annika senses danger

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Shivaay hurriedly entered the room and to his astonishment annika was sitting on the bed with a cute pout on her face. On seeing shivaay she quickly jumped on the bed and asked shivaay what had happened to her.

S-annika plz dont jump it will harm my life.

A-what !( Annika asked with a disgusting look) shivaay what will happen to me if i jumped on the bed . Jumping and running here and there are my regular works .😂😂😂

On saying these words annika stood on the bed and was about to fall when shivaay carefully held her in his arms.  He immediately placed annika on the bed and warned her not to step her feet on the floor.

A-shivaay what has happened 2 u ? Why are u acting so overprotective

S-annika u still dont understand what type of mother u are (shivaay murmured to himself ) annika listen we are going to become 3

A-shivaay plz let me know if sahil is coming (annika said this in a very exciting tone)

S- oh god ! How do i tell her ? Ok fine annika listen we are going to become parents and you are pregnant ! (Shivaay shouted at annika)

After listening those words annika had tears of happiness in her eyes and she could not believe that she was going to be a mother soon.she immediately came out of the bed and gave shivaay a bone crushing hug.
Shivaay was really overwhelmed by this moment . He cupped annika's face and thanked her for giving him the biggest gift of his life.

S-annika i still dont know how would i thank for become my support  for becoming my life and now for giving me a little life.

A-shivaay stop thanking me it is u who have completed me . Shivaay thanks for all the sacrifices u hav done for me.*then she again hugs shivaay*

Both were having a beautiful moment together when suddenly a deadly thought striked annika's mind

A-shivaay i am happy that we are going to be mommy and daddy but are u sure that we should have the child

S-annu why are u saying like that iam sure that our child will help to cover those barriers between omru, dadi and me . I promise u that i will be the world's best dad. I will fulfill my princess' every wish . I will buy her toys. i would buy her millions of dresses . I will also give her ride on my back. I will narrate her long fairytales . I will love her more than u . Annika  believe me my princess will sort out all our distances.

A-shivaay i didn't want to say that iam also dearly waiting to be a mother but......

S-what but?

A-(after pausing for sometime annika said with a jerk) shivaay u are not stable with the job and i think we should give more priority to ur job. First u become stable with the financial conditions then we shall think about a child.

Shivaay could clearly read annika's thoughts on his face . He knew that this was not annika's problem and he also knew what she was thinking

S -annika i know that u are worried regarding omru's warning of taking away all my happiness. I assure u that  omru can never kill a life and as far as they take my happiness its okay but i won't let them snatch ur happiness.

A-shivaay i know that u will become the world's best father. But what about the family shivaay . I hoped that whenever our child would come into the world he or she would have the best family to take care for him but now u can see urself that they are not even talking to us so how can i hope that they would care for our child?

S-annika have u forgotten the great wall of shivaay singh oberoi.
I promise u that i will set the things right and i have 9 months with me these are just sufficient. And i know after listening to the news of our baby all will be overwhelmed.  Annika i hope that u agree with me and be my support as always.

A- shivaay i know that u will never be wrong and u r my only trust. I will be ur support even if iam not there. And by the way the baby won't be ur princess but he will be my prince. I dont want a papa's girl but i would like a mama's boy.
S-don't worry annika we still have other seven chances left . We will keep working on it until i get a princess or u get a prince .
A-shivaay aap kitne besharam hain ! Annika said this with a shy tone.

The whole night went away with there little tom and jerry fights or u can call it billu and billi fights ...............

Precape- shock in oberoi mansion

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