P1 Heart Level Increased To 1 +

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Enter Player Name: Riley


The hands of time marched around the clock.


I glared at the hour hand for the third time and watched it march over the black tick marks of time like a prison guard — an excessive amount considering I only arrived 15mins ago. But maybe... just maybe, since it was that time of the month, I would develop telekinesis power and Carrie my way out of here.

I looked around, dying for any distraction.

There was not much to entertain the mind around the office. Everything was plastered in various shades of grey, white, and dark blue. A rigid dichotomy between the world inside and the beautiful and vast green park the office oversaw. Within, each cubicle stood an imposing metaphorical and physical wall to separate each individual. Its message was clear, don't waste time interacting with others. In this place, the only thing that mattered was money, and time was money.

Wheels creaked against the carpet floor. "You look nice today."

I spun around on my office chair, coming face to face with my best friend Tasha. My face instantly brightened with a smile, and suddenly, time wasn't that big of a problem. We hadn't known each other forever, but it sure did feel like it.

I first joined this company about a year ago, and I was on the brink of breaking. There were very few women analysts, and the atmosphere reeked of testosterone. It was suffocating, having so much unwanted male attention when all I was trying to do was get the job done and feed my brothers. Having her around was a light in a dark tunnel. She wasn't showing me the way out, but it made it less menacing.

She crossed her legs and sat down on the standard black office chair. Her dark ebony skin was beautifully highlighted by the white dress shirt she wore. It was accompanied by a long, black pencil skirt ending a little below her tightly closed knees. A skill she taught me soon after joining. 'Don't ever give them a chance to look up your skirt. They will take it as an invitation.'

"I think I look normal," I answered, eyeing my clothes.

Sure, I put on more makeup than usual, and it was the first time in centuries I was caught wearing a girly dress. But, the article of clothing in question was nothing scandalous. A simple mint-colored lace dress, its string woven into a classy flower-filled pattern. Yes, it wrapped tightly around my waist and showed more cleavage than I usually would. But I was wearing a white blazer over it.

So... yeah... Nothing out of the ordinary.

"You don't fool me!" She crossed her arms, tapping her index finger impatiently. "You have two looks. One is the sexy office lady, and the other is the sloppy, yet sexy out-of-bed look. This is neither of those." She pointed her finger accusingly at my clothes.

I snorted. "I would like to think my wardrobe choices are far more complex than the picture you paint."

"Tell that to someone who doesn't know you." She pushed on her feet, sliding on the chair closer. "So who is it? It can't be Chris; you don't dress up for him." Her brown eyes burrowed into mine, searching for answers.

"I should have never told you about Chris," I grunted. I threw a glance at my computer monitor, praying the code would finish running so I could pretend to be too busy to subject myself to her relentless questioning.

"Is this" — she waved her fingers all over my dress — "the reason you don't want to come on the company trip?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm not going because I don't want to leave Mikey alone with Jay for an entire weekend."

She twirled her dark curls around her index finger. Eyebrows raised, she said, "You know Jay is 17, right? He can take care of Mikey for a weekend."

"I think about that sometimes, and then I remember all the dumb shit I used to do at 17." We laugh. Our minds simultaneously took independent trips down memory lane. "But also," I continued, "I don't want him to feel responsible for Mikey. He'll be going to college soon, and a smart kid like him will have lots of options. I don't want him to feel like he has to stay around."

My heart turned cold at the thought. Jay would be gone too. I chased those thoughts away before they could fester. But it was too late; the dagger was there, holding the skin open.

Tasha's face instantly softened, and she stuck her arms out. "Oh girl, come here?" I took her invitation and let her hands wrap around me like a warm blanket. She mumbled into my hair, "Girl, you know I'm here if you ever need help."

"Thank you, Tasha. I appreciate you saying that." My hand tightened around her as I took in her flowery scent.

She released me and smiled. "Of course! If you need a free weekend to ride this new guy you have the hots for, I. AM. Here!" She clapped her hands to each word. Her face — genuine as ever.

"I have a feeling you and Noah would get along well," I said, rolling my eyes again before returning to my seat.

"So his name is Noah, tell me more?" She said, inching closer like a gossiping schoolgirl. Or an old Spanish lady. All she was missing was the hairnet and chancleta.

"There's nothing to tell, he is just doing me a favor, and I'm doing him one." I regretted my word choice as soon as I said it.

She wagged her eyebrows. "Favor's of the sexual kind?"

"Tasha, don't you have work to do?"

"Yes, I am working on learning more about this 'Noah'. Which, by the way, you are making it extremely difficult."

"It's not like I don't think he is hot. In fact, I find him incredibly handsome. I saw him without a shirt the other day" — I smiled while leaning in to whisper the next few words — "and god, I could literally feel myself getting wet." I bit my lip at the picture that formed in my head. "Plus, he also has an adorable butt. I have wanted to squish it ever since I first saw it." Noah's face came to mind, and I smiled. "But more than anything, he is so kind and funny, and just one of the most generous guys that I have ever met.

"Despite all of that, you know how things are. It just wouldn't work. Between worrying about my parents and my brothers AND my job, I just don't have enough time to worry about a relationship. It's always the same story. It starts great and with the guy being supportive. But as time goes by, they grow resentful that I cannot give the relationship the same attention. Willingly letting that cycle repeat itself would be the literal definition of insanity."

Tasha's expression softened. "If he is half as amazing as you describe him to be, don't you think you should at least give him a chance to fail?"

"Not when that means my brothers or me getting hurt. Perhaps in another life or in another time," I said, staring off into the window. I wondered what that other life looked like. What would I be doing if I were not stuck in between these four walls? Where would I travel? What risk would I take? Who would I love?

"Well, sweetheart, this is the life you got. At some point, you need to start making the most of it. Not just for others, but also yourself." Tasha rolled herself back to her desk and hail-rained her fingers over her keyboard.

Tasha's words lingered in my brain. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions. But if I had done that in my previous attempts at a relationship, I wouldn't have wasted time and gotten hurt. The past engraved a deep lesson within me. It was always too easy to imagine the best but much harder to reconcile dreams with reality. And that disjunction hurt more than just accepting the cards life dealt you.

Before I knew it, the clock hit 11 am. Two more hours and the office would be going on their camping trip, and I would be free. Mental fist bump!

My phone buzzed aggressively on my desk. A sea of eyes stared, judging from all directions of the office. Dread spread through my fingertips when Mikey's school number flashed across the screen. I dove for the phone and rushed to the bathroom. My heart palpated with worry. Not again, I thought. Not, again.

I paced back and forth. My heels clicked against the white tiled floor. I looked at myself, impatient at my reflection, "Hello, Riley Diaz speaking."

"Hello, Ms. Diaz. We are calling from Sophie Davis Elementary School in regards to your brother Michael Diaz." The sound of pens gliding across paper undertones the strict tone.

"Hello, Ms. Taylor, is everything okay?" I bit my inner lip.

"We are sad to say that Michael got into a fight." She sighed. "We will need you to come into the principal's office and pick him up."

Oh no, Mikey, what did you do now? I bit my nail. "Of course, I have to talk to my boss, but I'll head over as soon as I can."

"Thank you, Miss. Diaz."

I rushed out of the bathroom and quickly stopped through the maze of evenly spaced desks leading to the glass-walled office of my boss. "Hello Sir, may I have a word?" I asked, back straight as a plank while I stood by the door.

"Of course, Riley, come on in." He waved his hand, urging me in, and sat back on his chair. The light from the window reflected off his smooth, bald head. He dusted his scalp and said, "What can I help you with?"

I stepped in, and my fingers picked at the cloth of my dress. "I received a call from my younger brother's school that I need to go pick him up. Would it be okay if I left work now?"

"Have you finished the analysis that I asked you for?"

"Not yet. But I was hoping that since everyone is going away for the weekend that I could finish it on Monday?"

His lips pruned with disapproval. "Our partners need the analysis by today to adjust their projections. I am afraid it can't wait. I understand you are under... umm... "special circumstances," but I hired you to do a job. I expect that your personal life won't interfere with your ability to do that. You may leave as soon as the report is in my email box."

"I understand, Sir." I slightly bowed my head and politely stormed out of the office.

Tasha leaned into my cubicle again. "Mikey?"

"Yeah," I grunted and flopped down on my chair. I hit the keyboard furiously. I got angrier at each line of code spanning across the black screen. I don't know what I was mad at. It's not like anyone was to blame —just another series of circumstances I needed to deal with.

My phone buzzed, and Noah's name appeared on the screen. Fucking hell, I cursed.


Is 1pm still okay for me to pick you up?


Sorry Noah, I'm gonna have to cancel


OoO Did something happen?


Mikey got in trouble at school

Gonna have to go pick him up early 

So, my afternoon won't be free anymore


Why don't you just bring him along?


He can be quite a lot to handle


Should I drink some redbull?


He will get tired, his tolerance for walking around stores is very low


I have strong arms




The suspense is killing me




I need 1 more hour to finish up

Do you think you can come at 12pm instead?


Ofcourse, cream puff





I grinned from ear to ear.

I tore my blazer off like a boxer removing her jacket before a fight. I was determined to finish this in record time, a knockout in the first round. I typed the last line and executed the run commands. While I watched each line of output, Tasha's words infiltrated my mind. Would it be too foolish to think it would be different this time?

Once the file was sent off, I didn't waste time grabbing my bag and walking out.

"Heading out early, enjoy your weekend trip," I said, briefly stopping by Tasha's cubicle and blowing her a kiss.

She grunted and pouted. "I can't believe you are letting me go on this sausage trip all by myself."

"If you dislike it so much, why are you going?"

She gave the entire room the stink eye. "You think I'm gonna be able to make a partner without networking with the boss. It's a strategy," she said, tapping her pen on her brain.

"Well...good luck out there. Text me if you want to strangle someone." I laughed before heading off. I felt Tasha stick her tongue out as I walked away.

I looked back at the office while the elevator closed, happy to be able to forget about it for the weekend. Since everyone will be busy drinking and sliding down mountain snow, I should not be receiving any emergency 12 am emails — a completely free weekend. Perfect timing.

The elevators opened, and I smiled. Off into the distance, leaning on his car door was none other than Noah. He looked so aloof in his dark navy suit, twirling a red lollipop in his mouth as he looked down at his feet.

I wondered what Tasha would call it, the sexy boss one, perhaps.

I exited the glass door. My heels clacked against the cement sidewalk as I neared closer. Noah's head sprung up. A cheeky smirk appeared on his chiseled face. His eyes roamed my entire body, mapping out the view. The sudden wind against my shoulder surprised me.

Fuck my blazer. I straightened my dress, making sure I wasn't unintentionally flashing him.

But he just wore a dashing smile while staring at my face. "Did you dress up for me, Cream Puff?"

"Phsuui, noo," I scuffed. So cocky. It was getting harder and harder to distinguish his jokish teasing from actual flirting.

"Well, regardless, you look beautiful," he said, pausing before he pushed off his car and pulled the door open. I took a second to admire his car. Like his suit, it was a navy blue color, shiny, and without a single scratch.

"Thank you," I whispered before sitting in.

Noah made quick work of walking around and took his seat on the driver's chair. "Where to?"

I pointed forward. "If you drive straight until 31st st, then take a right until 3rd avenue. That's where Mikey's school is."

"Got it." He put the car into drive. The wheels slid against the road as he kicked the car into gear and drove down the road. "So is Mikey one to get into fights?" he asked.

"No...and yes. He is a terrific kid overall. But he has been acting out recently. I think it's escalating." I looked down at my fingers in shame.

Noah's expression softened. "Do you know why?"

"Probably misses mom and dad. Of course, that doesn't excuse the behavior. But, it makes it hard to want to discipline him when, honestly, sometimes I feel the same." I sighed and leaned back against the leather seat. I looked out the window and let the zipping of blurred sky scrappers distract me.

"I can see that." We stopped at a red light. Noah leaned over and playfully poke my leg. "Just let me know if you ever feel like throwing some punches. I'll take you into a boxing ring."

I laughed reluctantly. "I don't know. I think if you keep calling me Cream Puff, your face might make a better target." I flicked his shoulder in response as his hand returned to the steering wheel.

"So aggressive," he smiled back. He looked at me through the corner of his eyes and smirked. "I am a little tempted to be honest."

It wasn't long before we arrived in front of Mikey's school. The red brick building stood at the city's inner skirts, surrounded on one side by giant skyscrapers and on the other by small shops. It was perfectly in between home and work, making it easy to drop and pick up Mikey.

I exited the car and paused when Noah did as well. "Are you coming inside?" I asked.

He tapped his hand on the hood of the car. "Unless you don't want me to?"

"No, it's fine. Just figure it might be boring."

He smiled. "Nothing is boring with you, Cr—"

"Don't say it." I pointed my index finger at him before storming off. A soft chuckle rumbled from behind me, following me the whole way. We entered through the green gates and doors. The security guard's eyes widened, and lips curved. "Hey, Riley, Como está?"

He was an older gentleman at this point, grey hair and uniform that sagged around his aged muscles. But I remember his younger days. Back when I was a little kid running through these hallways and there were no skyscrapers to the right side.

"Hola, seňor Ramirez. How are you doing?" I grabbed the blue pen to write my name on the worn-out sign-in sheet.

He followed the established routine and wrote my name on the sticker pass without looking at the book. "Bueno, tu sabes, same old. The old miss' is still a pain in the ass, but I love that woman. Did Mikey get in trouble again?"

"Sadly, yes."

"Y este, su novio?" He asked, nodding at Noah.

I blushed. "No, Mr. Ramirez."

He pruned his lips while shaking his head and took a long look at Noah. I thanked the gods that Noah was busy looking at the picture case. "Bueno, y que esperas? Está bien guapo." Mr. Ramirez winked. "Y mira parece que tiene dinero." He rubbed his two fingers together.

"Mr. Ramirez!" I exclaimed, praying to god that Noah did not understand what was happening. I took the passes from his hand. I choked a dried, "Thank you."

I stormed down the hallway, dragging Noah with me before something was said that would make me shrivel up and die. The hallway had not changed much—just a fresh coat of light yellow paint and new drawings to decorate the walls. It was like no matter how much the outside changed, the heart of the building stood frozen in time.

Mikey soon came into view. His little shoulder shivered in between sniffles. His head cast down, causing his hair to drape down over a bandage on his right cheek.

I kneeled in front of him and placed my hands on his shaking knees. "Mikey, are you okay?" I tried to examine his check, but he slapped my hand away. He bent his head further down, trying to disappear into himself.

I recoiled my hand. Shocked.

"Ms. Diaz, good to see you are finally here?" I turned around to see the school's principal standing at the door of her office. "Could we have a word before you take Mikey?"

"Yes, of course." I briefly turned to Noah. "Can you watch him for a bit?" I asked.

"Of course," he nodded while ruffling through his pockets.

I followed the principal inside, sat down on the wooden chair, and waited for him to make his way around the plain desk. I could almost trace every scratch and scrap that accumulated over the cheap wood this last year.

Principal Eric was not a kind man, neither was he a bad one, but he did care about the kids. His belly propped forward as he sat down on the creaky chair. He combed his grey hair back before picking his yellow teeth with his nail. He said, "I have a meeting soon, so I will make this fast. I am highly concerned with Mikey's worsening behavior."

"I know." I picked at my nails, not sure what to do with my hands.

He wiggled further into his chair. "Do you have any plans to address it?"


"Perhaps a therapist could help him process things." He opened a drawer on his desk and shuffled through a messy pile of cards. He pulled out an old beaten one and slid it across the desk. It read Michel Rides, child therapist.

"You think that is necessary?" I asked, surprised at his suggestion.

"If things don't begin to improve, I think it might be necessary. Keep the card and use it if you need to."

I slide the card the rest of the way and into my hands. "I'll consider it."

"Thank you, Ms. Diaz. Remember, we are here to help." He offered his hand.

I nodded my head and smiled before running out of the office. He was also not a clean man.

My heart fell to my stomach as I deliberated on what to do. Was I doing a lousy job at helping Mikey adjust? I tried explaining our situation to him many times and still... I don't think there was much else I could do except give him time. I tucked the business card away in my purse and approached the two boys.

Mikey's sniffle ceased, and his head mostly returned to its upright position. He twirled a lollipop in his mouth. I looked at Noah, who also twisted a lollipop in his mouth. Whatever he did, I needed to bribe that trick out of him. He needed to stop being so perfect.

Noah's green eyes locked with mine, and he winked like he knew what I was thinking.

"Ready to go?" I extended my hand. This time, Mikey intertwined his tiny fingers with mine.

Not entirely making eye contact, Mikey asked, "Are we going home...?"

"Actually, I promised Noah we would go shopping for some stuff he needs."

"But I wanna go home," Mikey whined, tugging on my arm.

"Come on; it could be fun." I tried to coax him.

"I DON'T WANNA!" His scream ripped loudly throughout the hall.

I clenched my jaw as I looked at the office lady judging me. "Mikey!" I held back a growl, embarrassed at how badly I was handling this.

His eyes teared.

Noah spoke, "that's too bad. There's this arcade right next to the mall. It's full of games and stuff. I was hoping we could stop by before shopping. But if Mikey wants to go home, I guess we have no choice."

Mikey gazed up through his wet eyelashes. "I guess..." — he hiccuped — "we don't have to go home right away."

Guilt pooled in my stomach like acid. There was accepting help, and then there was taking advantage of Noah's kindness. I shook my head and pulled Mikey against my leg to hide his sweet face. "You don't have to do that, Noah."

"No, it would be fun. Plus, since Mikey is with us, it means I can monopolize your help for longer." He flashed a reassuring grin. "Really, it's a win-win."

"Come on, sis, I'm sworry," Mikey whined, more cutely than he needed to. He kicked his feet against the floor as he begged.

"Fine." I let out an exasperated sigh. I pointed my finger at his nose, "But if you misbehave again, we are going straight home." He just smiled back at the warning, showing off his missing tooth. The puffed in his eyes finally started to fade.

With a new skip to his walk, we walked towards the exit.

"Have a good day, Mr. Ramirez!" I waved on my way out.

"Yeah, thanks for the compliments, Mr. Ramirez!" Noah screamed from the door, a massive smile on his face. "I also think she is cute, but if she wants to snatch me, she will need to buy me flowers!"

Fuck, I grunted. 


It had been a fantastic day. I smiled, thinking about all that happened. I was on my way to bed when I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over, a new hope to every step, wondering who it could be. I pushed the door open and found a small red shopping bag resting on my welcome mat with a sticky note on the side. I pulled the yellow paper off and brought it up to my face.

For my Cream Puff,

You should wear this tomorrow.

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