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In the morning I wake to find a small purple box on my nightstand. Yawning I grab the box opening it up. Out plops a small black device. I recognized it as a phone. I see everyone in class with one every day. I didnt really get them, but I guess it's time to learn how to use one. Looking at the tag it say from toshinori. I'll have to thank if. I read the instructions plugging the phone into the wall to charge. After I set the phone up using the special features. Since it doesn't register me try to use it everything I do needs to be on voice command.

Suddenly theres a knock on the door down stairs. Going down stairs I open the door to see.... cindy. I stare at her stunned." Cindy, what are you doing here." She seemed stunned that I knew her name. Then a look of realization crosses her face." Hay cecilia, long time no see. What's up?" I smile at the young blond girl." I'm good. The school let us out for training this week, so freedom." I say laughing a bit. She smiles." I'm working right now. I'm a door to door salesman. I sell new kitchen knives she says showing me her bag, which was pull of knives. I sweat drop at that.

"It might be for your job, but careful. To anyone else it looks like your planning to kill someone." A look of realization crosses her face and she gasps." Omg I didnt even think of that. No wonder why no one wants to, buy any of them." She laughs. I shake my head at her innocence." Well I have to go Cecilia, see you around" she says leaving. I wave good bye while shutting the door. I go back up stairs and finishing reading the phone manual.

                     3 weeks later
I gulp pacing the hallway. The whole class had just gotten done with taking their mid-term and I was nervous as hell. I wasnt worried about all the other subjects, just English. Everyone else had gone home excited for the training camp in a few days. This test would determine if someone would need to take a sort of remedial class to mack up for failing the class. I hope I wasnt in that list. I pace the halls for another hour until the door opens and Aizawa pokes his head out and spots me. He sighs before motioning me to come in.

He says nothing as he hands me 5 different tests." To pass each test your needs to be atleast 70%!" I nod taking a seat.

We had taken 5 tests. Japanese, English, math, science and history. I flip the first test over. It was science, I smile at the big 100%. Flipping to the next it read history, 85%. Not as good, but I tried my best.

The next had been math which I got 100% on. The next was japanese which read 95% and for the last test I knew it was English. Taking a deep breath I slowly flip the page over seeing in bold red ink 80%." I jump for joy taking a pic of all my test score and texting them to bakugo. He sends back a smiley face and a congratulations. I was so happy, I passed.

I text bakugo saying I'll be over at his house in a few minutes, when I sensed something, stopping I look around. I sensed a familiar soul. I had sensed it back in my world on the promised day, but how could that be. Just as it was there it was gone making me think it was just my imagination. Souls cant just disappear anyway so I was probably just imagining it.

I get to bakugos house knocking on the door. His mom opens the door with a smile." Hi cecilia, come in. It must be hot out there." She says. I smile thanking her." KATSUKI, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE. YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE. DONT BE AN ASS." she screams killing my ear drums and litterly scaring the life out of me. I dont think I'll ever get used to all the yelling that goes on here. I take off my shoes and walk over to the couch. Bakugo walks down stairs glaring at his mother." They have a weird relationship, but they love eachother. I was planning on telling katsuki more about who I was and the things I could do and the reason I acted the way I did during the USJ attack.

Katsuki plops down next to me kissing the top of my head. I giggle, a bit." I can only imagine what mustang and my brothers are going to say when I tell them we're dating." I say, bakugo stares into outer space, probably thinking about how that conversation is going to take place.

"Hay love birds, diners done." I jump up excited." O, YAY. FOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!" I yell running past bakugos mom into the kitchen. I could hear her laughing as she and katsuki enter." Eat as much as you'd like Cecilia." I smile, shes going to regret those words.

Diner passes and everything was gone. Not a scrap of food remained." Wow cecilia, where did you put it all,"  bakugos mom laughs. I smile." Trust me all the calories will be gone by tommorow." She stares at me stunned before shaking her head. Me and katsuki retire to his room. No nothing dirty was going to happen, just like the adults we both agreed that until we were older and maybe more responsible we wouldnt try anything. We sit down and I sigh. I had to tell him.

"Hay katsuki theres been something I've been meaning to talk to you about. It's about me and the power I use." He stares at me confused." You mean your alchemy?" I nod." Yes, I need to tell you how everything started. I'll also explain why I acted the way I did when I saw that beast at the USJ fieldtrip." He nods, as I take a deep breath. He had the right to know.

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