Talking to Luna

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I woke up the next morning stunned. Was it all a dream? I thought. I punched myself and nothing happened so I assumed that it wasn't a dream. One hint: DONT ASSUME! After I get on my robes I got to what I think is my new boyfriend. I kissed him right on the cheek. He turned around with his face bright red, as if it was a tomato.
"G-Ginny?! What are you doing?" He asks. I remember last night being a little fuzzy but now I realize that this was all a dream and I just embarrassed myself!! He looked at me with a shocked face and it an out the door. What was I thinking?! I though to myself. I am so stupid! How could I think that was real?! I slapped myself with this old diary I found on my desk. It was black and it had gold corners. I figured that I should put it down but I didn't I just kept hitting myself with it and saying stupid. I have to go talk to Luna I thought. I grabbed my map from my drawer and opened it to see where the Ravenclaw common room was. As soon as I saw it on the map I started to run, but of course, guess who I ran into? You got it right: Harry Potter! It took us at least five tries to get past each other and both of our cheeks were so red. I ran out of the Gryffindor common room and rushed down what seemed like a million flights of stairs. I see the portrait leading to the Ravenclaw common room. Thankfully, a Ravenclaw was just walking in so I was just able to sneak in by like a second.
"Luna!" I yelled.
"Ginny? Is that you?" She questions while running down the stairs. She was wearing her tie along with her robe and her hair was curled as usual. She wore a pretty pearled blue head band.
"I need to tell you something!" I said.
"Ok! Are you ok?" She questioned with a concerned look on her face.
"Well, I don't know. So late night I had a dream that Harry kissed me and I have feelings for him. It felt so real that I didn't think it was a dream, sooooo, this morning I may have kissed him on the cheek." I explained the whole story to her and even her cheeks were tomato red. I could tell that she was embarrassed for me and I was screwed.
"Omg! I can't believe you did that!" She laughed. I started to laugh with her until I realized the time.
"Bloody hell!" I yelled. We have to go to our first class of the day! I tell her.
"Oh no! Ok we better rush!" She replies. She looks at my schedule. You have potions first you have to hurry! She yells. I run out the door without even saying goodbye. I fell bad but I figure that I will talk to her later about all of this. After running down at least 5 flights of stairs I get to the potions class room. I look at my watch before I enter the door and I am 20 minutes late! It only seemed that we were talking for like 5 minutes! How could this be? I walk into the class ready to be yelled at and that is exactly what I got.
"I- " he cut me off.
"I don't want to hear any ifs ands or buts about it! Now sit down in your seat and be quiet!" He barks. That is exactly what I do. But, of course, the only seat that is left is the one by Harry.
"Hey Ginny?" He asks.
"Yes?" I question pretending to not know what he is talking about. I blush a little but then I remember that I can't because I have to pull this excuse off as best as I can.
"What was that thing about this morning?" He questioned.
"Trust me, Harry, you out of all people would not want to know." I tell him. We both laugh.
"Come on you can tell me." He says.
"Let's just forget it ever happened." I reply. He smiles but I can see that it is killing him. I see one tear roll down his face and this is when I figured out that Harry Potter liked me back.

Hey guys! I hope you liked that chapter! Remember to comment your thoughts and votes! I would love to hear any of your suggestions!~Sunny❤️

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