chapter 17

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If what all they said is true...then...yes... I'm in love..I LOVE YOU  Shanaya...I LOVE YOU... please never leave me.
He jumped out from his chair ....
He smiled to himself.. placing his hands on his mouth ..
At evening, Rishi's house
Shanaya was sitting at the same swing in balcony looking to a setting sun...
She recollected yesterday's moments with Rishi..
She smiled a bit thinking about it...

Shanaya's pov
Why i was smiling thinking about him...why i always dreamt of him..and why the thought of leaving him gives me pain... yesterday why I didn't resist him... why I enjoyed it...wait... enjoyed it??
Pov ends

Literally that was correct..she enjoyed it...
She caressed her baby bump...

" Baby..." She called out and baby moved inside...

" Baby....I like your papa's presence and i always craved for that... but why this strange feelings coming to me..."she said caressing her baby bump..

She went inside..took his photo frame and sat back to swing...

" Why..why you care this much for me rishi... you're like magnet... everytime you are close to me I'm attracting more towards you...i know for you I'm only your child's surrogate mother...and a fake wife...but for me ... you're my's a fake marriage or whatever... you're my husband..." She said to the photo frame and her eyes filled with tears...
On the other hand, rishi was excited like a teenager who realised his love,his life just now and was experiencing this type of feelings for the first time...
He smiled to himself thinking about her...

He quickly took his phone and searched for Shanaya's number...
He saw her name and it was saved in his phone as " Shanaya office"

He quickly took 'edit contact' option...he backspace that name and saved as
"wifeyy😍😍" ..

He smiled at it and called her..
After a few bell ... she took it..

" Hello." She said

" Hello...Shanaya...what would you like to have today...tell me" he asked with a wide smile and in excitement..
It was visible in his voice

" I...I...rishi..are you ok? " She asked

it's common nowadays that he ask her what she wanted but she never heard him asking in such an excitement...

" Yeah I'm perfectly alright.. you tell me Shanu...what you like to have?" He asked in excitement...

" Shanu???" She asked in amusement
He bit his tongue...

" I mean..Shanaya....Shanaya...tell me now..I'm leaving office.." he said

" Nothing rishi...just wishing you soon" she said  bitting her lower lips... he smiled hearing that...

" No..not me..but your child wish to see you" she added and he frowned a bit and smiled...

" Ok...tell my baby that I'll come soon ..."

By saying this he cut the call....
He smiled and said to himself" rishi ... today itself you have to confess it...yes.. go man..tell her... she is your wife..just scream out that you love her .."

He had an unexpected emergency meeting on that day he got a little bit late...but he managed to get out from there at 7:00 ..

While back to home,he stopped his car in front of a flower shop and bought a beautiful bouquet of red roses...
He smiled at it and remembered her...
He hid that bouquet inside his laptop bag and left to house...
Rishi came to house and saw Shanaya laughing like a maniac Sitting on sofa with Rohan .. seeing some movie...

They saw rishi... she tried to get up seeing him...but suddenly she lost her balance...rishi held her arms...
" What's this Shanaya.. sit... Lag gayi?" He asked rubbing her back...

Rohan's eyes almost popped out seeing his brother's care for her...
She smiled and nodded in no...
He smiled back and went upstairs...
He thought to give it to her once she came to their room...
He took flowers from his bag and hid it in a flower vase in his room...

Rishi got freshen up and came down and sat for dinner...
Shanaya served for him...

" Come Shanaya sit" he insisted her and make her sit amd he started to serve her...

She looked at rishi lovingly...
Priya and Rohan looked at each other and smiled...
All had their dinner...

Rishi and Shanaya went to their room...
Shanaya came changing her saree into a simple white maternity wear..
Rishi couldn't take off his eyes from her...

He looked at her from top to bottom...he got smitten by her beauty...
she saw this and snapped her finger infront of him..
He came out of his trance...
He made her sit on bed and gave her medicines...
Shanaya looked at him with tears in eyes .. but she suddenly whipped it...
He sat beside her...

" Sh.. Shanaya...i just want to...." he was about to say.. suddenly his phone rang...

He clenched his fist in frustration...
It was one of his client...

" Just a minute" he got up

She nodded...he took his phone and went out..
He slowly leaned into the bed and closed her eyes....

After about 5 mins, rishi came back to his room and saw a cute Shanaya sleeping...he rolled his eyes and was about to threw the phone..he saw her cute face...

He stood at the door and smiled...
He went closer to her...
He made her lay straight and cover her with blanket....

He sat beside her and took her hand in his...
" Look ... how happily I came running from office to meet you... to confess my feelings...but you slept...I know it's not your's all because of our baby...yes our baby...a part of you and me.. I'll tell you soon.." he said and gave a peck on her knuckles and then on her forehead...

He took that rose bouquet from vase and placed it near side table near her bed..and laid down on his sofa..
Next day,
Rishi came out of bathroom and saw Shanaya still sleeping...
He was about to go near her...
He saw her slowly opening her eyes...

" Good morning" he said

" Morning" she too wished back with a smile with half opened eyes ...

He slowly held her baby bump and tried to get up...
He helped her to sit straight...he went to dressing table to get ready...

She streched her hands to the table for jug to  drink some water.. suddenly her hands stuck on something...
She looked and saw a beautiful rose bouquet...
She got excited...

" Who bought this..?" She asked in excitement..

" Who ofcourse" he said without looking her...

" Really... why is there any speciality?" She asked...

He turned to her ...he went towards her sat beside her and slowly moved close to her his hot breathe was falling on her face...

Her heart skipped a beat..
Her breathe hitched..

" Umm..well yes.." he said in a husky voice..

" Wh.. what..?" She stammered..
He smiled..

" I'll tell you....but not now evening..." He said

" Ok.." she said...

He went to get ready and she to get fresh up...
Rishi had his breakfast and went to office...
Rishi planned for some romantic date ..
He knows that home is not the right place as  always mom and Rohan will be there...
He decided to took her to somewhere to confess his feelings....
How's the chapter guys
Hope you all like it..
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Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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