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 Luca had been on edge all day. It was one thing to discuss rescuing Brantley with Van, and another thing entirely to send her into the den of vipers. Each time he closed his eyes he saw her green ones glowing bright with determination as they discussed the plan. Not a single shard of fear passed through them, and that memory was the only thing tempering his guilt.

The worst part of it all was the radio silence. They'd both agreed texting one another throughout the day was too dangerous. All it would take was one pair of wandering eyes that shared a set of loose lips, and word would get back to Abe Van Helsing. Luca knew the Supreme wouldn't stop with a warning this time, and he would be lucky if he was given a cell next to his little brother.

By the time he made it home from school, his control over his animal half was slipping. Not since his first year of shifting had he felt himself so close to snapping. Livy watched him with knowing eyes on the way home, but despite making up- or maybe because of it- she said nothing. He almost wished she had. If anyone knew what it was like to feel so out of control, it was his cousin.

A sharp knock sounded on his bedroom door. "Luca?"

He blinked rapidly trying to clear his vision. The math problems on the page before him blurred, and he dragged his fingers through his hair before sitting back in his chair with a sigh.

"Come in, Price."

The door creaked open, revealing his lanky brother-in-law. Price's ready grin was absent, and his red curls looked more skewed than usual. Luca straightened.

"Everything okay?"

Price shook his head and came into the room. A rumpled piece of paper was clutched in his right hand.

"You know what today is?"

Nose crinkling, Luca sifted through the possibilities. Then he cursed. With everything going on, it wasn't surprising that he'd forgotten about Shifter Day. Once a quarter, they were forced to send shifters to the Holy Asylum to assist in training. Typically, the more aggressive shifters in the community volunteered. It gave them a much needed outlet. However, the few times no one volunteered, the Asylum handpicked the fighters from the pack.

"Did you get summoned?"

"No, you did."

Luca snatched the paper out of Price's hand. He grew cold as he read the names on the page, but by the time he finished, he was burning with rage. He knew exactly what game Abe was playing.

Price shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heel. "I was gonna ask if you knew what sparked this, but from the look on your face, you know exactly what's going on."

"I do, but it's nothing anyone here needs to worry about."

As much as Luca wanted to tell his family about his plan, he couldn't risk it. If things went south, they needed to be completely unaware so they wouldn't go down with him. And because he couldn't handle igniting hope just to see it destroyed.

"Yeah, sure," Price grunted and then he snarled, "You know what, no."

"Excuse me?"

"No. This isn't how our family works, Luca. We don't keep secrets, and ever since you invited that girl into our home, you've been acting odd. Is she involved in this somehow?"

"I said you don't need to worry about it. Besides, we've all done Shifter Day. It's not so bad."

"Oh yeah, not bad at all. My jaw was wired shut for a week after my day. Your mother can't handle anything happening to you right now, and if you've done something to piss off the Asylum, we need to know about it. We need to prepare to protect you."

Warmth washed over him. Price's words cleansed some of Luca's anxiety, and his lips curled up into the first genuine smile he'd worn that day.

"I promise. I haven't done anything. This is just a power play. A test of loyalty."

Not completely untrue. The Supreme's only complaint against Luca was that he'd texted Van, and from what Van said, he didn't see their involvement as anything serious. He thought his daughter was using Luca to annoy him, to continue her rebellious act, which is why choosing Luca for Shifter Day was actually fairly brilliant. It would put Van in a position to prove her loyalty.

It was precisely what they needed right now.

"You saw the other names, right?"

Luca's elation faded. "Livy and Bane."

"Interesting choices."

"Not really. The Asylum knows about the history between our family and the Forests. Livy is probably a leash-"

"Or a noose," Price interrupted. "If she ends up on the wrong end of a fight, I guarantee they're betting on you snapping."

Luca barked a laugh. "They clearly don't know Livy. When have you known her to lose?" He was more concerned with his cousin snapping. She'd been struggling more and more with impulse control, and the Slayers were quick to label any female her age as a Wildling. And in Livy's case, it wasn't necessarily an unearned label.

Price smirked. He'd been on the receiving end of Livy's temper on more than one occasion. It was a shame the pack had such antiquated ideas about women in power. Alphas were chosen based on power and prowess. Livy had both in spades.

"Maybe Bane will earn himself some time in lockup. Give us some breathing room. His crew has been getting out of hand. Last thing we want is another curfew or patrol posted here."

A patrol on their lands would ruin everything. Eventually someone would notice his frequent trips to the cemetery, and right now, it was the only place Van and Luca could communicate freely. He let Price's words roll around in his mind.

"That's not a half bad idea."

"It wasn't an idea so much as an observation."

Luca clapped his hands together, grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair, and jumped to his feet. Price watched the quick movements with a tilted head, but Luca didn't explain himself as he ushered his brother-in-law out of the room. This was another situation where the less his family knew, the better.

"I'm gonna head out and pick Livy up."

Price's grunt of acknowledgement followed Luca out, and though it was nothing but a sound, it stung. His brother-in-law was one of the best me he knew, and he didn't like feeling like he'd disappointed him. His fingers curled into his palm. It was for the best. If he kept repeating that, he would eventually believe it.

Within five minutes, he was idling outside of Livy's house. She bolted from the front door, waving at her mother before sliding into the passenger seat. Her mom didn't return the gesture, and when he looked in the rearview mirror, she remained standing on the porch, her hands on her hips and her lips flat with disapproval.

"Aunt Gwen didn't take the news well?"

Livy flinched and then tousled her short hair. "She's pissed. They don't usually ask girls my age. I think they're up to something. You sure it doesn't have anything to do with Van?"

He sighed and readjusted his grip on the soft leather steering wheel. She was asking the same questions as Price, but unlike Price, Luca had no intentions of keeping Livy in the dark. At some point, he would need her help, and she was tenacious as hell. She would eventually worry it out of him.

"I need to tell you something."

The girl sat up straight in her seat. If she were a cat, her ears would be swivelling toward him to better hear his words. Her pink tongue darted out and ran along her top lip. It wasn't a movement meant for seduction. Rather, it was a tell only those closest to her would recognize. She was nervous.

"That I'm right? That this does have something to do with her being here the other night?"

"Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to keep guessing?"

She folded her arms over her stomach and slumped back in her seat. "Go on."

He bit back a laugh. Their fight hadn't lasted long, but he'd missed her. "I met with Van the night after you saw her at the house. She volunteered to help me rescue Brantley."

"Holy shit." Her hand went to her face, her fingers curving over the top of her lip as she processed the announcement. "I knew the girl had balls, but that's something else. You're sure she's not just doing this to screw her daddy over?"

"Why would that be a problem?" He'd asked her that himself, but Van was honest. And he could see how bothered she was by what she'd learned in the cemetery. "Do motivations matter if the end result is the same?"

"Motivation is everything because it can change. What if she suddenly grows fond of her old man? Are you willing to bet she's going to feel the need to remain loyal to the plan? To you?" Her expression turned lewd, and she shot a meaningful glance at his lap. "Unless you gave her a really good reason."

"You're a pig."

"I think you mean pussy."

His cheeks were aflame. "How are we related? No, I haven't even ki-"

"You haven't what," she pressed.

Luca's lips flattened. "Not even going there. It's irrelevant and none of your business."

"But if you were going to say what I think you were going to say then you've thought about it."

He pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. In front of them, the Holy Asylum of Light loomed, its gray walls seeming to absorb the sunlight. The torches on either side of the stairway were unlit, their ends blackened. Even in the middle of the day, this place made his skin writhe.

Shaking off the ominous feeling, Luca turned to face Livy, the leather creaking with the movement. "I didn't understand a single word you just said."

"The fact that you can tell me you haven't kissed means you've thought about kissing her."

His jaw worked up and down but no sound came out. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation right now, and you're talking about my love life. So, let me go ahead and clear this up. You know I like Van. Hell, you're the one who pushed me toward her, but what I'm about to explain has nothing to do with this. Just know I trust her, okay?"

The teasing glint faded from her dark eyes, and she nodded. "And I trust you. Always."

Another car pulled up. Bane, his usual scowl firmly in place, sat in the front seat. His eyes were locked on the Asylum, and in that moment he and his pack nemesis had something in common. Their hatred for this institution.

When Bane started to get out of the car, Luca knew he was running out of time to explain things to Livy. She had to know what was going on before they went into this fight, or she might ruin everything with her hot temper.

"Whatever happens today, do not call attention to the fact that you know Van outside of her time at the Academy. You two have never hung out or had a conversation, okay? She's trying to be a model Novitiate, and that may mean she's going to do and say things today that will look bad from our point of view."

"That's a bit of a long game," Livy said, but Luca could see approval in her expression. "Daddy Helsing isn't going to buy into a 180 so fast."

"I'd rather play the long game and be successful than to rush and lose everything. We're only going to get one chance. Besides, Abe's ego is so big he isn't surprised when people start doing what they're told. Van said he practically becomes father of the year material when she's doing what he wants. It may take less time than we think."

"Typical megalomaniac," Livy grunted as she opened the door. "You're going to tell me everything later, but for now, I'll be on my best behavior."

"I was beginning to wonder if you two were too scared to get out of the car," Bane snarled, falling behind them as they walked to the Asylum.

"I'm surprised you came, Bane," Livy purred over her shoulder as they waited to be granted entrance. "I thought you didn't jump when the Slayers say jump."

The scars on his face tightened as he bared his teeth. "I never turn down an opportunity to spill Slayer blood. I've heard your little girl toy- the Supreme's daughter- is here. Maybe I'll get to put some claws in that tight little body of hers."

They were saved- Bane from Luca's fist and Luca from showing his cards- by the door opening. A petite woman in her late forties, dressed in the Slayer leathers motioned them inside. Three, black, vertical slashes adorned each of her shoulders, and through the middle was a white diagonal stripe. He nudged Livy, and she nodded, looking as confused as he was. Since when did the Captain of the Guards play butler duty?

"The students are waiting in the gym," she said in a clipped tone. She didn't bother asking them to follow her. "Slayer Frances is leading exercises today, and you are not to speak unless spoken to. Is that understood?"

Three begrudging yeses fell from their lips, and if she noticed their irritation, she didn't comment on it. And why should she? To her, they were animals. Like cattle led to slaughter. No one asked them how they felt before putting a nail through their brains.

"When you hear him clap twice, you may enter. I will be stationed at the end of the hall so do not wander."

"One day," Bane growled when she was out of human earshot. "One day, I will twist her neck until I hear her bones snap."

"You use such poetic language, Bane," Livy replied. She kept her body languid as she leaned against the wall. A perfect picture of indifference. A perfect lie.

His eyes flashed green, and he took a step toward her. "I know what type of girl you are. You're the kind who ends up caged. A Wildling. Maybe I'll bid on you myself when they decide to put a collar around your pretty throat. I don't much care for sass in my women, but I bet you'll breed strong sons."

Better words couldn't have been chosen to pull a response from Livy. It was as if Bane had crawled right beneath her skin and lit her bones on fire. She paled, then hissed before launching herself at him.

As much as Luca wanted to watch her rip the boy to shreds, now was not the time, and he caught her around her waist just as two, sharp claps sounded on the other side of the door.

"You'll both end up collared if you don't stop," he snapped. "Now come on."

The Novitiates clapped and hollered in excitement as they recognized Luca and Bane. They were all required to study the prominent Shifters, and they would know them both by sight. He schooled his expression into something cold, mimicking Bane's countenance for once. It felt wrong to him, foreign, but he couldn't chance anyone growing suspicious.

But that expression almost slipped when he caught Van standing at the front. An odd looking had his hand on her shoulder, and Luca very much wanted to rip it off. Maybe even ripped it from his body so that he could never touch Van again.

Easy there, he whispered to the animal in his thoughts. They were better than their wild instincts. They had to be.

"The three you see before you are examples of shifters in their prime. Not to mention they're panthers. They're notoriously dangerous fighters. The Brooks and Forests have long been the dominant families, producing Alphas for centuries. In fact, Luca will become Alpha one day. Who here thinks they could take on the future Alpha?"

Beside him Bane's body vibrated with a growl, but Luca's awareness remained on Van, heightening as the boy leaned over and whispered in her ear. He wasn't quiet enough that he missed the words.

"This is why we prepare. Because when filthy animals like the ones before you go rabid, they have to be put down." Then his hand started to raise.

Van beat him to it, and Luca was afraid the panic building in his chest would be evident to everyone. He wanted to shake his head and shout no. There was no way he could fight her. It would give everything away.

"I'd like to fight Lu-" she stuttered, then corrected herself, "The panther, Slayer Frances."

Her eyes went to the ground, and he wished she could hear his thoughts. Look up. Look at me. Please don't make me do this.

The instructor walked across the gym and clapped a hand on her shoulder. "I like where your head is at Novitiate Vanessa, and I'm sure your father will be pleased."

Van drew her head up then and smiled brightly. It was as if that was the best news she could ever receive.

"But, I don't think that will be necessary just yet. Today's lesson is a little different. The Shifters tend to be a little reserved when they fight against us, and it won't do any of you any good to fight against someone who is holding back."

Luca, Bane, and Livy went stiff as the Slayer approached them. The man circled, his eyes roaming and his hands moving over their bodies as if they were horses being purchased at an auction. He almost gagged when the man's beefy finger hooked over his lip and drew his jaw down so he could examine his teeth.

"Good, good. Excellent health. Luca and Bane will be demonstrating their fighting techniques today-"

The gym doors swung open, and everyone turned to see the newcomer. A hush fell over the crowd as Abe Helsing's imposing form came into view. He greeted a few of the students with handshakes and back pats before stopping at his daughter's side.

"Carry on Slayer Frances. I am but an observer today."

"Of course, of course," the instructor said with a bit of a tremble in his voice. "As I was saying, Luca and Bane will be demonstrating their fighting techniques against each other."

Livy gasped and grabbed Luca's hand. He didn't shake it away because shock rendered him motionless. Even Bane looked a little concerned.

"They c-can't," Livy whispered, tugging on his arm as he moved to the center of the room as if on autopilot. "They know what will happen."

"We can't refuse. We'll be locked up," Luca said, coming out of the fugue. His voice was harsher than he intended when he said, "Stop crying. Don't cause a scene."

"This is wrong," Bane said. "Don't get me wrong, I've wanted to fight you one on one for years, but not like this. We both know what's gonna happen."

"You just have to control yourself."

He dragged his hands over his face, his fingers slowing over every scar. "We both know that's not my strong suit."

Slayer Frances stepped away to allow the two Shifters to take the ring. When Bane extended his hand, Luca took it and dragged the boy close to his chest. He spoke directly into his ear. "I didn't come here to die today."

Bane exhaled and pushed him away. Claws extended from his fingers, and his dark skin grew fuzzy as he struggled to control the partial shift. Dropping into a crouch, he bowed his head as if praying.

When he looked up, he replied, "One of us has to."

Then he launched himself at Luca.

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