bohat pyari lag rahi thi meri dulhan.>

*I only saw a glimpse, but Ma Sha Allah, my bride looked lovely.

I received her reply just as I parked my car in the doctors' dedicated parking outside the hospital, around half an hour later.

<Mina: I felt so yellow with the outfit and the turmeric paste!>

I chuckled quietly at the typical Mina response.


Arhaan was buying coffee at the hospital café as I came downstairs for my own dose of it, a few hours later.

"Sheikh, weren't you off today?" I slapped the back of my best friend.

"Emergency." He sighed. "As much as I enjoy being a paediatrician, it's hard to see a child suffer." He grinned suddenly. "You didn't apply ubtan?" 

"Ammi would have forced me if I had time off, but I didn't, so I got away with it." I placed my coffee order and stepped back as I waited for it. "It's not like you applied it either."

"Even Sadia didn't do it because of work." He shrugged. His wife was a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at one of the best universities in Lahore. She'd graduated from medical school and had been a classmate of Ahad. That was how she had met Arhaan, when she and other classmates had visited the Sheikh family home for a group project. "But it went well for Jazzy, Alhumdulillah. It's still hard to believe that not only is my kid sister getting married, but to a gadha like you."

"Hey! Remember the Damad Protocol, okay?" I reminded him. "I will complain to your parents, otherwise."

"What are you, six?" He took the order from the barista and thanked him before turning back to me. "You'll always be a gadha in my opinion."

I laughed.

"See you later, Bhai. I need to study some reports." He patted my back and walked away. 

It felt surreal. In less than a week, my best gadha was going to be my brother-in-law. 

Jasmina Sheikh was going to be my wife. In Sha Allah.


The next day, my father sat me down in his study for a lecture on marital responsibilities.

"Islamically, you have duties and responsibilities towards your wife, Fawad." He spoke to me from his chair on the other side of the desk. "Regardless of how much the wife earns, even if it's more than you, you must always ensure that your responsibilities are fulfilled. You will be held accountable should you fail in any of your major duties towards her."

"Yes, Papa, I understand." 

"Jasmina is leaving her family, her life behind to come and start a new life with you. She will be nervous, anxious and she will struggle because it's natural. But you have the main responsibility to ensure that she's comfortable and settling in well. Of course, as your parents, your mother and I will do our best to welcome her and make her feel at home too, but Fawad, if she has you and your support, things will be much easier for her." He continued.

I nodded again.

"She's young, and compared to a lot of people of your generation, she is naïve, but she has a good heart, and she has a great respect for everyone around her. You both will make mistakes, you both will have difficulties getting used to life as a married couple, but beta, as your father, it's my duty to tell you that if she makes a mistake, handle it calmly and maturely. Do not lose your temper, do not overreact. You both will make mistakes because this is a new step for both of you, but somehow there's this mentality that wives should strive for perfection, whereas the husband's mistakes are often overlooked. That should not be the case, Fawad. We're all humans, nobody is perfect, and as spouses our duty is to help each other be a better person. Anger and shouting are not ways to deal with situations." 

He was making a lot of sense.

"And now for a very awkward, but mandatory conversation..." He cleared his throat.

And believe me, it was an understatement to say that his advice regarding my wedding night was awkward. But in our culture, a mother advises her daughter, and a father advises his son. As a doctor, I was aware of the physical act, of course, but there were other things to consider, which Papa informed me of.

It suddenly felt like a huge responsibility. Marriage wasn't just about love and romance, and I hoped that I didn't fail in any of my duties.



"Fawad Bhai aaye hain." Sadia Bhabi said the moment I opened my door.

*"Fawad Bhai is here."

My eyes widened and I glanced down at myself. I wore purple night-suit trousers with white feathers printed on it, along with a plain white t-shirt. My hair was in a very messy bun, pushed back by a white headband. I looked like a complete mess!

"Don't worry about your looks, Jazz. You're not seeing him, and vice versa." She looked amused. "No meetings after the mayoun, remember?"

"Bhabi..." I pouted slightly, hoping that she would understand the words that I was unable to say out of shyness. I straightened up, pretending to be discreet. "How come he is here, anyway?"

"Since the Valima suit is from our side, he's going to the final fitting with Arhaan." Bhabi replied. "Your brother is praying right now, and Fawad Bhai is downstairs, talking to Asad Uncle." She turned to walk away.

"So, you just came here to tell me that he's here? We're not even allowed to see each other."

"Precisely, Jazz. We wouldn't want you accidentally walking downstairs, do we?" She smiled at me over her shoulder before heading towards the stairs.

I headed back in my room. "You know what? I want water." I was talking to myself as I grabbed a stole from my wardrobe and draped it over my shoulders. "Water is a necessity." I stepped out of my room and headed quietly down the stairs.

I was surprised to see Ammi and Bhabi standing in the foyer, smirking up at me. "What? I just came down to get water!" 

"Fawad isn't here, sweetheart." Ammi laughed. "Your Bhabi and I decided to test you to see how patient you are." 

I felt my cheeks turn red as a tomato. "Ammi!"

They both high-fived and burst out laughing. Humiliated, I turned and ran upstairs.

"Ugh!" Closing my bedroom door, I put my hands over my face, even as an automatic smile spread over my face. "I can't believe they fooled me!"

For the last few days, I have been the victim of merciless teasing by Ammi and Bhabi. Most of the time I went downstairs, my cheeks ended up red. Bhabi reassured me that she faced the same situation before her marriage.


That evening, a dua was being held at our home. Ali Uncle and Fatima Aunty were going to join us for it, where an Imam from the local mosque had been called to come and pray for mine and Fawad's happily married life. As far as I knew, Fawad was going to come as well, but I had no idea how the adults planned to do this without us seeing each other.

I found out later when Ammi came into my room to get me.

"Why? I can see Fawad now?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Not seeing each other after mayoun is a cultural ritual, not a religious one, and we all agree that it's mandatory for both of you to be present for the dua." Ammi replied. "Get changed and come quickly." She told me before leaving the room.

I wore a simply light-blue shalwar kameez and draped the dupatta over my head before heading downstairs. I walked into the living room with my gaze lowered and greeted everyone with a Salaam. As they replied, I took a seat beside Ammi, without looking up. A few minutes later, I sneaked a look around the room, and saw Fawad sitting beside his father across the room. Coincidentally, he chose the same time to look at me. I instantly dropped my gaze and pursed my lips to hide a smile.

The Imam began to recite a few verses from the Holy Quran, relevant to marriage. He then began to explain the importance of marriage in Islam, as well as the role of a spouse. It was a beautiful lecture that brought tears to my eyes. He then proceeded to make the duas, and the supplications themselves were so beautiful that both sets of our parents had damp eyes by the end.

"May Allah bless Jasmina and Fawad with a blissful married life, a strong iman, and healthy children. Ameen." The Imam concluded the duas.

"Ameen." Everyone in the room repeated.

Ali Uncle patted Fawad's back, and my mother gave me a tearful hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Our families had believed that we should commence the official wedding functions with a dua, because something that is started with the name and remembrance of Allah is always blessed.

"You can go now." My mother told me, softly.

I nodded and stood up, but not before glancing at my husband-to-be. He was currently in a conversation with my father, and my Papa was smiling as they talked. For the dua, Fawad had worn a white shalwar-kameez, and I had no words to describe how I felt seeing him in desi attire.

As I walked out, I felt him look in my direction, and my heart pounded intensely in my chest.



The Nikah itself was held on the morning of the mehndi day. We were going to have a simple ceremony, which was just close family and best friends of the family, like Hafsa and Zafar Bhai, before I headed straight to the parlour to get ready for the evening ceremony.

I was going to be wearing a heavier outfit in the evening, so my Nikah outfit was relatively simple. It was a tea pink lehenga with a golden border, a long white shirt with light golden embroidery, and a sheer tea-pink dupatta with a gold and white-gold border, as well as golden beads dotting it all over. Last night, a mehndi artist had come to our house and had adorned my hands, and a good portion of my arms, with intricate patterns of henna. I hadn't done my hair yet, but Sadia Bhabi had braided it and put gajray through it. 

The ceremony was being held at the Badshahi Mosque, the infamous symbol of Lahore, and as we left the house, I realised that this was the last time I was leaving this house as Miss. Jasmina Sheikh, and it made my eyes fill up. Ammi was also sobbing a little as we left for the mosque.

Arhaan Bhai drove the car, with Sadia Bhabi in the front passenger seat, while Ammi and Mars sat on either side of me. Papa was coming in a separate car, with Ahad  Bhai and Zafar Bhai.

As we got out of the car, I felt extremely anxious, with it finally dawning on me that this was a life-changing day for me.

Sadia Bhabi and Mars helped me step out of the car, and the former straightened out my dress. With a cream silk shawl drape over my shoulders, I was led inside.

We were seated in a room where the Nikah was going to be held, and a few minutes later, Fariha and Fatima Aunty arrived with an elderly woman, who was in a wheelchair.

"Jasmina, this is Fawad's Dadi Jaan. She won't be able to come to the Mehndi tonight, but she has come to attend the Nikah." My mother-in-law-to-be explained. Then she ran a hand over my head. "Ma Sha Allah!"

"Assalam Alaikum!" I shyly greeted my almost-husband's grandmother.

"Walaikum Assalam!" The elderly woman ran a hand over my head as well as I bent down to get her blessings. "Ma Sha Allah! Fawad's bride is beautiful." She waved some notes over my head and handed them to Fatima Aunty. "Fatima, give this to the needy."

There was a gentle knock on the door, and we looked up to see Ahad Bhai standing in the doorway. "It's time. The molvi sahab is here." 


Papa sat beside me, with the molvi sahab (Imam), sitting on a single chair on my other side. Arhaan Bhai and Ahad Bhai stood behind where we sat, and Mustaq Chachu, my father's younger brother, sat on Papa's other side. The ladies stood in various spots around the room.  Fatima Aunty, Dadi Jaan, and Fariha had left upon the arrival of the Imam, saying that they felt that they would give me the space to have this emotional moment with just my family around.

The Imam began with a small sermon on the importance of marriage, and he began to explain the rituals.

I could see Hafsa filming the Nikah on her phone, standing directly opposite where I sat.

"Do you, Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, take Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, as your husband, with the haq mehr of five lakhs?"

Haq Mehr is an obligatory payment that is made in the form of money, jewellery, home good, furniture, or any other form of tangible or intangible property/promises, that a husband agrees to give to his wife-to-be upon Nikah.

"Qabool Hai." I said, my hands shaking. I placed one hand over the other to keep it steady.

"Do you, Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, take Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, as your husband, with the haq mehr of five lakhs?"

"Qabool Hai."

"Do you, Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, take Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, as your husband, with the haq mehr of five lakhs?" The Imam asked a third and final time.

"Qabool Hai."

I was then asked to sign the official marriage contract, the Nikah Nama, and the Imam directed me where to sign. A tear drop fell onto my hand as I signed, as I realised the importance of this moment. I was transitioning from being just someone's daughter, to becoming someone's wife.

The Imam then raised his hands to make duas, and Ammi's sniffling could be heard throughout as she attempted not to cry. As he concluded, Papa ran a hand over my head and kissed the side of my head, and he looked quite emotional himself.

"May Allah bless you with a lifetime of happiness, and a blissful married life, my beautiful girl. Ameen." He whispered.

My brothers gave me one-armed hugs. Arhaan Bhai made no attempts to hide his emotions, but Ahad Bhai, as usual, pretended like he didn't care.

"Your room will be mine soon, Shorty." He grinned.

"Don't you dare even think about it!" I warned him. "It still stays my room, even if I'm not there!"

He just chuckled.

When Ammi hugged me, it seemed like she didn't want to ever let go of me, and she started sobbing loudly.

"Afreen, save something for the rukhsati tomorrow." Papa teased her.

I didn't laugh with the others, and I clung onto my mother tightly, tears freshly escaping my own eyes.

"Appi, we need to go." Mars, who was in tears herself, told us. "The Nikah is only halfway done." She gave me a quick hug once Ammi had released me, and everyone walked out, leaving me and Hafsa alone.

"You're almost married! I'm so excited!" My best friend squealed, hugging me. "How does it feel, almost Mrs Dr Fawad Ali?" 

"I'm nervous." I admitted.

"Babe, he's an incredible man, Ma Sha Allah." She said, quietly. "He clearly loves you a lot. You'll both be very happy together, In Sha Allah." 

"In Sha Allah." I repeated, softly.

A short while later, Mars returned, smiling. "Let's go for your mehndi, Mrs. Fawad." She gave me a hug again. "Congratulations! May Allah bless you both with a long and blissful life together! Ameen."

"Ameen." Hafsa and I repeated.

I am married. Oh my God. I can't believe it! Crap, I'm going to hyperventilate!

"Breathe." Mars told me gently, kissing my temple.



"Do you, Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, accept Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, as your wife in your Nikah, with the agreed haq mehr of five lakhs?" 

"Qabool Hai." I replied.

"Do you, Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, accept Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, as your wife in your Nikah, with the agreed haq mehr of five lakhs?" 

"Qabool Hai."

"Do you, Fawad Ali, son of Ali Mansoor, accept Jasmina Sheikh, daughter of Asad Sheikh, as your wife in your Nikah, with the agreed haq mehr of five lakhs?" 

"Qabool Hai." After replying for the third and final time, I then signed the Nikah Nama, and duas were made.

"Mubarak Ho!" The phrase of congratulations was heard all around me, as Papa hugged me tighter than he'd ever hugged me before, even when I officially qualified as a doctor.

An emotional smile was spread across Arhaan's face as he came to hug me. "Welcome to the family, Bhai!" 

"Prepare to treat me like royalty." I patted his shoulder as he pulled away.

"You should respect us as well. We're your elder brothers-in-law." Ahad said as he also came forward to hug me.

"Damad defeats anything." I shrugged, before walking to the edge of the stage to hug my sobbing mother. But when I saw my Dadi Jaan, I bent down in front of her first instead.

"May Allah give you a long and blissful married life. Ameen." Dadi Jaan ran both hands over my head. "I'm so happy today, Fawad." 

I grabbed her hands and kissed them. "I'm so glad that you came. It means everything to me to see you here at my Nikah." 

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She gave me an emotional smile.

As I hugged Ammi and then Fariha, they both gave me good wishes and they both cried. Omar and Saad jumped onto me, not even realising the relevance of today.

"Okay, so those of us who don't have to go to the parlour, will be heading to a nearby restaurant for lunch." Ammi informed me a while later. "Fawad, why don't you drop Jasmina off at the Sheikh family home? She'll have time to quickly get something to eat before she must leave for the parlour."

And now I know why Ammi had asked me to drive to the mosque in my own car.

"How much time does she have?" I asked.

"She needs to be at the parlour at two." Afreen Aunty informed me.

"He already wants to take her on a date." Fariha smirked at me.

"Behave, Fairy." I glared at my little sister.

"He's her husband now, Fariha." Ammi told her, her voice filled with disapproval.

Husband. That sounded incredible, and kind of strange at the same time.

I am not Jasmina's husband. Jasmina Fawad. 



I waited outside in the hallway until Hafsa left the room. She gave me a cheeky smile to let me know that I could enter now.

I knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in." Mina's soft voice came from the other side.

I pushed the slightly ajar door open and stepped inside.

Mina sat on a sofa near the back wall, her head bowed and with her hands clasped in her lap. She didn't look like the usually confident and full-of-life Jasmina that I've always known. Rather, she looked like a shy, quiet girl.

But, Ya Allah, she looked stunning. Ma Sha Allah!

"Assalam Alaikum." I said, walking over to her. Right now, I was dressed in a white shalwar kameez, and I felt simple compared to this gorgeous woman sitting in front of me.

"Walaikum Assalam." She replied in a barely audible tone.

I reached out and lightly grabbed a forelock of her hair before reciting the supplication that I was told that a groom should recite upon seeing his bride for the first time. I also recited Ayat-ul-Kursi, one of the most powerful protection supplication, and blew it over her, before holding out my hand towards her. She slid her hand into mine and the feeling of her soft skin against mine created this new warmth inside my chest. She stood up and stared up at me, as we kept our fingers laced together. I stepped closer and pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Welcome to my family, Jasmina Fawad." I whispered, placing my hands lightly on her hips.

Her cheeks turned pink, and a small smile appeared on her soft lips, the lips that I couldn't stop staring at. But when she looked up at me, my eyes were diverted to the beauty of those wide brown orbs.

"Would you like to go out with me for a quick bite to eat?" I smiled at her.

She looked surprised before a light giggle escaped her lips. "Yes, Dr Fawad Ali. I would love to go on a date with my husband."


As mentioned before, I have added more details to Jasmina & Fawad's story now, including of the days leading up to their marriage, and their wedding functions.

They are married!

This version will focus more on their relationship, rather than the unnecessary drama. 

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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