A Good Reason

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 "What was that about?"

Van shrugged and dropped the fry back onto Luca's plate. He'd been fine until Hailey showed up. Perhaps a little rough around the edges, though she grudgingly admitted to herself that she liked the rugged look. Without the smooth exterior, she saw a boy who wasn't as perfect as he pretended, and that made it a lot easier to relate to him. Damn it.

"What's your dad think about you hanging out with Luca Brooks?" Hailey asked, not looking Van in the eyes.

"I'm sure you already know the answer to that question," Van replied. She was tired of playing games, and Hailey damn well already knew the answer to that question. Unless she was going to force Van to bring up the Holy Asylum of Light business first. "What's his deal with Luca anyhow? I get the feeling it's more than just daddy doesn't want his daughter dating."

Hailey tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and shrugged. "The Supreme doesn't explain himself to the little people."

Van's lips stretched to show her teeth. No one who was looking would call it a smile, and it caught the other girl off guard. "Good to know we're not going to dance around that topic. Also, you're a terrible liar."

Matted lashes fluttered over lined blue eyes. "What makes you think I'm lying?"

"Clearly you know something. Enough to politely remind me that I'm not supposed to be talking to Luca. So either my father spoke to you, or whatever it is he doesn't like about Luca is a well-known fact. At least to the Slayers- Oh god. Is he a vampire?"

"Shhh," Hailey hissed, elbowing Van in the ribs so hard it brought tears to her eyes. "You can't say crap like that in public. Come on. We need to get you out of here before you get me grounded or worse."

She slid from the booth and tugged her short skirt down. It didn't really help. Van still caught a flash of panties as the girl crossed the restaurant.

Biting her thumb nail, she looked back the dark hallway where the restrooms were located. Guys didn't take that long to go to the bathroom, did they? Luca had been in there for almost ten minutes, and she didn't want to leave him if he was sick. He could have the same stomach bug she'd had, and he would need help getting home.

"Van," Hailey called out, her baby blues bright with irritation while her lips remained twisted into a saccharine smile. She waved at people in a booth before swinging her attention back to Van. "We need to go."

"One minute," Van said, slipping through the crowd. Only when she reached the hallway did she hesitate, but after taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked.

"It's occupied." Luca's voice was unmistakable. Even if it was a bit harsh.

"Luca? You okay?"

Silence. Then the blast of a hand dryer. The door whipped open, and Luca looked at her with bleary eyes. His face and neck was damp, but she couldn't tell if it was from perspiration or water from the sink.

"You look rough."

The hard look on his face faded, and his lips twitched. "Remind me to never come to you for a confidence boost."

"Oh please. Like Luca Brooks needs anyone to stroke his ego."

Suddenly, Van was aware of how small the hallway was, and she stepped back until she brushed against the wall. Shooting for nonchalant, she propped one of her boots against the wall and shoved her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. It didn't seem to fool him, but he didn't move to leave either. Leaning against the door frame, a dark lock of hair falling into his tired eyes, he studied her.

"You're different."

"Oh, so now we're going to play the game where you insult me since you feel insulted. Very middle school of you."

The remark didn't earn a laugh like she hoped. He shook his head. "I didn't say it was bad, smart-ass. You seem more at peace with yourself."

Her foot slid back to the ground. Licking her lips, she edged toward the main part of the restaurant. His statement shouldn't both her. A week ago she was smoking cigarettes in the girl's bathroom and shouting at people for caring. She practically oozed vitriol and sass. Now, she was seeking him out to check on his well-being. You didn't have to be perceptive to notice the shift, but it was more than that. He saw through her. And she had more to hide than before.

"I should probably go. Hailey is gonna be mad."

Luca jerked his chin in Hailey's direction. "When did you start hanging out with her?"

"You're the one who told me appearances could be deceiving."

"I did, didn't I?" He pushed off the door frame and bumped his shoulder against hers. "Best hurry. Hailey is sweet. Until she's not."

"So now you tell me."

They walked to the front together, but Luca stopped at his booth to grab the check. Hailey looked as though she was about to go nuclear- an impressive feat considering her childlike features, and Van wondered if Abe was going to hear about this. Chances were likely.

"See you later, Van. Be careful." Luca didn't wait for a response. Just waved and turned his back to her.

"Oh em gee," Hailey fumed, snatching Van by the arm and tugging her outside in the cold night air. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"That Luca has been nothing but nice to me, and I needed to check on him. I thought you two were friends. You were all oh my gosh, come to my party the other night." Van's voice went high and valley girl.

"I do not sound like that."

"Oh, you totally do."

"Whatever," Hailey snapped turning the key in the ignition of her sleek sports car. "You need to be careful. No one messed with you before because they either didn't know who you were, or you were off limits because you were innocent. The tea has been spilled doll. If the wrong people see you talking to a sh- Brooks, let's just say it won't be good for you or Luca."

"You're not going to tell my father?"

Hailey flipped the mirror on her visor and ran a finger over her lips. She didn't look at Van when she closed it and turned the car towards the road. She was quiet so long, Van almost repeated herself, afraid the girl hadn't heard her.

"No, I'm not saying anything. Not that it'll do any good. Someone will mention it, but Van, I'm for real serious. Stay away from him."

"Not until someone gives me a good reason."

"Damn it," the girl growled, slamming on the brakes and fishtailing the car across the road as she did a U-turn.

"What the hell!" Van shouted, squishing her eyes tight as her mind tried to make her relive the car accident that claimed her mother and little brother's lives. "Where are we going?"

"To give you a good reason."

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