Mini-Boss Battle Round 1 +

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Enter Player Name: Riley

I stared at the dress laying on my bed. I had taken it off three times already, wondering if wearing it was the right choice. Every time, Noah's voice whispered in my head, 'Ravishing'

I wasn't sure what was more nerve-wracking. That dressing in it was a silent declaration that I wanted him to ravish me with his eyes. Or the fear that he would think differently. But, it was too late to back down. My makeup matched the color of the gown; Bright crimson red lipstick with a very light-pink blush and eyeshadow to contrast.

Pushing all doubts aside, I slipped into the soft fabric and took one final look in my mirror.

It was amazing how well it fit. The front wrapped tightly around my waist and chest, showing just enough of my cleavage to dance on the sexy side of the border between sexy and slutty. The bottom was far more conservative. It flowed down in multiple layers of red lace and silk, framed in a mermaid cut. A set of black heels pulled the look together.

With a new sense of determination, I marched out of my bedroom, purse clenched tight in my hands. Mikey gasped, and he and Jay turned to observe my catwalk.

"So, what do you think?" I said, twirling in the air and striking a silly pose.

Mikey jumped on the couch with both hands up. "AMAZING!"

"You look nice," Jay murmured under his breath.

"Thank you, guys. Now, remember, dinner is already on the stove. All you have to do is heat it." I walked over to the grey couch and gave them both a sloppy, big kiss on the forehead. Jay grumbled out a 'I'm too old for this shit' when it was his turn. I wiped off the lipstick stain, and said, "Don't wait up for me, I don't know how long it will take to meet Noah's dad."

I walked to the door and stopped before opening it. "Oh, and Jay, don't burn the house down."

A vein popped out of Jay's forehead. He screamed, "Just go already! Your ass is like 30 mins late."

I threw them one last air kiss before exiting the apartment.

My arm hair spiked and my heart halted.

Noah was already outside, leaning against his green door while looking at his phone. The cellphone light cast shadows on his cheekbones, highlighting his deep dimples and bright forest eyes. His dark curls, combed back with a single rogue strand falling across his light-toned face. He wore a navy tuxedo with the confidence and deliverance of a spy. A red bowtie and pocket square accentuate his look. No doubt, an intentional choice to match my dress.

If I thought he looked handsome before... Well today he looked downright lick your finger delicious. There was something about a man in a tux.

Green eyes flickered up and widened. Noah's gaze trailed the length of my leg as it slipped past the cut of the dress. With just one look, he kissed the curve of my waist, grazed my neck and stole a breathless kiss from my lips. His eyes settled on mine. The silence drummed loudly against my nerves.

"So, what do you think?" I asked, even more nervous now.

Noah's voice roughened. "I think I was wrong."

"Wrong?" A cold wind scratched down my back, chilling me to the bone. That was not the reaction I expected.

He propped himself off the door and strutted over — each long step, slow and deliberate. He paused inches from me. His gaze danced around my body, devouring every detail and engraving the sight into his memory. He slipped two fingers under my chin and tilted my head up. "Ravishing does not properly describe how amazing you look."

His intense gaze cut though my heart and my cheeks heated like a flaming jalapeno. I cleared my throat and looked away, unable to handle the intensity of his stare.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

He offered his right arm and I wrapped my fingers around it. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. This is not a date, I reminded myself. Tonight I had one goal, and that was to talk to Noah's dad.

We walked in silence, the clacking of my heals matching his seamless steps. Once outside, Noah held the passenger car door open. With a quick smile, I buckled in. He jogged across the front and I chuckled at the thought of him dressed as a chauffeur.

The car ride was remarkably silent. The tension was so thick, a butter knife could slice through the air. I tried to crack some jokes, but everytime my palms would sweat and my heart decided to sprint a marathon, so I kept my lips tight. It irritated me to be so nervous. It was just Noah after all.

I wondered... was my resolve to keep our relationship platonic crumbling?

Noah's fingers jittered, tapping on the steering wheel. He rubbed his neck furiously before turning on the radio. Music filled the background — a much needed disturbance. "Feel free to switch the station," he offered, eyes full ahead on the road.

I jumped at the opportunity to preoccupy myself and flipped through the radio stations. Jazz, Hip Hop, not even the Friday song was distracting enough. I continued to press the NEXT button furiously.

My finger froze. The recognizable reggaeton beat spilled into the car like a rapper shattered through the window and started singing on the back seat. Images of sitting on a worn down couch, fighting through teeth and nails with Jay over the gaming remote while my mom blasted music in the background, flashed across my mind. I chuckled, at the usual accompanying threat of the chancla if we didn't stop. Does it make me a masochist to miss that?

"What has you laughing?" Noah inquired.

"Just this song, it brings back memories."

"What does it say?"

"I thought you could speak Spanish?" I narrowed my eyes. Mr. Ramirez's embarrassing words were still fresh in my mind.

He chuckled and stole a glance through the rear-view mirror. His green eyes brightened up at my stare. "Not really," he said.

"Then how did you know what Mr. Ramirez was saying?"

"Context clues. Also, your blush was very telling."

I need a better poker face, I grunted at his smug smile. Ignoring the curve of his lip, I said, "Well, it's about two friends. One of them is talking about how he is in love with this married woman and has given in to temptation. The other friend is cheering him on to go for it, using his love for his wife as an example. As a kid, it didn't click until the end that they were talking about the same woman. I was like whaaat!"

Noah snorted. "That's cute."

"Here comes my favorite part, the guy confesses, and the friend says 'why' so dramatically." I laughed and repeatedly patted his arm, waiting for the beat to drop.

On cue, the lead singer sang, "Queeeeeee?"

Memories continued to pour into my mind like an endless stream.

"This song is so dramatic, I suppose all Spanish media is. I don't think I ever watched a telenovela with my mom that didn't have one secret bother, an affair, a poisoning, and at least two murders, you know, aside from the two fake-deaths." Our eyes met through the mirror, I couldn't help but blush at the twinkle in his eyes. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

"I like hearing you talk. It's never a boring experience." Noah winked.

The next song came on, and my feet tapped to the beat even before the lyrics rang. The seatbelt strap wrapped around my body like a restraining jacked obstructing the itch to dance. I sang along and thank the lord Noah didn't understand the lyrics. There was no amount of holy water that could cleanse the thirstiness of the lyrics.

Noah leaned over and asked, "What's this one about?"

"I'm not translating this one." I ignored his prying eyes and stared out the window. My hips swung to the rhythm, slow and steady, opposite to the motion of my shoulders.

"Hey, Riley?" Noah's husky voice dripped down my back as he pulled the car into the service lane.

My waist ceases its sensual motion. "Is everything ok?" I turned and my breath was stolen by his sultry, come hither gaze. His green eyes fell to my mouth and turned hungry, he licked his lip as if desperate for a taste. His next words drummed across my skin

"If I offer you a glass and I get close to your mouth.

If I steal a kiss, will you get angry with me?

What would you say? If tonight, I seduced you in my car. Fogged up the windows. The only rule is that you enjoy it."

Heat pulled in between my legs and I trembled. It spread, leaving my skin kissed by fire — by his lip. All the blood rushed from my brain and my vision hazed with need. Then, it hit me like a tsunami. He was signing the lyrics to the song!

His gaze ate the sight of me squirming and rubbing my legs together. With a proud male smirk on his face, he said, "If I lifted your skirt, would you give me permission?"

I wanted to merge myself into the car seat and disappear. "You said you couldn't speak Spanish!" I accused him. A futile attempt to divert attention away from how I just melted into a puddle. I couldn't stop fidgeting, not with the wetness in between my legs.

"Well" — he chuckled, knowing what a deviant creature he was — "not too great at speaking, but I can understand it pretty well. Besides, the lyrics sound sexier coming from your lips." He winked.

I scrambled for a witty response. Anything! Maybe a 'you don't know what half of what these lips can do'. NO! Riley, opposite direction. The car stopped in front of large silver gates. Thank fucking Christ.

"It's good to see you again, Sir." An older man dressed in a butler outfit approached the driver's window. He gave a slight bow causing his bleached hair to swing down his wrinkled face revealing a large central bald spot. "Please come on in." He pushed a black button and the gates opened.

"Thank you, Charles," Noah answered as he drove past the property line.

My jaw hit the floor at everything in front of me. Up a small road, was a large townhouse. Its outside walls stood painted white, outlined by dark navy ridges. Throughout the entire perimeter, flowers and plants were carefully curated. The house belonged in the backdrop of a forest.

'I guessed that Noah had some money, but I didn't expect Oprah rich.'

Noah parked and walked out of the car. Just as I was about to exit, he finished pulling the door open. I thanked him, taking his offered hand. He handed the car keys to a teenager dressed in a white shirt and khaki pants. Noah moved my hand to his upper arm and guided me to the house's entrance.

Once he pushed the door open, a glamorous sight greeted me. An entourage of people dressed in fine tuxedos and elegant dresses conversed quietly within the confines of the house. Low classical music resonated in the background, setting the mood for the evening. Everyone chuckled, clacking their glasses full of champagne. Before I could even comment, an older lady in a flowing, classy black dress approached us. Her arms wide open and her hips swayed to every step.

"Noah! You finally made it," she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Noah's neck. I released Noah's arms and gave them space to embrace. It must have been his mom, she looked just like him: bright green eyes and pitch-black hair. But what gave it away the most was the gentleness that existed behind her eyes — same as Noah's.

She released him and turned her attention to me. Her green eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened. "Who is this?" she asked, pointing a finger towards me. Her eyes hooded downwards like watching an approaching snake.

I averted my gaze, feeling uncomfortable. I rubbed my palms against the dress to dry the nervous sweat when my heart stopped. No, why is he here?!

"This is my fr-" I smacked my elbow into Noah's ribcage, causing all the air to leave his lungs.

"Umm. I'm sorry. I really need to use the bathroom. Noah, can you take me. It's an emergency." I clawed at his arm and dragged him away, not bothering to wait for his reply. Noah soothed his bruised ribs and gave me a 'are you insane' eyebrow raise. Still, he took charge and guided me up a set of stairs.

I cringed inside when I glanced back only to see Noah's mother blinking and mouth open in confusion. Great first impression, Riley.

We turned into a long hallway, painted beige and blue. Some attendees idly stood by looking at the hanging works of art.

"Bathroom is here." Noah opened a door to the right. I stepped inside, and looked both ways until the few individuals roaming the halls were too busy drinking or sucking each other's faces. My fingers gripped Noah's collar and I dragged him into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Noah's green eyes opened wide like a deer caught in a headlight. "Riley, what is happening?"

"We have a problem," I said, pacing like a mad man within the confines of the overly sized bathroom. Seriously, someone could hitch a tent in here. Who needed this much space in a bathroom?

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked — the concern resonated in his voice. His head leaned forward as he held my shoulder's in his hands.

I bit into my painted nails. "Daniel is here."

"Daniel. Who?"

"Daniel, my ex." My hands waved in the air in exasperation. "The one we pretended to be dating in front of. You know... Mr. Bedroom problems. What the fuck could he be doing here?" I grunted into the air.

Noah released me and crossed his arms. "Where does he work?"

"FortGame, I think." I drummed my fingertips on the sick counter. "He also got a job offer at the company that I turned down."

"I remember that name. Might be one of my mom's clients."

"Fuck, Noah, what are we gonna do?" I asked, scratching my arm. "It's gonna be so embarrassing." I chewed on my nails again, regretting my life choices. I should have never pretended Noah was my boyfriend. Karma was out for blood tonight.

"Hey.. hey," Noah's voice was calm and collected, "No need to worry. We pretended to date before, no reason we can't do it again." He rubbed my shoulders, attempting to calm my ragging nerves.

"But, your mom is here," I rebutted. A shiver went down my back at the thought of having to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of her. She screamed 'Mama Bear' and would tear me apart with no remorse.

"True, but she already thinks I am a rascal. A sudden girlfriend won't phase her," he argued.

"I don't think that sounds as good as you think it does," I argued. "A good spanking is what you need if you ask me."

"Perhaps, but it could be fun?" He chuckled. "And afterwards if you want, you can give me that good spanking." His lips tightened holding back a snort.

I rolled my eyes. "Fun? How so?"

"Well, you see, if I were to put my hand here," his fingers slid against my waist- "and pull you in closer- just like this. And if, I lowered my lips onto your neck, just like I did before. You couldn't pull away." His nose traced the length of my neck before he straightened his head.

He was a fucking tease — to bring his lips so close and to deprive me of them. "What are you doing, Noah?" I asked, eyes hooded.

"Enjoying the privileges of being a fake boyfriend," he said. His lips gently brushed mine, but he pulled away.

I almost fell forward following his retreating lips. "Ummm," I grumbled.

"It will be fine." He pinched my cheeks.

"If you say so." I took a deep breath and opened the door to walk outside. Being in a confined space with Noah was not a good idea.

A blast of blond hair smashed into me. The owner, a beautiful woman, stumbled in her high heels and snapped her hand to the wall to steady her balance.

She wore a long red dress, slightly similar to mine. Except that it had a long deep slit down the front, showing off her ample bust. Two other long cuts sliced down the right side, allowing for her long, fair leg to peek out as she walked.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked, helping her off the wall.

"Oh, nothing to worry about. It happens." She flashed an elegant smile full of pearly white teeth.

"Cynthia..." Noah froze when he met the person in front of me.

A blizzard wind swept over the hallway. Her expression turned ice cold. "I see why you haven't returned my calls." She spit venom at Noah and me.

Noah shifted uncomfortably next to me. "It's not what it looks like."

"You know, I believed you when you said this was about building your own company. But I see I was wrong to do so." She turned around quickly, storming down the hall in a trail of fire. Noah made a motion to go after her but stopped remembering that I was there.

Bitterness plagued my tongue. "Who is that?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

He rubbed the back of his neck and for the first time, my stomach twisted at his nervous tick. "Umm... My ex-fiancé," he said.

"You have a fiancé?" I stepped back in shock. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach and splattered. Noah? The same Noah that had been flirting with me since we met. The one that I thought was the kind person I knew. Noah, the person that I wanted to open my heart too.

"No, I had." He ruffled his hair as he explained. "I broke off the engagement,"

"When?" I asked.

"Like 3 months ago."

I wrapped my arms around me, to separate myself from him. "That's recent."

"Yeah, do you mind if I go talk to her." Noah threw a glance down the hallway. "I just don't want her to misunderstand."

"Yeah, sure, go ahead." I forced the words out. But, when he turned to walk away, my hand snapped and grabbed his white sleeve before I knew it. "Umm" — I struggled to come up with words to say — "You should probably tell her we are not dating."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"100%," I smiled. Wouldn't want that to stop you from getting back together with her.

"Okay, maybe wait here. I'll be back soon!" Noah said and rushed off.

I wanted to scream at him not to go. Deep down, I was just afraid. Afraid that they will reconcile and I would miss my chance before I even took a swing at it. It hit me all at once, how, even though I denied it furiously, I wanted Noah. How I couldn't resist smiling when he was around. How much I wanted to be embraced by his hopeful attitude and feel just a little less hopeless.

Just like her, he disappeared off the corner of the hallway. I bit my lip, unsure of what to do with myself.

'It doesn't matter,' I repeated to no one.


I fidgeted where I stood, unable to stay still. Against Noah's request, I walked down the stairs and rejoined the main part of the party. I captured a glass from one of the waiters and drowned it down. It was easier to focus on the burning feeling rather than the quenching of my heart. I immediately grabbed another one, taking my time with this one. I looked around, and I felt like a cat amoughts dogs. Everyone looked so happy and jolly, hugging and moving through their lives without a second thought.

And here I was.... Bitter and angry at life.

I rushed out the door, feeling vomit at the tip of my tongue at all this nauseating happiness. The cold night air brushed against my skin like a wave of relief. I wrapped around me, numbing my skin, leaving me unable to feel alone.

The door led to a small outside garden, adjacent to a pool. The water gave up a small amount of vapor as it met the night air. Neon blue and purple lights illuminated its edges, swirling with the slight water movement creating a mirage.

I walked forward, drink in hand, and sat at a nearby poolside table. I sat there, trying to enjoy the atmosphere. Eventually, the air got too cold. Noticing that my drink had run out, I got up to fish for another one. My attention was drawn to the top second floor, where Noah stood by a large framed window. The woman from earlier only a foot away.

My feet were glued to the ground as I watched them argue.

Within an instant--

My heart shattered. Her lips pressed into his as she clung to him for dear life.

Images of Daniel and my roommate burned bright in my mind. Their limbs wrapped around each other and sweat dripped from their skin as they looked at me with shock in their eyes. I gasped, choking to breathe. It was like I was there again.

I bit my lip to keep in the frustrated scream that wanted to come out. I felt betrayed. Was it all a game to him?

I couldn't bear to look and turned away.

Daniel approached, interrupting my departure. He swaggered in front of me "Looks like there is trouble in paradise."

"What do you want, Daniel?"

"Maybe I can help you get even."

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