Chapter 11 What's Bothering Him?

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Zoe's P.O.V.

"Just stop it, Zoe. You can't always behave like a child."

As his shout echoes in my ears, tears roll down my cheeks. I'm seated in the backseat of a cab, heading back to my apartment.

Although I understand Sky is going through something and is stressed out, his outburst at the cafe is still hurting me.

For the first time, he treated me so harshly when I was just trying to cheer him up. Maybe it's my fault for not giving him space.

But what am I supposed to do? I can't keep myself away from him when he's going through something. It was so hard to spend my days without talking to him when he was out of town for a week. I was hurt and worried about why he wasn't texting or calling me, and when I finally saw him after a week, all bruised, my heart nearly skipped a beat.

I still can't believe that he got involved in a fight. It's a mystery why Sky is behaving so out of character. What's bothering him so much? I'm not convinced that it's just business-related. I feel like he's hiding something from me, but I can't figure out why.

Anyway, I'll give him space now. I won't run after him. He can take his time.

My phone keeps ringing in my hand, but I keep disconnecting the calls. It's Sky. I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now.

Me: Sky, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Focus on whatever is bothering you. I'm not angry with you because I know you didn't mean it. So just chill. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care.

I send him a text because I want him to stop calling me. Although I understand he's stressed, I can't talk to him right now because his behaviour has hurt me.

Sky: Trouble, please answer my call. I know you're not fine.

Me: Trust me, I'm fine. I just need some alone time. I'll call you later.

Sky: Okay! But truly, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry.

Reading his text, a fresh tear rolls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away. I don't want to be angry with him, but I also need time to process everything. I decide to reply later and put my phone in my bag. Right now, I need to clear my mind.

For the past week, I've been thinking only about Sky because he's never been this distant or stressed before. Something's changed in him, and I can feel it.

I miss my old Sky.

Please come back to me.


It's been an hour since I arrived at my apartment. I've been trying to take a nap, but I can't stop thinking about what happened today. I'm hurt and worried about Sky.

"Why can't he share with me what's bothering him?" I mutter, annoyed, holding my head in my hands as I sit on the bed. Sky has always been so strong. Seeing him so troubled and distant tears me apart.

My phone buzzes again, and I reluctantly pick it up, hoping it's not another message from Sky. Instead, it's a notification from Selena.

Selena: Hey. Did Sky share with you what's bothering him?

I've been worried about Sky for the past week, and Selena has noticed this.

Me: Not really. He's been acting so strange lately. I don't know what's going on with him.

Selena: That's odd. Sky's usually so open with you. Have you tried asking him directly?

Me: I have, but he keeps brushing it off. He says it's business-related, but I don't believe him.

Selena: Maybe he's just under a lot of pressure.

Me: I just want to help him, Selena, but he's pushing me away. It's hurting me. I don't know what to do. I can't stand to see him like this.

I share with her everything that's been going through my mind, and I feel a bit lighter now.

Selena: Give him some time. Let him come to you when he's ready. In the meantime, take care of yourself. You know, since I met you, I've noticed that you both are intensely focused on each other. I understand that you've been friends since your school days, but I think it's high time to move on and explore relationships beyond that friendship.

Selena's words hit me hard, and I realise she's right. It's been such a long time that my world has revolved around Sky. I've always been there for him, and he for me, but maybe it's time to focus on myself. It's just so hard when he's such a central part of my life.

Me: You're right, Selena. I think I need to give him some space and focus on myself for a while. But you know it's hard. I miss the way things used to be.

Selena: Things will get better, Zoe. Sky is your best friend. He'll come to you.

Me: Thanks, Selena. I'm feeling better now.

Truly, I'm feeling a bit relieved. Sometimes sharing things with someone who understands can be a great comfort.

Selena: Anytime, babes.


The Next Day

"How are you feeling today?" Selena asks as she takes the seat beside me in the classroom.

"Trying to distract myself from thoughts of my best friend, who has been acting strangely lately," I answer her in a casual tone, though I can't stop myself from worrying about him.

I wonder if he's okay, if he's managing whatever is troubling him.

"Everything will be fine, Zoe." Selena wraps her arm around my shoulder, giving me a side hug.

"I know, but I feel like I'm being selfish by focusing on myself when he needs me. He always comes for me whenever I need him." I share my thoughts with her, fidgeting with the chain of my pendant.

She gives me a sympathetic look. "I get it. But focusing on yourself doesn't mean you don't care about him, Zoe. It just means you're giving him the space he needs and taking care of your own well-being as well."

I nod, understanding her words, wishing everything gets normal like before between Sky and me.

Just then, my phone vibrates softly on the desk, startling me out of my thoughts. I glance at it. It's a message from Sky.

I take a deep breath before reading it.

Sky: Trouble, I won't be able to make it to college today. Got an urgent meeting with Dad's investors. Sorry for not informing you earlier. I'll catch up with you later.

Yesterday, he was so desperate to talk to me, and today, he's not coming to college. Why is he doing this?

Zoe, he's busy. You're overthinking. Give him some time.

I try to convince myself before sighing and quickly typing a reply.

Me: It's okay, Sky. Take care of your meeting. Let's catch up whenever you're free. Good luck!

Sky: I'm truly sorry about last evening.

Me: It's fine, Sky. I understand. Let's just forget about it.

Sky: I'm glad you understand, Trouble. I'll text you as soon as I'm free.

Me: Okay!

After texting him, I turn my attention back to Selena, who's been watching me with concern.

"Everything alright?" She raises her brows at me.

I nod, forcing a smile. "Yeah, it's just Sky. He's caught up with some meeting today and won't be coming to college."

"Then we'll hang out after college. Okay?"

"That sounds like a plan." I give her a high-five.

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