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Luminous irises stared directly above, their green glow reflecting off the scarlett lenses of his mother's goggle covered eyes, locked onto the silver scalpel that she held in her hand.

Danny could feel his chest heaving as his parents stood over him in an almost insane manner. He closed his eyes tightly, teeth grinding as he clenched his fists, waiting, wanting, yearning for someone to interfere.

Although he could not see anything, the white haired halfa knew that the shiny blade in Maddie Fenton's possession was inching closer and closer to tearing at his flesh.

He had to do something.


"W-wait..." Danny whispered weakly, tired from the chase that had pursued for several hours beforehand. The specter had been heading home from his nightly patrol and was taken down from behind by a well aimed tranquilizer dart from none other than his own mother. After that, his parents had dampened out his powers and now he was currently chained to a table with antiecto cuffs.

"C-can't w-we j-just t-talk a-about this?" The ghost asked shakily, trying to lighten up the feeling of depression sinking within him.

"Silence, ghost." The orange clad male barked coldly, glaring down at the spectral entity who he had no idea was his own kin.

"Please don't open me up..." Danny begged, eyes widening pleafully as his pupils were black pools flooded with fear.

"Don't be so pathetic, Phantom." Maddie snapped, harshly slapping the ghost across the face. Danny hissed at the stinging produced by the violent physical contact, a greenish mark forming where the scientist's gloved hand had met the side of Phantom's dimly glowing face.

"Yeah." Jack added. "You're not going anywhere, ghost." He poked a finger at Danny for emphasis.

Danny's gaze shifted from his mother to his father, and back to his mother again. They were yet to start the dissection. He felt the edge of the scalpel's sharp blade on the skin of his throat just above his vocal cords. The halfa knew he had to act fast if he wanted to be able to laugh with Sam and Tucker again.

"What if we made a deal?" Phantom asked quickly, "We could work-."

The spine chilling laughter of his parents cut across him.

"Make a deal? With you?" Maddie spat. "A ghost of all things? That's just a death wish."

"Other ghosts probably won't be so willing."

"So?" Jack barked. "We'd just dissect them too."

"But I-"

"But you what, ghost?" The woman in blue asked, her tone laced with poison. "You'll try to kill us like any other ghost. You're all the same."

"But we're not!" Danny contradicted, "I hate the Ghost Zone. I try to avoid going there at all costs. Most of the other ghosts hate me, so why not try to get back at them for all they've done?"

The Fenton couple paused.

"And if we accept?"

"You can put a tracker on me or somethin'." The green eyed ghost-boy said. "Whatever makes you feel safe. But as long as I can continue fighting ghosts, I'm not that bothered. I could even hand them over to you for studying. Whatcha say? Do we have a deal?"

Neither of the two adults spoke, and Jack began to rummage around the table that stood at the far side of the lab while his wife looked down at Phantom with an intense, red goggled stare. Danny gulped, blinking intently.

"I've got it!" Jack's baritone voice called from the other side of the lab with his fist clearly clenched around the object he had been looking for.

'Probably another scalpel so he can slice at my guts too.'

Jack opened his hand and placed the small device into Maddie's waiting palm. Her fingers closed around it.


Danny sat on a large piece of floating rock a deep shade of purple eyeing just above the DP logo on his chest. A tiny, microchip styled tracker stuck to his ectoplasmic form like a magnet, the small red dot in the centre flashing every so often.

He had never expected his parents to agree to his plan. The halfa decided he should have thought about this before throwing his caution to the wind.

Now, he was stuck with a beeping tracker on his chest which he could not remove no matter how hard he tried.

Danny's white bangs fluttered as he sighed. His mother's words echoed in his thoughts.

'This tracker is electrically attracted to ectoplasm. Placing it on you will sync it up to your ectoplasmic signal, and no amount of ghostly intangibility will get it off...'

He looked around the Ghost Zone from the rock where he sat with his legs dangling over the edge. He grasped the tracker once again, pulling at it to the point where his jumpsuit came close to ripping.

No such luck.

Danny grit his teeth in annoyance, muffling a grunt, as he tugged at the tracker even more. He took off his gloves.

"Come on! Come on!" The teen growled, scrapping his nails under the tracker in an attempt to loosen it from his body.

'No amount of ghostly intangibility will get it off...'

'...Ghostly intangibility...'

"THAT'S IT!" Danny exclaimed as he snapped his fingers in realisation. "I can't get the tracker off while I'm ghost, but because humans are the ghosts in the Ghost Zone, then I should be able to get it off while I'm human. Curse me and my C-grade average brain."

Yanking his white gloves back over his fingers, Danny allowed for the familiar glowing rings to form around him, changing back into Danny Fenton. He watched as the tracker phased through his chest and fell to the ground.

"Now to get back home."

With that, Danny jumped into the air, transformed once more and flew back to the Fenton Portal.


"Danny! Where took you so long?" The demanding tone of Jazz met Danny's ears, signaling that he had probably broken curfew again.

"Ghost trouble. But I handled it fine." Danny strugged, "Don't worry about me, Jazz."

"If you say so. Mom and Dad are looking for you, by the way." The red head informed her younger sibling.

"Ah. Okay."

"DANNY!" The living room door slammed open as the two older Fentons came bursting through it.

"Where have you been?!" His mother looked down at her son with disappointment and disapproval, as did his father.

"Mom, Dad. I'm sorry!" Danny rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, blue eyes locked onto the floor. "I was with Tucker, he got a new videogame and-!"

His father, Jack Fenton, cut across him. "Don't lie, Danny. We we're just 'round Tucker's looking for ya."

"Danny," Maddie began, taking a breath, "You must not stay out past your curfew. It is there to keep you safe. We don't want a ghost to get you, do we?"

She pulled her only son into a tight hug. "We don't want you to get hurt."

"I know. I'm sorry." Danny hugged her back.

"But you're grounded for a week."

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