Chapter 7

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The sky is a lot darker than before, as if while underwater the entire world had slipped into an alternate dimesion. The dark purples and midnight blues blend in with the ink of the lapping waves.

Caelo's eyes are luminscent. They glow a pale, yet striking yellow as she lifts her head just over the waves. She doesn't look any more impressed with them than before.

The second each of the mutants heads rise above the water, there is a crackle and a heavy wind that strikes them all. Cealo lets out a breath of relief, and sinks back slightly. Her magic had worn off.

"It's night," She said, as if they hadn't been able to figure out by the glowing orb in the sky. Her tone dips slightly, "I loved the night." She shook her head quickly erasing the thought. It had taken them a while to reach the surface, and Caelo hadn't exactly been the most loquacious of tour guides. In fact those had been the first words she had said since the talk with her father.

"Where's the ship?" Xeno asked.

The waters lap peacefully-- a stark constrast from the battle earlier. It's hard to believe that below the plane sea water there was an entire city, and hundreds of people who lived in it.

Cealo pointed to a large shadow that hung above the waves in the glittering moonlight. It wasn't obvious, but that could be because it was far out.

"It's almost out of our waters," Caelo said sternly, "From the direction its going, I can assume it is heading for Superbia." At their blank looks she elaborated, "Destiny lives there. If the rumors are true then they must be ransoming your precious cryopod to her. If they get to port, you will lose your chance to intercept it." She looked thoughtful, "One has to wonder what is so great about this cryopod person that the dealer of fates would taint her repuation by bargining with Pirates."

The wind shifted slightly causing Cealo to glance up, "Oh," she said, "and it looks like a storm is coming." She smiled (though it seemed rather forced, as if she had never used those muscles before in her life). "I suggest you get on board quick. Climbing up the side of a wooden boat slick with rain as it is tossed by the waves and drops pelt your face is not easy."

She offered one last look at Ash, "Good luck."

Then she jumped and dove back into the water with a quiet 'splosh' leaving them alone with the semeblance of a plan and distant thunder.


Start Main Chain here! :)

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