The Tech Guy

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"Dude, you've got a seriously big set of cajones. Why did you bring her here?"

"Would you have dropped her off with that shiner? To him?"

Luca stretched his neck to watch Van. She sat on Tommy's saggy brown sofa holding an ice pack to her face. She looked so tiny and fragile swallowed by the old cushions and swaddled in a hoodie he kept in his car. Both eyes were closed, and he was thankful he couldn't see the red and blackened skin. His rage was pushing just below the surface, and he one more look at the damage to her perfect face might set him off.

His face and hands hadn't fared much better, but between his rapid healing and Tommy's magic touch, he might be back to normal before he made it home. But Van didn't have that advantage. He forced a growl back down his throat as the memory of her lunging into the fight rose up. The distraction almost cost him his life- Bane wasn't an opponent to let an opportunity like that pass him by. The bigger problem now was if Bane would read into that moment and find an even bigger weakness to exploit.

"No," Tommy said, rummaging in his fridge for a beer. He popped the top and took a long swig, his eyes following Luca's. "But I don't know why you're trying to get smart now. You got no business with the Supreme's daughter."

"Are you gonna tell him?"

"Hell, naw. I'm just the Slayer's tech guy. They don't ask me questions, and I make sure I don't give them a reason to. Being friendly with you is bad enough."

Luca arched an eyebrow and let his lips twist into a lopsided grin. "Awe, come on now. Friendly? We're bros."

"Only because you're kick ass on Wolves of War. Sides, you know I don't hold with a lot of their outdated views. Your people haven't given us any problems in over a century."

They grew silent for a few moments. Both lost deep in their thoughts. It was a risk being here. Even when he came alone, there were those in both of their respective organizations who would frown on fraternizing. Tommy set the beer down and crossed his arms.

"You gonna tell me what actually happened?"

"You know good and well if I tell you, then you'll be obligated to report the incident."

"Not gonna report this one am I?"

"No, but I don't want to make you lie anymore than you have to," Luca said, looking at his phone for the time and wincing. "You think we're good to leave?"

Tommy didn't reply immediately. He turned to the counter, pushing dishes with pieces of stale food stuck to the surface out of the way. When he found a small, metal container he nodded and popped the lid open. A few seconds later, he'd filled it with ointment and handed it to Luca.

"If she can get to her room without an inquisition, she'll be golden. By tomorrow, a bit of concealer will hide the worst. She should still put this on it for a few days. This stuff is awesome, but it'll take a few days to heal all the way through. If she quits, she'll feel it for a week even if she can't see it."

"Will do. Thanks man. Really."

"Anytime. Also, um make sure you don't get any of it on you. The stuff I used for you is different- engineered specifically for shifters. Let's just say that kind won't sit well with you."

Luca walked across the kitchen, his boots alternating between sticking to the linoleum and crunching mystery items. The living room smelled like flowers and day old pizza, an unappetizing smell that made his sensitive nose wrinkle. He touched Van's shoulder and shook her gently. "Van, we need to go."

"Was I asshlleep?" she asked, her voice thick. Brilliant green eyes struggled to focus on his face, but the sight made him smile. He was just glad to be able to see both eyes.

"Yeah," he answered, rubbing his hand along her cheek. The skin was cold and clammy, and different colors. But almost all the swelling was gone.

Tommy coughed and cleared his throat. "Let me know if you need anything else. Hope you don't, but if you do..."

"I'll stay away for a few days at least," Luca said, winking at his friend while helping Van to her feet.

"Thanks, Tommy. I don't know what you put in this shhtuff, but it's amazing," Van added, her speech slurred. "Shhhould totally ssshell it."

"Is this normal?" Luca demanded, catching her as she tumbled forward. She giggled and turned in his arms, patting his face. His breath caught. He was worried about her, but in all the time he'd known Van, he'd never seen her so relaxed, her features so soft and open.

"No, man. Lemme check my tins, maybe I got them mixed up. Though, Slayers who get into the Shifter stuff usually complain of stinging." He hurried back into the kitchen, leaving Luca to contend with a Van who now had wandering hands.

"You've got really nishe arms," she said, squeezing his bicep while poking her lip out. "You must shhpend a lot of time in the gym. Are you a gym rat?"

"I work out. Fitness is important," he said, grabbing her hand just before it went up his shirt. Good lord, since when did Tommy keep it so hot in here.

"No man, I used the right stuff," Tommy said. A strange look was on his face, one Luca couldn't read but knew he didn't like. "Maybe she's concussed."

"Wouldn't she have been acting strange before?"

"They say not to let people with concussions fall asleep? What if that did it?"

"Crap," Luca said, spinning her around so that her back faced his front. He threaded his arm around her waist and hoisted her in the air while she squealed. It might be a strange way to walk, but at least her hands, which she suddenly seemed to have eight of, were less likely to reach somewhere that would cause him even more awkwardness.

"You probably shouldn't let her go back to sleep." Tommy walked over and patted him on the arm. "Just to be safe."

"Thanks, I'll figure it out," Luca shouted. He opened the back driver side door of the Rover and deposited her. She didn't get up, her eyes fastening to the gray cloth covered top like it held the secrets to life.

He started the car and pulled out onto the road. Still, she didn't sit up, and after a while, he relaxed in his seat. Tonight had gone from hell, to amazing, to epic disaster so fast he ought to have whiplash. A smart man would walk away now, wash his hands of the girl. Yet- every time he said this to himself, his memory reminded him of the broken girl wandering the school halls, and now his body reminded him of her touch.

"Luca," she said after ten minutes of silence. He looked into his rearview mirror and nearly shouted. She was leaning between the seats, her dark purple hair falling into his eyes while she bit her lip. "My father is gonna be shhopished if he shees me like thish."

"I know," he admitted. He'd been trying to figure out a solution. She needed to be home, and it needed to have happened hours ago. But if she had a concussion, he didn't want her to be alone. "Does he check on you in the morning?"

She tapped her chin. "Don't think sho. He's gone when I get up."

"What if we parked a few blocks from your house and waited until your dad left for the day? You think you could get inside without being caught by anyone then?"

Van nodded, her lip quivering. She "No one who cares will be there."

Luca didn't know how to respond to that, but when he parked, he got out and slid into the seat with her. She eyed him warily, some of the drunkenness fading from her expression. He kept to his side of the car, not pressuring her, and after a minute, she scooted closer and put her head on his shoulder. Even after rolling on asphalt and dirt, she smelled of heaven- citrus, vanilla, and roses. It must be a perfume, and he wondered what the name of the scent was. He'd buy a hundred bottles.

"I had fun tonight."

"You did?" he said, unable to keep surprise from leaking into his voice.

She chuckled. "Well, it wasn't exactly your run-of-the-mill da-hangout, but it was what I needed. Thankssh."

"Anytime, and I meant what I was saying earlier. Before those jerks interrupted us. I'm here for whatever plans you're making. Don't push me away just because you won't be here forever." If only he could tell her he'd follow her wherever she went, but he wouldn't make promises he couldn't keep. This town was his home. And his prison.

"You don't know what you're getting into," she warned. The teasing quality of her words let him know she didn't know the truth of that statement.

"I like a challenge," he responded.

"I can tell. Five against one?" He stiffened, and she looked up at him. "You gonna tell me what that was about? You don't seem the type to make enemies. You're too... too... good."

Van, you have no idea. "I'll explain when you're not talking like a drunken sailor."

"Hey," she protested, but left it at that. She snuggled in closer, and he put his arm around her, offering his warmth and comfort.

"Don't fall asleep."

"Can't make any promises."


She sighed. "Fine. I promise."

"Like you promised to stay in the car?"

Rumbling, fake snores rattled her small frame, and he burst into laughter. "Uh, huh. Don't think you're getting out of that one so easily."

"When you spill, I'll spill."



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