56. Letters

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As Katie was freaking out by herself in her room debating whether she had enough good intentions to go, there were knocks on their door.

Theo had already opened it when she got there.

There were two letters, not only one, and Katie's heart leaped.

She almost wanted to take the letters out of the messenger's hands but she remembered her manners and anxiously waited for Theo to receive them in his hands.

As soon as the messenger left, she jumped up in excitement and watched Theo with puppy dog eyes as he looked over each letter.

" Nickolas and me, huh." He said and Katie's heart sank back down but then she saw a tiny smile creeping out and she punched him hard on the arm.

" You're lying, aren't you?" 

Theo winced and answered through his teeth, " Alright, you caught me."

" You idiot, that was not funny." She said and took the letters out of his hands before he could resist and ran away from him.

Once she was sure she locked the door correctly, she ran her eyes over every word of the letter for her and reread it plenty of times before she felt satisfied.

When she returned the letters back to Theo, she was still grinning ear to ear.

Though she knew it wouldn't be as easy anymore and war could break out anytime, she couldn't stop smiling at the thought of being able to go on the trip.

In her heart she thanked Keith and started to make plans on how to find her missing family members.

The next few days she worked her butt off.

Even when she met with Hunk, she ran around him never stopping her pace.

" Why are you working so hard?" He asked licking cookie dough off his fingers after placing the cookies in the oven.

" Because.." She breathed, " I have..to..be prepared.."

He rolled his eyes,

 " I'm going too but you don't see me baking as hard as you." He replied and Katie finally stopped moving and turned to him with a irritated look.

" Because...you're..lazy.." She pointed out, panting for her breath and to her satisfaction, Hunk made a face back.

" Young la- I mean man, if you wanna keep talking to me like that, you can say goodbye to those free peanut butter cookies I give you all the time." Hunk said and smirked.

Katie immediately regretted saying that.

Peanut butter cookies were the loves of her life-

" I'm sorry, please give me more cookies" She said giving him her usual puppy dog eyes but he wasn't satisfied yet. 

"....Master of baking."  She added and finally he smiled after a few seconds.

" Okay, okay." He said as the timer on the oven beeped. 

He took out the cookies with a cool posture and Katie immediately leaped to the smell of them.

She felt Theo approaching behind her but she didn't care as she ran to the batch of fresh baked cookies.

Without thinking again, she reached for them but Theo quickly grabbed her wrist before she could take one.

" Remember, it's still hot. Let it cool down or your hand might end up burned again." He said like he was talking to a child and Katie shook her hand out of his grip.

" I knew that." She said blushing at her forgetfulness and rushed decisions and turned away.

When the cookies finally cooled down, she ate her limit and went back to the room after saying good night to Hunk.

' Only two days left before departure..Wait for me dad. Matt.'  She thought as she prepared her stuff for the trip, ' I'm coming to find you.'



I deeply apologize for the late update.

My school and I'm pretty sure every other school in my country has been shut down for a month because of the corona virus and my teachers have been stacking a bunch of online work for us to do. I have to admit I also forgot to update yesterday and only remembered one in the morning. 😥

Again, I am really sorry for the late update. 😓

Stay safe and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

Have a good day!

- Silver

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