Chapter 29: Goodbyes

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Carol and I washed the dishes, something that felt like the nice thing to do, knowing we almost ate Maria's entire food cabin. 

'I'm gonna miss this', I admitted.

She sighed, concentrated on cleaning the plates in the sink. 'Yeah, me too. But we will be back.'

'You better', a third person entered the conversation. Fury walked in, also picking up a towel to help dry the cutlery. 'Who is gonna believe me at SHIELD without you being there to be proof of alien life.'

We chuckled. They were gonna have a field day if we would show up. But even though we may be the first to arrive, I had a feeling we wouldn't be the last. Earth was one of thousand planets in this galaxy alone so who knows who else would visit this little blue planet.

'Keep the Tesseract on Earth. Hidden', Carol said, suddenly serious.

'You do know that the Flerken still contains it, right?' Goose still hadn't thrown up the cube, so for now, it was safe with the animal that was adopted by Fury and living in SHIELD.

'You're sure that's what Marvel would want?' The SHIELD agent asked her over my head.

'Mar-Vell', she corrected him, a little smile forming on her lips.

Fury looked confused. 'That's what I said.'

I shook my head. 'It's two words. Mar-Vell.'

'Mar-Vell', he said very exaggerated. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. 'Marvel sounds a lot better. You know, like the Marvelettes?'

Carol and I both looked at the man in confusion and amusement when he started to sing. 'Oh, yeah, wait a minute Mr. Postman. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Mr. Postman.'

I couldn't hold in a laugh at how ridiculous that sounded.

'Not ringing any bells?', he asked confused as to how we didn't know the song. Maybe it was very popular here.

Carol was on the verge of breaking out in a laugh herself. 'Keep singing. Maybe it'll come back to me.'

I snorted when Fury pulled a weird face. Not happy with how his singing was judged.

Suddenly, the woman next to me remembered what she had stashed in her pocket before dinner. We still had the pager we made Fury give to us the day before and Carol had worked her technical magic on it, upgrading it tremendously.

Turning it on, it showed her symbol first. The red and blue from her suit around a golden star. Then after a few seconds, it flashed to purple, black and silver, my colors. We figured this was the best thing to put under our names. We didn't want anyone to know who was behind the symbols, only Fury knew.

The man stared at the device, studying the symbols that flashed back and forth. 'I upgraded it. Range should be a couple galaxies, at least.' Before he could take it, Carol pulled it back out of his reach, wanting to say something first. Fury knew immediately what it was.

'What? You think I'm gonna crank call you?'

'For emergencies only. Okay?', making sure he knew not to call us for every little thing. He took the pager quickly before she could take it away again and laughed happily that he know had a space contact. 

Putting it in his pants pocket, he spoke to her again. Well, actually us, because I had snuggled into her side, my arm around her waist. 'Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout.'

'Will do, Nick', I winked. Carol laughed and with her free hand fist-bumped him, giving a little shock when she touched him. He grinned and waved his hand to get rid of the pain. 


It was time to go way too soon. I would have had no problem staying right here for the rest of my life, but unfortunately, we had other business to attend to.

I thanked Maria for her hospitality, the food and drinks. She thanked me for looking out for her friend when she couldn't and thanked me for loving her. But she also gave me the dad-talk, about how she would kill me if I ever hurt her. I told her that wasn't going to be a problem, to which she just hugged me tightly. All the while Carol laughed at her overprotective friend.

Fury got a hug from me too, even though I could tell he wasn't the biggest hugger. Hell, I wasn't too, but this situation called for some hugs. I wished him good luck in his career within SHIELD and the search for more people like us. He wished me luck with the Skrulls, the Kree and whatever else life would throw at us along the way.

Monica got the biggest hug from me, her favorite alien. I picked her up and spun her around a couple times until I almost fell over from dizziness. Carol watched us from afar, adoration clear in her eyes. 'Take care, little one. I hope you build that spaceship you were talking about.' She nodded furiously and threw her little arms around my neck, burying her face in it.

'Take care of my Auntie', she whispered in my ear, making sure nobody heard her. 

'I will, don't worry', I reassured her.

Maria, Monica, Carol and I walked outside, ready to take off. But the girl suddenly remembered something, running back inside. She came back out with a familiar brown jacket in her hands. A bright smile formed on my face. I had completely forgotten about that, but she didn't. 

She gave it to Carol, who took it gratefully. 'We got the ketchup stain off.' She looked at her old jacket for a moment, remembering what it looked like, and then put it on over her uniform.

She pulled the girl in for a little hug. 'Thanks, Lieutenant Trouble', she said softly. I could see the farewell was hard for her, pushing the tears down in her shiny eyes. She sighed, looking up from Monica to Maria, who also had watering eyes. 'It's hard for me to say goodbye, too.' They hugged tightly, dragging this moment for as long as possible. 

She looked at them one last time, taking in their faces, before Maria nudged her to go. 'Go on.' 

We both smiled at them for the last time, before walking away and flying into the sky, to the Kree Cruiser the Skrulls were in again, ready to go too. We paused before the little window, letting them know we were ready. Talos signaled he was going to turn around towards the jump-point and the ship slowly set off.

I wanted to follow, but saw that Carol had turned around, looking back at Earth. She was having a hard time letting go. Leaving behind more than just a friend. Leaving behind part of herself, her old self, the one she had just found again.

'Hey, they will be waiting for us when we get back. Earth is not going anywhere', I tried to ease her.

She sighed, still staring at the blue planet. 'I know.'

I took her hand, making her finally look to me, brown finding purple. 'Your home will always be here, but for the next few years, I hope to be it.'

Her eyes softened by my spoken words and she pulled me into her body, forgetting everything for a moment, she kissed me deeply. It was different than any other time she had kissed me. No desire or lust, no carefulness, no fear or haste. I could only describe it as pure love. 

She pulled away way too quickly for my liking and stared into my eyes. 'You really have a way with words.'

I laughed softly, shrugging a little, trying to play it off. I wished we could stay right here, in the quiet and stillness of space, just the two of us in this endless void. But the retreating ship caught her eye and she sighed, reluctantly letting go of me. 'Time to go, Commander.'

'Yes, Captain Danvers', I teased her, my eyes flickering from the name tag on her jacket back to her eyes. 

She just laughed again before dragging me with her by my hand, following the Kree Cruiser to god knows where, away from the life we knew and to a new life awaiting us. A life full of danger, adventure and a lot of love.


Wow I didn't realize I was already at the end of this movie... so it is very short this time.

But don't worry! There will be Infinity War and Endgame scenes too!

I loved writing this movie because I love the movie in general. 

But anyways, up next: Infinity War

(1459 words)

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