Level 1 ++

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Enter Player Name: Riley

"What do you see in my eyes, Riley?" Noah's smokey voice dripped like a hypnotic melody into my ears.

My mouth dried, and my breath eluded me.

The subtle and grassy scent of his cologne awakened my senses, seducing me closer. His bright green eyes looked at me, so clear... so tempting... my heart pounded against my chest. Heat radiated from his body and caressed my skin. His lips approached, erasing the passage of time.

It was all a bit... Intoxicating...

My insides tingled with anticipation...

His lips were so close...


Just a little bit...




A phone alarm ripped through the cold night air, snapping me out of his seductive spell. We jolted away from each other. Instantly, the crisp air swooped in and snuffled the comforting heat fanning from his skin.

Fuck. I looked away, ashamed to be acting like a schoolgirl at twenty three. This wasn't like me, to get so easily swayed by a handsome face. A very, very handsome face.

Noah cleared his throat while silencing the phone. "It's 10:30 pm. I think it's time for me to escort you home as I promised." He extended his neck to rub the tension away, showing off his sharp jawline and strong Adam's apple. It shifted as he gulped.

Dammit, Riley! I scolded myself internally. Why am I so thirsty?

I must just be starving for some some. Between Mikey's school and the looming response to my parent's appeal, it's been a while since I hit Chris up. Maybe I'll text him and get his assistance in quenching this irrational need to ravish Noah all night.

Engrave it in your mind Riley, Noah is out of the question. No matter how scrummylicious.

"Yeah, let's head out." I dusted my pants and rose from the ground, avoiding his forest-colored eyes.

Not a word left our lips as we walked out of the alleyway, leaving the almost-kiss in that garden. My heart drummed loud against the vacuum of sound. It refused to let me ignore, that if the alarm did not sound, or rang just a minute later, we would have been devoured in an intoxicating kiss.

I sighed in relief when we exited to the streets, and the overwhelming atmosphere of the city assaulted us.

The darkness of the sky contrasted with the bright and colorful lights shining from nearby windows. The aroma of different foods mixed into a harmonic blend characteristic of the diversity that prevailed within the neighborhood. In this part of the city, I could taste the adobo in the air and feel the music in my bones. If it weren't for the smattering of stars across the sky, you wouldn't be able to guess it was past 11 PM.

The sound of honking cars and idle chatter vortexed around us, sucking the air from our lungs, leaving us without words. The gravity of my actions settled in.

What was I thinking? Allowing myself — even if for just a second — to indulge in the heat of the moment. I made strict rules to never bring relationship drama near my brothers. Not after him. Almost kissing my neighbor definitely fell into that category of drama that I wanted — had — to avoid.

"So, Riley..." Noah's voice grasped my attention. He rubbed the back of his neck again. "Do you want to talk about the reason you were crying tonight?"

My jaw tensed at the question. I didn't understand why he even cared. It's not like we knew each other like that or that he owed me something. "It's kind of complicated," I said, not wanting to unload a year's worth of frustration on his poor unsuspecting soul.

"I can handle complicated things," he answered back, bumping my shoulder and flashing his dimples.

I scoffed, but laughed slightly. "Why are you being so nice, Noah?"

His right eyebrow rose and his nose wrinkled. "Do I need a reason to be kind?"

"Most people do."

"Such a bleak view of humanity." His green eyes connected with mine. "I believe in putting good out into the world. It might one day return to me."

I contemplated his softly spoken words. They seemed so wise, yet so stupid — misguided. I had tried to be the best version of myself. Maybe 'the good', whatever the fuck that was, took a wrong turn in making its way back to me. Or got hit by a car if my luck was any indication.

"I always thought my parents were outstanding people. They worked hard and did everything in their power to give my brothers and me the life they didn't have."

"That's great, my mom was the same way," he interjected.

"Just like you, they believed that you should help others," I continued. "Because one day you may need someone to stretch theirs. They lived by that philosophy. One day, when they were coming home from an anniversary date, they stopped to help a kid that was getting bullied by a group of teenagers. The situation got heated, and the cops showed up, and my dad pushed one of them back. The cops arrested everyone and brought them into the police station. Can you guess what happened to the kids and my parents?"

"I don't know." His voice drifted into a whisper.

"Both my parents were here illegally. I hate that word so much... So, while the kids got to go home because it was just a silly fight, my parents were turned over to immigration."

"Riley, I am so sor—"

"It's okay." I halted his words. I didn't need to hear the usual spiel. "It's been a year already. To be frank, I am a little numb to the whole situation at this point. Sometimes, whenever I pass a teenager, I wonder if it's one of the ones from the fight. According to the reports, they should be 17 by now. Just about Jay's age. I really hope that it was worth it."

"There has to be something that can be done, right?" He grabbed my shoulders gently. A familiar futile attempt to comfort me.

"One would think so." I placed my hand over his and slid it away. I turned away from his reassuring touch, letting the big city engulf me in its vastness. I didn't need it. Didn't want it. I just wanted my parents. I stopped and looked back at him. "You wanted to know why I was crying tonight?"

"Yes, of course."

"I had a meeting with our lawyer earlier today. He very calmly informed me that my appeal for my parents to return got denied. Not because they were bad people or criminals, but because I am doing a half-decent job of making sure that my brothers are well-fed, healthy, and clothed. " The words bleed out of me like a freshly cut wound. My throat tightened as I choked, "H..how does that make any Fucking sense?"

Noah's lips thinned as he hurried, trying to match my brisk pace.

"I'm sorry" — I breathed, stopping mid-stride — "I shouldn't have unloaded that on you."

I expected him to look at me like I was crazy. I felt crazy. Yet, his deep green eyes held my gaze, comforting me. His hand came around, grabbing each of my shoulders in a reassuring hold.

"It's okay," he whispered into my hair. This time I did not pull away. "Maybe I can send some good your way."

I looked at him in doubt. "What can you do?"

"Well, my father is a judge. He also knows a lot of influential people." He scratched under his chin. "I'll talk to him, see if there is anything he can do or suggest."

"Really?" My mood flipped on a dime.

"Of course. I don't want to get your hopes up, since I'm not sure how much he will be able to help, but it doesn't hurt to ask."

Don't do it Riley, I told myself. Don't let the bubbling feeling of hope back into your life. It's hurt you before and it will hurt you again. The words built in my throat, filling like a dam, until they ruptured out.

"Thank you so much, Noah!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms. He stumbled backward. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he wrapped his strong arms around me and lifted me up. The strong scent of his musky cologne encompassed me, and I leaned into it.

"Riley? Is that you?"

A familiar and unwelcomed voice soured the celebration. Noah lowered me to the ground and turned to the voice. Hands still on Noah's chest, I scorned at the offending figures. Of course.

If the universe was so benevolent to give me a snippet of good, it needed to also take a giant shit next to it.

"It's good to see you, Riley. You look well," Daniel said. And there is the giant shit.

The bastard who must not be named had not changed much since I last saw him. The same short red hair and bright blue eyes. I used to love looking into them. Now, I just wanted to give him a bloody nose to match the mop-top. Make that two, the other after the first one healed.

He wore the black leather jacket I gifted him our last Christmas together, complemented with a simple white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I hated to admit it, but he wore it so well. Uggh, why couldn't he have turned into a 300lb loner? It irked me how he acted like we were old pals. As if he did not break my heart when I needed him the most. As if he did not have his arm wrapped around my ex-roommate Jessica after he fucked her on my old bed.

"Hi, Riley," Jessica greeted. Her brown eyes shifted awkwardly between Daniel and me, like she knew what a backstabbing bitch she was.

I shouldn't be mad at her. After all, she wasn't the one that owed me loyalty. Daniel. He was the cliche for cheating. To this day, I could not comprehend what I ever saw in him.

Noah's hand rested on my lower back as he broke the silence. "Who are these people?"

"You haven't told your new boyfriend about me?" Daniel asked, offended that his existence didn't still pester my life.

I should have corrected him, but his parting words, "good luck finding someone that puts up with your shit," left a deep scar.

For a long time, I believed him. Eventually, I did try to build another relationship, but that quickly devolved into a recurring fling with Chris. It seemed that most guys had an issue with being third on my priority list. First were my brothers, then my job, and finally, them.

I didn't want him to know he was right; that I abandoned all hopes of having any meaningful relationship until Jay was in college and Mikey was much older. My future had cat lady written all over it.

"Should I have?" I asked, dancing around his statement. I shot Noah a pleading look to not correct him.

Daniel looked Noah up and down, scrutinizing every detail and tried to match his height. But it was a failure, Noah easily towered over him. "Well" — Daniel tisked — "we did date for three years. I can't believe you found another fool."

Jessica remained quiet, shooting me the occasional apologetic look.

"You mustn't have been that significant then," Noah interjected. He gave Daniel a bored glance like he was nothing more than a fly to swat away.

I almost high-fived Noah right there for such a magnificent response. Daniel's chin slanted up, a scold on his slender face.

"Well, pal, I bet you feel significant right now." Danie's head wobbled like a bobblehead. "But just wait, it won't be long before this girl pushes you to the sidelines once more 'important' things come around."

Noah spurned at his words. "Oh, I think I remember you now." Noah's hand tightened around my waist, pulling me closer against his chest. "Love, is he the one with the 'little problem'?" He gestured to Daniel's pants with his pinky to drive the point home.

Scratch that. I wanted to kiss Noah for kicking Daniel's ego in the nuts.

Noah didn't know this, but I hinted to Daniel a couple of times that he needed to work on his 'bedroom skills' —as if he had any. Too many times did I have to sneak a hand and get the job done myself. After that, Daniel became colder and distant.

"Oh, sugar plum" — I tapped my fingers against Noah's nose — "you know I don't like talking about that." I let my finger trail down his neck and rest on his broad chest. I swirled my finger against Noah's parted shirt with a hint of sensual suggestiveness.

Noah's eyebrows raised comically at his nickname. I almost broke character and ruptured into laughter. He smirked wickedly — a silent promise to make me regret it.

"You're right, my little Cream Puff." His attention turned to Daniel and Jessica. "Thanks for the advice, man, but I think I'll be okay. I myself can't resist a woman who has her priorities straight." He added a kiss on my shoulder for emphasis. If I had not been enjoying watching the vein on Daniel's forehead pop, I would've trembled. Noah's voice twisted with a seductive spell. "Something about it makes me want to make sure she is well pleased."

Even Jessica blushed.

Noah turned to me and said, "Cream Puff, let's head back home." He bit his lip like he couldn't wait to take a bite. "I want to see that thing you said you were going to wear for me."

Noah, you rascal!

His hand slipped from my waist to over my shoulders. He guided me past Daniel and Jessica as I waved them a cheerful goodbye while wearing a victorious smile on my face. Once out of earshot, our serious exterior crumbled into jolts of laughter.

"Sugar plum? Really, Riley? That's the best nickname you could come up with?" Noah asked, hand pounding to his chest in outrage.

I tapped my finger on his nose. "I think it's cute."

He squared his shoulders. "If I'm going to be your fake boyfriend, I deserve a better nickname."

"Oh? Like what?"

"I submit 'magnificent stallion' for review."


"I assure you, it is not an exaggeration." He wagged his eyebrows naughtily.

I blinked, and a blush spread over my face. "I'll consider your request."

"Ohh, what a magnanimous fake girlfriend I have," he proclaimed to the world as he followed behind me.

The remnants of laughter died in my chest. I combed my hair behind my ear and looked up at Noah. "Thanks a lot for playing along. Things between Daniel and I ended on a nasty note. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was still single."

Noah's nose flared. "You haven't moved on?"

Was that disappointment I detected?

"No, it's not that," — I snorted — "I know my worth, and I am far better off without him." I held my head high. I refused to grovel over men like him. I looked around the streets to notice a father bouncing his daughter in his hands. He laughed as his wife scolded him before walking back into the house.

"Then why care about what he thinks?" Noah asked.

"I don't." I wrapped myself in my arms. "I just refuse to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he was right in making me feel small for choosing my brothers and job over him. It's a choice I would make any day. Family comes first."

Noah looked confused. "So he broke up with you because you were busy with your job and brothers?" He waved his finger in the air, attempting to follow the logic of his own words.

I snorted and narrowed my eyes. "He broke up with me because he is a small man; that was just the excuse he used to cheat on me." The hurt in my voice betrayed my confidence.

Noah tugged at my wrist and held my hand in his larger one. His fingers were smooth against mine, not a single scratch. "He is an imbecile. Any man would be lucky to have you."

Without due or reason, my eyes fluttered to him and my ears burned hot. "You don't know me enough to say that." I tried to steady my beating heart. "I also broke your computer."

He tapped his finger on his lips. "Maybe he is the lucky one."

"Oh, shut up." I smacked his shoulder, earning me a laugh.

His green eyes shined brighter in the darkness of the night. "On a serious note, I can tell you are quite amazing, Riley." He smirked. "Trust me; I am a great judge of character."

I pressed my palm to my cheek to hide my deeping blush. "What a big ego you have?"

"It's not the only—"

"Don't." My ear's burned hot already knowing the end to that joke. I didn't need any images flooding my head.

Before I could muster a thank you, we reached our destination. The place that we called home. Its bricks were weathered down from decades of rain and snow, yet its pastel-colored red tone was charming. A fire escape zig-zagged from side to side across the front. The staircase railings were adorned with shimmering lights, a sign of the approaching holidays.

Noah opened the front door. I mumbled a quick "thank you" and followed him up the stairs. A somber feeling settled around us. Part of me didn't want the night to end. It was nice to step out of my reality for a second and enjoy Noah's flirting. But it was time to return to life.

Once we reached the fifth floor, we turned to each other.

"That was fun" - "Thanks a lot," we said in unison.

We laugh awkwardly. It reminded me of the first time a date walked me home.

"Noah?" I asked.


"I wanted to thank you for being so nice tonight."

His dimples appeared. "Of course; anytime."

"Well, I guess I should head in. Have a good night." I lazily waved goodbye, and turned towards my door. I paused, not sure what for, then slid the key into the lock.

"Riley?" Noah's voice stopped me from pushing the door open.

I turned around. He was already inside his apartment, holding on to the door. Noah's green eyes gleamed as his dark curls fell softly around his chiseled cheeks. With a devilishly handsome smirk on his face, he said, "don't forget to dream about me, Cream Puff."

With that, he closed his door.

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