Chapter 4

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Sirens were supposed to be myths, but it seemed that in the future anything is really possible. Even underwater their voices are horribly hyptonic, filling the flood of salt water with words that sounded familiar and not at the same time. They were pretty, too. As pretty as a car wreck: teeth as sharp as razor blades, nails akin to claws and skins radiating light in the dark waters. Their scales acted as armor, and they fought with the grace of any other sea animal.

Not that they were easy to see in the slightest. They moved with the currents, faster than the eye could follow. They upheld the title of "Monster" easily.

Giant Sea turtles, dolphins, average fish, all became their opponents, doing what they could to interfer with the agenda of the Sirens. Octopi and sharks dealt the most damage, cutting off the sickening sweet voices with horrific gutted screams and trails of red dye.

There are other pressing matters though, despite the carnage and death of the same Sirens who just tried to steal Felix's soul.

Jax floats limply not far away, having been dazed by Xeno's misguided explosion, and then having the air knocked from his lungs when the water rushed in.

Felix, who hadn't had breath in the first place, flails about trying to find the surface without any sense of direction at all. The nail marks on his throat throb an ugly red.

However, Joel, thrashes wildly in the waves, lungs half full of water and eyes burning from salt. For all his discombobulated movement, its obvious that he had never learned to swim, and he was going to drown unless someone did something.

The red siren reappears in an instant, her scarlet lips pulled together in a smile as she sets her eyes on Kori. She seems as interested in the girl as she was in Felix, ignoring everyone else she darts forward with her hands reaching for the mutant girl.....


Start Main Chain Here! :)

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