Chapter 6: Geonosis (Part 2)

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Apparently in this picture he's aiming his blaster at Tarkin wtf i nEED DELETED SCENES RIGHT NOW.

Orson's POV

I walked to the window, a panoramic view of the galaxy was right before me, it was breathtaking to know that all that belonged to the Empire, sadly it all belonged to the Emperor, not even Lord Vader owned it, but it was still unbelievable, one day we were all in the senate serving Chancellor Palpatine and the next, he makes himself Emperor and the galaxy belongs to him. It all felt surreal, but the Rebels were always there to ruin the day, of course.

War had begun in Geonosis, it seemed easy, but then the same annoying Rebels as always, appeared and killed most of our troops.

I sighed in frustration as Tarkin walked inside the room "well, Director Krennic, the Emperor isn't going to like this, the Rebels are getting control in Geonosis... you're in so much trouble" he said, I turned to him annoyed, why couldn't he just leave me alone for once?

"When am I not, Governor Tarkin?" He glared at me "but I would like to know why this time"

I waited for his answer and when he finally spoke, I couldn't stop my own thoughts anymore "the group of Rebels who are in Geonosis, they are the ones you let escape. And it seems the two girls and the pilot are too badass"

The two girls and the pilot...

The two girls...


He continued to blame me for everything that had happened in the planet, but I walked away, I had to prove the Empire wrong, I was capable of winning this without stormtroopers, all I needed was my blaster and hope.

I got to my shuttle and flew to Geonosis with five Deathtroopers, I needed to take this chance, I couldn't bare to have Tarkin around me again after this, I'd much rather die than have him blaming me for everything... but that way he'd take control of the Death Star, and I couldn't allow that.

We got to the planet and I spotted some shooting at the east "find those Rebels! Don't let them escape" I demanded, the troopers left the shuttle and I stayed there.

Why did he have to mention her? It was hard enough to repress my thoughts before and now it seemed impossible not to think about her, but why? I didn't understand, and I didn't like this at all, I heard more shooting and left the shuttle, I needed to stop overthinking, but I knew that if I went to where the shooting was happening, I would see her, maybe alive or maybe not, I didn't know what I would do in neither of those scenarios, would I kill her if she was alive? Would I be happy if she was dead? The answer to those two questions were obviously no, but why?

I walked to the battle zone, blaster in hand, and prayed that she wasn't there, but...

"Jyn! Behind you!" I stopped in my tracks. Shit. Why did the universe hate me so much? "Why are there Deathtroopers here? No one important is here" Carrie said when all my troopers were dead, should I go and get them? Or should I wait for more troopers to arrive? Knowing Tarkin, he had probably sent all the troops possible to prove that I can't handle this on my own... that fucktard.

I saw a few imperial ships approach and smiled lightly, they would be distracted and it'd be easier for me to catch them

"Carrie, we have to-" that Jyn girl said, I couldn't see them so I didn't know what had made her stop talking so abruptly, but I just assumed it was because of the ships and all that, but she was warning her... what was really going on over there?

The Deathtroopers and Stormtroopers that had just arrived began shooting them and I walked close enough for them to see me "girls!" Rook said, I smirked as they looked at me, I wasn't surprised that Jyn and Bodhi glared at me, what surprised me was that Carrie didn't, she was frozen in place, looking at me, I didn't really know what she felt, it was obvious the other two felt hatred, but not her... what was on her mind? The other two went back to shooting. Carrie didn't. She didn't break the eye contact, and she didn't seem to want to

And why did she look so good all of a sudden? No. Stop. This wasn't happening, I could not be thinking stuff like that about a rebel, but she had been in my mind since the first time I had seen her, she kept appearing in my dreams and I didn't understand why, this had never happened before... and it really was fucking me up

I'm sorry if there are any typos, i am sick af and tired and all i want to do is crawl in a ball under a blanket, have a Star Wars marathon and sleep


Love y'all

Mire x

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