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Eventually I got back to shore. I didnt go tubing again, even though it was fun. Everybody had been worried sick. I thanked them for being concerned. After things had sesettled down we all went and got some food. Toshinori gave me some money which I took hugging him. Toshinori acted like a dad. I wish he was my dad. I dragged him along with us. We got yummy sandwiches. I got a meatball sub. It was amazing.

By the end of the day I had had so much fun I almost didnt want to leave. But everybody was tired. I wave to everybody as there parents come pick them up. The only one left was bakugo and kirishima.

I smile at them." Today was amazing, we should do it again soon." I say. Kirishima gives me a thumbs up. Bakugo nods. A small black car pulls up. Kirishima says bye before hopping in. Turning back around I see bakugo looking down at me. Smiling I lean up and kiss his cheek. A bright red blush forms on both of our cheeks as I pull away. He stares at me shocked before smirking. "That was fucking awesome." He says making me laugh. A grey car pulls up and a woman looking like the female version of bakugo gets out.

"Katsuki get your ass in the car. Dinners on stove and the last time I put your father in charge he about burned down the house." I laugh at the lady." Well bakugo you bests go before dinner burns." He shakes his head." I'll get you back for that." He says smirking. I grin back. He waves bye while getting in the car. His mom drives away. I sigh smiling. I couldn't help it, today had probably been one of the best days in my life.

I jump surprised when theres a car beep. Turning I see toshinori. Getting into the car, I lay my head on the window. Toshinori makes a sound as if clearing his throat. I look over seeing a wide smile." So you and bakugo?" I groan rolling over hiding my face in the seat as he laughs his ass off next to me. Damn you Toshinori.

The next day at school we were told that everybody had the next few weeks to train for the sports festival. I felt sad that I couldnt participate, but if it meant holding back from potentially hurting someone. Then I guess it was ok. I just practiced my alchemy and trained my body some more.

It was the day before the sports festival. I was sitting at lunch with everyone. Currently I was sitting next to bakugo and kaminari. Me and bakugo liked to tease eachother. I'd like to think I was winning, but I didnt know.

"So Cecilia who are you rooting for?" Kirishima asks?" I frown." I'm rooting for everyone in the class. But if I had to choose just one person it would be this angry pomeranian right here." I say pointing at bakugo. He had an annoyed look on his face." I'm not an angry pomeranian. I'm your angry pomeranian." He says making my eyes widen in shock and me gasp. Everyone at the table, me as well stared at him like he just killed someone in front of us.

"Whoa, damn I thought I still had a chance. Treat her nicely bakubro." Kirishima says, a small over exaggerated tear in his eye. This whole ordeal had me so embarrassed. I just put my head down. That was bold of bakugo to say.

For the rest of the day. People oo'd and aww'd me which just made me blush and look down. I guess word got out. When I get home I just fall onto my bed and fall asleep. Today was exhausting.

I wake the next day excited. I throw on a tank top and some shorts, then my boots before running to the school. Today was the day. The day of the sports festival. Getting to the arena I see it's already packed with people. I find my reserved seat all the way at the bottom. I sit waiting for the event to start. Suddenly Aizawa sits next to me." Cecilia, Cementoss is sick today and we have no other teachers who could possible fix the arena if theres damage to it. Would you fill in?" I jump up.

"YES, OF COURSE." I say excited making people stare at me weirdly. Aizawa just shakes his head. He leads me down to the tunnels." You'll stand on the out skirts of the ring, But not to close." I nod.

I stand and watch as everyone begins through the course. Everyone was using their quirks to the best of their ability to get through the obstical course. It was a dead tie between bakugo and todoroki at the end with midoriya just barely making first place.

They go onto the next round. Calvary battle. I watched amazement on my face the whole time. Everybody's quirks were amazing. Bakugos team ended up winning. I cheered him on making my angry pomeranian smirk and wink in my direction. I laughed

Next was the one on one battles. I watch as the fights begin. I was impressed with the class B students. Some students had some awesome quirks, like the girl with vines for hair.

One battle that I couldnt take my eyes off was bakugo and uraraka. Bakugo won, but uraraka was smart during that fight using bakugos destructive nature to destroy the ground and use the rubble to her advantage. When the match had ended, the floor had been destroyed. I had to use alchemy to fix it, which seemed to amaze most of the audience. Many screamed out asking how I did that, but I just smirked and walked away. Next was midoriya and todoroki. I was excited, but I was on edge. Something felt wrong. It felt as of something bad was going to happen. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

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