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Luca looked down at Livy. Mostly because he needed to quit staring at Van. Seeing Principal Logan glaring at the girl had spiked the rage he struggled to keep a tight rein on. "And just what was that about?"

His tiny cousin sighed and looped her arm through his. "Doesn't it bother you she just wants to throw her life away?"

Yes. "No, why should it? You know who she is."

He felt her bump her hip against his while she shook her head. "Please, you know you don't buy into all of that. My mother says Van never even met her dad until after family died. We might know who she is, but she doesn't."

Luca remained silent as they walked across the parking lot. He always tried to smile and wave at everyone who called to him, but today it felt forced. Thankfully, most of the students still had another period to get through. He and Livy were excused fourth period because of how far ahead they were in school.

"Your mother knows not to say that too loudly, right?"

Livy snapped her seatbelt into place before replying. "We're not stupid."

He pressed a quick apology kiss against her tan forehead. "Sorry, cuz. I know y'all aren't. It's- well, you know everything is messed up right now. We have to be careful."

The Porsche roared to life as Luca turned the key, and he had to suppress every teenage douche bag cell in his body to stop himself from revving the engine repeatedly before peeling out of the parking lot. Few things gave him as much joy as driving fast cars, but his father had been very clear about staying under the radar when he gave him this car. But the gibbous moon made control a difficult thing.

Livy shook with excitement in the seat beside him. She might look all prim and proper on the surface, but the beast she hid behind those peter pan collars and pleated skirts was wild. Her appearance was nothing more than her way of keeping that animal on a leash.

"She needs a ride in this car," she moaned, sinking into the buttery leather while popping the button on her collar. "Remind her she actually survived that accident."

Luca gripped his steering wheel. "Why the hell are we still talking about Van?"

"Because," she said, licking her lips, "you get a hard on every time you so much as scent the girl."

"You're sick."

"No." Her hands went into the angled bob she'd spent hours perfecting. In two seconds, she ruined all her hard work, turning her sleek mane into tousled bedhead. "I'm right."

"You know," he began, slowing just enough to make their turn without fishtailing, "you should probably stay home tomorrow. You didn't make it out of the city limits this time."

"It's okay," she purred, stretching her legs across the dashboard. "I think she's hot too. We could share her. Some of the others are into that sort of thing."

Luca brought the car to a halt so fast, Livy would have found herself plastered to the windshield if she wasn't buckled in. A red haze filled his vision, and he counted to ten before it passed. His cousin's musical laughter almost set him off again.

"That's not funny."

"Oh, but it was. I enjoy making you loosen up. It's almost a full moon. Live a little."

"We get to live every day because I don't loosen up," he whispered, removing his foot from the break. She sobered at his words.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just a little jealous."

"A little?"

"Fine," she snapped, "a lot. I spend everyday dressed like a nun, and it's all I can do not to go feral as soon as I get in this car. I-I don't know if I can finish school. I turn eighteen next summer. If I'm this bad now, there's no hope."

They both knew what that meant. Eighteen was a turning point for the women in their family. If no one claimed Livy, she would lose every shred of discipline, and if that happened, she'd be chained until someone marked her. Some women were so bad men marked them against their will, and from the shadows in her eyes, Luca didn't have to guess that's where her mind had wandered.

"Hey, you will find someone amazing. It's not even going to be an issue," he promised, reaching across the console to grab her hand. She moved her thumb across his, the habit going back to when they were toddlers. For as long as he could remember, it had been Luca and Livy against the world, and he would do whatever it took to keep it that way.

Wrought-iron gates swung open as he turned onto their property. Modest homes that grew bigger the further they traveled dotted the long, winding road. He stopped in front of a two-story farmhouse and let his cousin out. Her mother was waiting on the porch, a dish towel in hand, but the kind smile on her lips faltered when she saw her daughter's disheveled appearance.

"Bye Luca," Livy said, leaning across the seat to grab her bag and peck his cheek. "If you get bored tonight, maybe you should go for a joy ride through town."

"Goodbye Livy." His tone was stern, but the saucy wink she tossed his way made him laugh. Livy Brooks did not deserve the shit storm the world had given her, but she made the best out of it. Unfortunately, that line of thinking turned his thoughts to Van. If Livy could still be so lively and caring, why had the other girl turned to such darkness?

"Get a grip, Brooks," he admonished himself. The truth was that he didn't know what she'd been like before moving to Briarwood. Perhaps she'd always had a surly attitude and been hellbent on self-destruction. Of course, that didn't ruin the effect she had on him in the least. "Damn it."

At the end of the road were two houses. The smaller of the two- meaning only four stories instead of five was the one he shared with his mother, father, brother, four sisters, and their families. Every time one of his siblings mentioned moving out, giant tears would well up in his mother's eyes and whichever one had dared uttered such profanity began to apologize profusely. He didn't know how the people in the smaller houses managed with so many people. Livy and her mother were the odd ones out with only two people sharing that rambling house.

He barely had his door open before a small child launched himself into his lap. "Luca!"

"Hey brat," he said, scooping up his brother as he got out of the car. The five-year-old giggled as he tried to escape from his older brother's teasing fingers, but Luca knew every spot the child was ticklish. "Didn't think that through, did you?"

"Stop, pwease! Pwease," Brantley cried, squirming until Luca released him. His cheeks, round with baby fat, were flushed and his blue eyes sparkled. Luca loved seeing the cerulean color, and though it appeared darker every time he saw his brother, he knew as long as the boy's eyes were light and clear, he was safe. Even the most vile in his family wouldn't harm a child who'd never shifted.

"Truce?" he asked Brantley.

"Twuce," the child agreed, grabbing Luca's outstretched hand and holding in until they were inside the house.

"Where's everyone at?" The house was quiet, something that only happened in the dusky hours before sunrise. His skin prickled, and his hackles raised.

"In the study. Daddy said to send you wight up!"

Some of the tension ebbed. His family was safe, but nothing good had happened if everyone was gathered in father's study. "Where's Nanny?"

"Awe, Luca, pwease let me go with you. Nanny wants me to pwacticewiting my wetters."

It was struggle to stop the smile from forming. Brantley was sensitive about his speech impediment, but Luca found it endearing. Another sign that his brother was yet a child.

"You know Papa doesn't allow anyone under the age of thirteen into study meetings."

"But even Mickey and Hanna are in there. They're gurrls."

Luca bent down and bopped his brother's nose with a finger. "What did I tell you about that?"

"Bout what?" The five-year-old crossed his arms over his tiny chest and stuck out his bottom lip.

"About talking about girls that way? They're what?"

"Weally Luca?"


"They're just as good as boys."

"Exactly. Now go find Nanny. If you don't learn your letters, I can't give you your surprise later."

"Supwises are my favwite!"

"Yep, so go on." Without further prompting, Brantley raced down the hall, shouting for Nanny. Brantley took after their grandmother's side of the family- short and stout- but despite that, the boy could move at lightning speed when he was motivated.

Luca was still chuckling when he reached the study, but the moment the door swung open, his laughter halted. Eight somber faces watched him enter, and his mother's bottom lip quivered. Hanna, the eldest of his siblings, drew their mother close, but she didn't look to be in a much better state.

"Son, you might as well have a seat."

"I think I'll stand," Luca replied to his father. The older version of himself nodded, pride outshining every other emotion in his dark eyes. "So, it's decided?"

Mother wailed and at least two of his sisters started to cry. "We expected this," Luca said, forcing his voice to remain steady. How strange to want something so badly and yet dread it just as much.

"We did. You're prepared for this role," Father picked up a slip of paper and handed it to him. The expensive letterhead was heavy in his hand, the texture velvet. "Congratulations my son. My Alpha."

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