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I once had a dream. Someone was telling me a story about two lovers.

Lady rose and the black and red knight.

They were very different and sometimes had fought each other endlessly. They would get mad at each other and eventually draw apart from themselves.

But beyond their differences they were the same somehow. They were both brave, strong, and kind hearted. Both of them had this feeling deep inside to stay together.

Their differences and similarities circled each other balance, both bonding and connecting them in harmony.

This balance of hearts had brought peace between two worlds and the people welcomed in happiness once more.

But then something had drawn them apart once more, ending the balance and peace between the two lovers, and sadly the two worlds. Even though the young Rose soon began to hate the disappearance of her Black and Red knight, a part of him still yearned sadly in her heart. She to disappeared. In my dream I remember being scared and asking worridly of what had happened next.
How was it like?

Where did she go?

Where did they go?

Was there still hope?

The person only responded with the most brightest smile I've ever seen and said

"they will come back someday"

Well this is the prologue I promised!
This is also the new book I've told you about! Enjoy the prologue! Well those who probably haven't read it yet.
This book is yes going to be a dream like fairytale told by a mysterious person about the two warriors/Lovers.
The tale is told to a certain 2 reincarnations😏
Please Bare with me until I get the first chapter Published!

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