Heart System Initiated ++

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Enter Player Name: Riley

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I banged my fist against the dull green door for the third time. I waited, shifting on my feet, tapping an impatient rhythm. Adrenaline pricked my nerves like a liter of black coffee pumped through my veins, making it impossible to stay still.

Once I received Noah's text, I scrambled out of bed, threw some clothes on, and crashed my way over to hear about the meeting with his father. I may or may not have broken a lamp on the way. Pinning a trip to IKEA.

My sandals could not contain my toes.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A dark cloud loomed over my excitement.

I looked over my shoulder, expecting the devil to rain down on my parade. But the text did not immediately say, 'sorry Riley, he can't help.' Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, filling me with hope and a need to puke. Hope had that effect. Every time, I told myself; Don't be a fool. The odds are never in my favor. If I were Katniss Everdeen, there would be no pretty boy with a fetish for bread or masses lining up behind me. But what was the point of moving forward? If not for myself, at least for my brothers, I would stomach the nauseating feeling of hope.

"Knock! Kno—"

"Jesus, what's the hurry?" Noah growled from the other side like a bear woken from hibernation.

It all happened in slow motion—the door opening. Noah's barely covered body glistened, dripping wet from a shower. His annoyed expression transformed into a sly smile when his green eyes met mine. Drops of water dipped from his dark, lengthened soft curls and slid down his well-toned body, tracing the ridges of his abs and disappearing down his dangerously low hanging towel.

I saw it all. Every muscle in my body tensed as my brain screamed for my hand to stop. My knuckles collided against Noah's skin.

"Umm." I gulped. My hand snapped to my side, burned by his hot skin. The vibrations of the impact made his chest rumble. My gaze remained glued on him, like a bee stuck on honey, as it rose and fell, guiding the water down the crevice of his pecs.

"My eyes are up here, Riley." My name rolled off the tip of his tongue, teasing my ears.

"Phhsuuii," — I retorted — "I know how bodies work, Noaaah. I took anatomy." Were those words a stroke of genius or a manifestation of a short-circuiting brain? I quickly assured myself it was the former.

"Did you now?" Noah asked, right eyebrow arched high. He crossed his arms over his chest, making his muscles more pronounced, and assumed position for a battle of wits.

"You said you wanted to talk?" I cut that conversation from its stem. I couldn't let the heavenly sight before me distract me from what was important— my parents.

The more time I spent with Noah, the more I realized he was a total flirt. A good one too. It would be easy to get caught up in those brilliant green eyes and teasing smirks. I'll have to imagine him in granny underpants for the rest of my life.

"Yes. Why don't you come in? I'll put on some clothes, and then we can chat?" He stepped to the side and extended his hand, offering me the right of way.


The soles of my slippers clacked against the floor as we walked into the apartment. Once inside, he closed the door, and we made our way through a small archway. There, all his shoes, most of which were business casual, were neatly stacked on a rack. The small innerspace led to the center of his apartment, where a couch sat.

"Sit here while I go get changed. I'll be back in a bit," Noah said, patting the sofa. He strode to the black door at the back of the living room and disappeared through it.

I bit my nail and looked around. The apartment layout was similar to mine, a somewhat ample living room space with an adjacent kitchen. A half-wall that served as a counter divided the area.

I turned to the door Noah disappeared through, but it was still closed. I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair, remembering I probably looked like a bruja minus the broom, and gazed aimlessly around the apartment again.

It had been a few days since the whole moving apocalypse, so it astounded me how little and empty it still looked. Other than the couch and a dining room table, there weren't many furnishings. The only decoration was the occasionally discarded shirt here and there. Even the kitchen looked like it hardly got any use.

Why was he taking so long? I let out a sigh and sat as Noah suggested.

The black leather couch squealed as I leaned into it. The clock on the wall ticked, each movement of the second hand — an itch on the back of my neck. I looked around the apartment again. This time, my attention landed on the disassembled computer pieces on top of the dining room table. Fuck. I was so busy with my own problems that I entirely forgot about the 15k that I cost Noah.

The door creaked open, and I zapped around.

Is this man anti-shirt? Despite Noah being as dry as the Sahara desert, he only wore a pair of tight-fitted, low-hanging black sweatpants.

"Soo.. um. You said you talked to your dad?" I cut to the chase, forcing myself to ignore his chiseled chest. Or how tight his sweatpants were around a particular mid area.

"Oh, yes!" He took long strides and flopped next to me. "My dad said that there might be a loophole or something that you could exploit. But, he would need to meet you and get more information about your specific situation."

"Really!" I micro-hopped in my seat. "That would be great. When can I meet him?" I asked, inching closer as if that would move time forward.

His smile dropped a little, but not all the way."He is going to be away for two weeks. But he said he can meet you if you come to my mother's event this Saturday. He will be returning for a short period for that."

"Oh." I don't know what I expected. Tomorrow? Today? This very freaking minute? But I reminded myself to act patient. Thankful. I ran my hands over my shorts and said, "Yeah, of course. Whatever works for him."

Noah's long fingers wrapped around mine, stopping their fidgeting. "I really hope he can help."

I wrapped my fingers around his tightly. My eyes fluttered up to him, and for a second, he looked different. Noah was something else. I don't think I ever met a nicer person, or one as unselfish. He had every reason to hate me right now. A fifteen thousand dollar reason. Yet, his smile, his green eyes, held nothing but care. Hope tugged at my lips as I spoke, "Noah—I... I don't know how to thank you for this."

He paused for a second before he smirked and tapped his chin. "A pina-colada."

My nose wrinkled. "A pina-colada?"

"Yes, I like to be treated once in a while." He winked and shrugged his shoulders matter of factly.

My fingers itched to pinch those dimples away. They were far too enthralling and needed to be destroyed to protect humanity. There was something about the way he joked, so lightheartedly, it was impossible not to smile back. "Sure. I owe you a pina-colada."

He leaned in closer, and that devilish glint returned to his forest eyes. "You know what that means, Riley?" His voice dropped to a husky tone.

"What's that?"

"We will be going on our first date, Cream Puff."

"Oh shut up, Noah!" I smacked him on the shoulder. He was shirtless. That's right; he was shirtless. "So, like, did shirts murder your favorite pet?" I asked and snapped my hand away. That only made him chuckle.

"Why, Riley? Is it distracting?" He asked in a husky tone bumping his pecs. Clearly to mess with me.

I wore an annoyed face, masterfully enough to win me the best actress award. "No." I snorted at him.

A cocky smirk wormed its way onto his face. He nodded to my cheeks and asked, "Are you sure?"

I resisted the urge to check if they were flaming like a jalapeno and shook my head at him. "I hate to break it to you, Noah, but you're not the first hot guy that I have seen." There, got him.

"So you think I am hot?" His dimples deepen. "Not, devilishly handsome?"

Fuck, he got me. "Your ego is clearly overly inflated."

Taking that as a challenge, he said, "Oh really?" He scooted closer, his bright green eyes locked on mine. "So," — his tan lips neared — "you wouldn't mind if I just...." His body nearly snuffed the distance between us.

There it was again, the comforting warmth that radiated off him like a summer's breeze. It caressed my skin, inviting me closer. I leaned in and smelled the cinnamon and wood soap scent that kissed his skin.

"If I just..." He bit his lip, and my breath caught in my throat. Was this an invitation? Or was it a dare? His right hand rose and came forward. His fingers extended, and my neck unconsciously stretched, welcoming his touch.

He pointed behind me.

"If I could just put on this shirt that you are leaning on?" The haze in his eyes cleared, and a devilish smirk snaked its way onto his face.


My face burned like a phoenix in an explosive combination of embarrassment, anger, and excitement. I wasn't quite sure which emotion to feel. Stricken mute, I leaned forward. He reached behind me and pulled a dark navy t-shirt.

That bastard wore a proud, cocky smirk on his face.

My jaw tightened.

I wanted to smack it away. Ever since we met, he has enjoyed teasing me a little too much. Someone needed to put him in his place. I knew that I should leave it alone, but he deserved to get a taste of his own medicine.

FUCK IT! I would match his challenge.

"Noah?" his name left my lips, catching his attention.

He turned around, a questioning look adorning his handsome face. "What's u—"

I lunged forward and grabbed onto his freshly put on t-shirt. With all my strength, I forced his body towards mine. It was inevitable. He blinked as his lips crashed into mine.

At first, his lips were immobile, stunned by the suddenness of the kiss. Unresponsive to the sensual motion of mine. I bit his bottom lip, trying to snap him out of his hazy state. My eyes hooded open. That was a mistake. His bright green eyes shone with primal need, like a lion realizing that a gazelle had walked into its den — ready to be devoured.

Shivers wracked through my body, setting my skin on fire. This time, it was me who was stunned. Me, who was taken back by that sultry gaze.

His eyes closed, and his lips moved forward. He was exactly where I wanted.

Using all the willpower I could muster, which diminished with every second that ticked by, I pushed against his chest. He pulled back, looking dazed and confused.

"See, nothing," I said and patted him on the chest as if nothing had happened.


I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @AndiJ37 for giving me some great advice on it. If you have some time go check out her stuff <3

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