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I stare at the place bakugo had once been. We had failed. Bakugo had been taken by the league of villians. Suddenly cecilia screams. We all stare worried until her palms suddenly glow blue and bright blue flames emmit. We all take a step back worried of what she would do. She then does something so far above our comprehension I dont know how I could correctly describe it. She muttered a few things outloud, but to softly for me to hear. She drew some type of symbol in the air before screaming again." SOUL TRACE, SOUL BIND, SOUL PULL, SOUL OBEY!!" she says making us all shiver. We all watch wide eyed as the purple portal from before opens up again. Before we can stop her she runs through and there both gone. Everyone was just as dumb founded as the next. Nobody knew what had just happened.

It was dark. I felt so tired. I felt as if I had no energy left. I was hungry too. I couldnt move too. I'm just going to go back to sleep. I'll eat later when I wake up again.

I wake up only to find myself chained to a chair. Looking around I find myself in a run down bar looking room. Im surprised to see my angry pomeranian across from me. He smiles when he sees I'm awake. "Cecilia your awake, you shouldn't have come he-" he's suddenly interrupted by the door behind him opening. In walks a man with a hand on his face, and a young guy with black hair and scars all over his body. I recognized the hand man from the USJ attack.

"Aww your awake sleeping beauty. That was quite the show you put on. Forcing Kurogiri to reopen his portal. You have a gift, and with the right help we could help you perfect your talent. Join us Cecilia and together we could reshape this world of fake heroes." I sit there stunned. Handy man was fucking crazy. I knew he had a few screws lose before, but this tops the cake.

"Handy man your a fucking nut job that needs to visit the hospital and get checked in. Theres no way I'm joining you!" I say staring the man in the eye. He seems to stand there for a moment before lunging at bakugo." Let me rephrase that. Join us or bakugo here will have a slow agonizing death." Handy man says placing four fingers to bakugos throat. The fifth was dangerously close as well. I growl at him.

"Handy man I dont think you realize what you want. The power your seeking of me is far beyond what you could ever comprehend." I warn struggling in my chains, hearing the links creak loudly.

He suddenly pushes off of bakugo sighing." You have 1 week to give us an answer. Choose wisely, if not it may be the end for someone." He says before leaving the room back through the door he had come. I sigh with relief." Katsuki are you alright?" He nods." You shouldn't have come here Cecilia, these people are dangerous and know no bounds on what they will do to get what they want." He says wiggling in his own chains. Small explosions emiting from his hands.

I sigh," Katsuki you know me. I don't leave people behind, even if it costs me my own life. The people in my life mean a lot to me. I'll fight to the bitter end to protect them from harm." I say staring him in the eyes. He looks down sighing." I know, thats what I'm afraid of." He mutters, barely audible. I chose to end the conversation and try and think of a plan. I could easily break these chains and take bakugo away from this place.

But who's to say that after we get away handy man desides to go after someone else. No I have to end this here for everyone's sake. It was time. I had to make a plan.

It had been a week since kacchan and Cecilia had gone missing without a trace. Everyone was worried sick, especially me. Who knows what they could be doing to them. In that time recovery girl has visited me three times to heal my arms, also giving me the bad news that if I keep recklessly breaking my arms. I would lose the use of them. I had to be more careful.

Tonight a few of us from class 1A had planned to go rescue Cecilia and kacchan. I had over heard Aizawa and allmight talking earlier and we had a tip on where they could be. I was ready. Others from our class thought we should leave it to the pros, but I couldnt leave my friends. I needed to be there to help. It was my fault kacchan was taken anyway.
It had been 1 week since the villians told me to make a choice. I was still undecided. I wanted to save katsuki, but I couldnt let them use me as a weapon. Me and katsuki had been talking when handy man and a few other villians rush in. A purple portal opens up and we're unchained. They push us through, frowns on their faces. Infront of me sat a man who had a deformed looking face. It was like the skin grew over his eyes and nose.

Before I can ask who he was he speaks." So Cecilia have you made your choice?" I stand there. Fear welled up in my chest as I stared at the man. This was the same feeling as when I met father for the first time and he temporarily took away our alchemy ability.

The man stands making me gulp. He was much taller compared to my messily 5,5 status. "I asked you a question. Either you join us or we'll kill bakugo here and your two brothers." The purple portal thing opens up again and 4 figures walk through. Immediatly did I reconize two." Ed, al I'm sorry." I say, tears falling down my cheeks.

Ed struggles to break free. "Cecilia no you cant do it. You know what will happen!" Al looked confused, I dont blame him. He didnt know of the complete power I possessed. "I'm sorry Ed, al I have to. It's the only way." Turning back to the man I smirk. "You want to see my full power? Fine I'll show you."

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