Your Name Till the End

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It was a rainy morning of June. The school compound was loaded with children, saving themselves from the water with bright and colorful umbrellas. Some of them were wearing raincoats and showing it off to their friends.
Yamuna clutched her blue umbrella tightly.The strong wind was making it hard for her and it occasionally sprinkled the raindrops on her face and body. It was her first day at school and she wanted it to go smooth without any hiccups. The rain was getting heavier and the wind was growing harsh.
So she didn't wait to get inside the school campus.But once she did, she did not know where to go and unfortunately couldn't spot any teachers.
However, she decided to take shelter under the school building and rushed to stand under the sunshade, in front of a few classes. She then closed her umbrella and wiped her wet hands and face.
After a short while, she averted her glance to her watch. It was eight thirty five and she was asked to be present in the classroom by nine. She looked around and found a lot of kids taking refugee under the sunshade and class entrances like her. She decided to enquire from one of them.
But before she could do anything,she heard a loud noise from behind her followed by a squeal. She turned around briskly to find a boy on top of another one who was laying on the floor. The boy who was seething with anger,on top of a scared lad looked oddly familiar.
'Its Ruhaan'she remembered.

Ruhaan's hands were clenched into a fist and one of them was held in the air, aiming at the other student. Soon his fist met the other one's cheek making Yamuna gasp with wide eyes.

"Never dare to talk like that to me!"the caution voiced out in his furious voice made the spectators go silent within a second. Yamuna looked on as he stood up and the other boy follow his cue. He muttered as awkward sorry to Ruhaan, utterly embarrassed at the attention he got. Almost everyone was staring at them and the boy slogged away while Ruhaan crossed his arms, diverting his line of vision away from his retreating figure.
Yamuna slowly glanced at Ruhaan. She was able to see that his eyes were red with unshed tears.The redness of his eyes overshadowed the water and it went unnoticed by everyone except her. She somehow felt bad for him than the boy who got thrashed. She decided to ask Ruhaan about this sometime later.

"Hi Ruhaan! "she exclaimed, plastering a sweet smile on her face. Now everyone was looking at her. Also, there was a well built man, who appeared to be a physical education teacher approaching them from a distance.

"What? Everything is over! "he barked at the crowd and they dispersed to their respective classes expect her.

"Oh! You followed me here too?"he threw the question at her, eyeing her from head to toe. He successfully hid his tears with a quizzical look.

"Excuse me! I didn't follow anyone. And you! Who will follow you?I must be blind to do that. "she retorted with equal spirit.

"That you are! "he replied, making her frown.

"Fine!"she said with a red nose.

"Haha! I was joking.Look at you. "he chuckled looking at her angry face actually made her look funny.

"Will you take me to class or should I say whatever you did to that teacher? "she asked, pointing at the well built man who was just a few steps away.

"Oh god! I'm scared! "he teased, covering his face with his hands.

"You are impossible!I will find a way myself. This is the way he repay to helps it seems! "she sighed and walked away.

"Hey wait!Which class? "he quickly caught up with her.

"Why would you wanna know, Huh? "

"Why so serious? "

"Why so silly? "

"Fine! You win! I'm going to Nineth B. If that's your class by any chance, then tag along. "he said and walked past her. She smiled without his notice as she successfuly made a friend in her class. She followed him obediently like a child.

"Are the teachers nice here? "she asked casually.

"They are nice until you are nice."he replied with a smirk and she just giggled.

He suddenly stopped on his tracks and signalled her that they have reached their class. They entered inside together and she saw boy and girls gawking at her as if she was some three headed alien from a far away planet.

"Lord Shiva! Why these people are looking at me like a pig or buffalo just entered the class?Please bless me with my studies and life here!"she whispered under her breath and got seated near a girl with short braided hair and an average height.

He also took seat on the edge of a bench on the boys' side corresponding to hers.
He then looked at her and gave her a thumbs up, indicating an all the best.
She gave him one of her best smiles and he did too,after which a teacher came inside.

"Ma'am we've reached! "the words of the driver pulled her up from unending abyss of memories.

She looked out of the car's window to a beautiful temple, the same place where she met him for the first time.
She had everything now; money, status and a bit of fame. But she never found the one and only thing she ever wanted. Him. His presence. Love.
She got out of the car and entered the temple. The emotionaly captivating aura of the surroundings had not diminished even one bit. It was small yet heavenly.
It had almost been ten years since she had left this place. Nostalgia and a feeling of melancholy hit her hard like an arrow that had been aimed at her with the strings of a bow that never misses it's targets.
But as always, the temple and it's surroundings, the slow resonant chiming of bells and the whistles of the naughty wind, shaking innumerous green leaves on its course imparted placidity to her storming senses.
She walked to the Shiva linga,that was her usual spot long ago and joined her hands fervently. She prayed in tranquility, closing her eyes.
The moving air slowly touched her face which seemingly fondled the injuries embedded on her soul.

After the prayer, she got back into the car and then resumed her journey to the hotel she was to stay. On her way, she was fascinated by the fact that her small town had turned into a developed city. The face of the place had changed as a whole,almost unrecognizable.
The quiet streets where once she and Ruhaan used to walk together,embarassed by the constant teasing of their friends who walked in a bunch ahead of them were now bustling with people. There were huge and small buildings on both sides of the road.
She let out a deep breath.She had changed too. Very much.She was now a wealthy and authorative businesswoman, the managing director of Elite Candles.
She had came here for a business deal. The car pulled into the parking lot of a posh hotel that had been booked for her stay.
An year passed quickly and Ruhaan and Yamuna got promoted to the next class. Within that span of time, they had become good friends.Not only him,Yamuna's kind and sweet nature had attracted everyone to her. She made a lot of friends.
One fine day, Ruhaan was talking something to Yamuna when she came up with a few questions.
"Ruhaan... Umm.. You know, on the first day of my school, I had seen you hitting a boy.But more than anger, you looked hurt. I never felt like asking someone else about this. Can you tell me why? "she asked whilst budging within her seat seeing the colours of his drain gradually.
"I came to this world.. Killing my mother...And he told something really.. Really bad about her.. I wouldn't dare to mouth it. He have always been in loggerheads with me since I score better. I took all that as fun. But that day, he crossed his limits. "he stuttered as tears filled his eyes yet again. Yamuna felt extremely guilty for asking about it to him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. "she said regretfully, looking down.

"It's fine."he said as he wiped his cheeks slowly.

"I don't know how to console you.Just don't be sad. Your face looks so so.. Bad when you... Cry. "she said,trying to cheer him up.

"Who cried? I didn't! "he said, hiding his tears like that day.

"You did! "

"I didn't! "

"You didn't! "

"I did!... Oops! "he stuck he tongue,while she let out a victorious laugh. He laughed along involuntarily.
The day went by quickly and the beautiful little city had welcomed the dark enchantress, the lively yet silent night.

Ruhaan drove his car keeping a stoic face. The almost empty lanes did not surprise him as it must have been two or three at night. He was a workaholic by choice as it was the only activity that would keep him occupied...precisely from her thoughts. They have done everything else together. He never wanted to forget her but he longed to let go of the pain that followed the blissful memories.
He could say that the night was getting murkier as the dark blue clouds accumulated in the sky and hid the gleaming moon. He looked straight, concentrating on the road.

Suddenly,he felt himself hit by an extreme force. The next moment, his car was thrown to his left.

"Yamuna! "the name exited his lips perforcely.He could feel wetness and pain on his head. His skin sensed the unstoppable flow of a liquid running down his neck.
His vision was slowly flubbed and he was sent tumbling down the stairs of darkness.

Some of you told me that you loved my description 😀,Thank you so much 😘
Though this story is not getting that much response, I'll continue to write for myself and the few who read:)
Anyway, I got 79 views but just 17 votes&16 comments for the last chap. I respect all my silent readers,but still your words will mean so much.

PS. Not proofread again :p
(call me lazy!😁)

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