Chapter 24 Your Vibrator

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Sky's P.O.V.

Damn! What did I do?

Instead of explaining my feelings, I started asserting my right over her. It's as if possessiveness took over me when I saw Liam leaving her apartment. I just can't bear to see her with any other man now. It boils my blood.

What will she think of me?

However, she was soaking wet for me when I slipped my hand inside her undies. It means I'm affecting her. She doesn't understand it now because all this is completely unexpected for her.

I'll give her time to process everything, but I won't let her get close to Liam. I can't afford to lose Zoe at any cost. She has to understand that we're more than best friends now.

As I drive home, I replay everything in my mind—my possessiveness, my hand inside her short and rubbing her, and her reactions. Fuck! The way she was grinding against my hand. It was so satisfying. I can't forget it.

Zoe was wet for me! She needs me, but she doesn't know. But I'll make her understand.

When I get home, I pour myself a drink, trying to calm my nerves. I know I need to talk to Zoe, to explain everything properly.

I pace around my apartment, can't able to sit still. My mind is spinning with thoughts of Zoe. Her face, her scent, the way she felt against me, and her taste, I can't forget anything. I want her in every way, and I know she wants me in the same way.

I pick up my phone and stare at the screen, debating whether to text her again. She needs space, I remind myself, but I also want her to know how serious I am about this, about us.

No more games, no more pretending. I need to lay everything out on the table. I need to tell her how I feel, how I've always felt. Maybe I've been a coward, hiding behind our friendship, but not anymore. I can't hide my feelings for her any longer.

I shoot her a text.

Me: We need to talk. Tonight. Can you come to my place?

It's time to face this head-on. She needs to know what I truly feel for her and how she drives me insane.

I sigh as I receive a reply from her.

Zoe: I'll come to meet you if you promise me you won't cross the line of our friendship.

Fuck! Why can't she understand we have already crossed that line?

Relax, Sky! Don't forget it was hard for you as well in the beginning when you developed sexual desires for her. Give her some time, she'll understand.

Me: I promise. Please come to meet me, Trouble.

Zoe: Okay, I'll come tonight.

I run a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath. Tonight. I'll tell her everything that she has been doing to me since I caught her using the vibrator in her room. No more lies now and no more hiding the truth.


Zoe's P.O.V.

I reach Sky's penthouse, my heart thumping in my chest. It's the first time I'm feeling nervous to meet Sky. The flashes from our morning encounter keep revolving in my mind—his hands inside my shorts, his eyes filled with possessiveness that I never saw before.

God! It's so confusing, so overwhelming.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, trying to steady myself. The door swings open almost immediately, and there he is, looking at me with an intensity he's never shown before.

"Hey," I say softly, stepping inside.

"Hey, Trouble," he replies, closing the door behind me. "Thanks for coming."

We stand there awkwardly for a moment, neither of us knowing how to start this conversation.

Finally, Sky gestures toward the couch. "Sit down, Zoe. We need to talk."

I nod and take a seat, my hands clasped tightly in my lap. He sits down next to me, closer than usual, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body. It's distracting, making it hard to think clearly.

"Zoe, I need to tell you something," he begins, his voice serious. "I've been feeling a strong desire to have you as more than my friend for a long time. I've tried to suppress it, to keep our friendship intact, but I can't any longer. Seeing you with Liam... it pushed me over the edge." His eyes again glint with possessiveness.

Until last night, we were best friends, and now he's saying he has these sexual feelings for me. It's too much for me to process.

I stare at him, my mind swirling with confusion. "Sky, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that I want more than just friendship with you, Zoe. I've wanted it for a long time, but I was too afraid to admit it. Last night wasn't a mistake for me. It was everything I've been longing for."

His confession leaves me speechless. He's baring his soul to me, and I can't ignore the effect it has on me. But there are so many doubts, so many fears.

"Sky, we've been best friends for so long," I tell him. "I don't want to lose that. I don't want to ruin what we have. I'm scared."

"Even I was scared, thinking that our friendship would get ruined because of my desire. That's why I've been hiding my feelings from you for almost a month. You drive me crazy, Trouble."

So this was the reason he was behaving strangely with me. Now everything makes sense. He was ignoring me because he was trying to suppress his feelings.

Oh God! I never thought this was bothering him.

But he needs to understand that these feelings can ruin our pure friendship.

"Sky, can't we be just best friends like before?" As I ask, his frown deepens.

"You're not getting it, Trouble. We can never be just best friends now. You've been getting on my nerves since I saw you using—" he pauses suddenly, causing my brows to narrow in confusion.

"Since you saw me using what, Sky?" I ask, my tone filled with desperation, my heart pounding.

Sky looks away and takes a deep breath before turning back to me. His eyes are filled with frustration and longing. "Since I saw you using your vibrator," he admits, his voice low.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment and shock. What the fuck! He saw that?

Oh God! I can't breathe. What's happening in my life? My best friend saw me using the vibrator. When? How didn't I notice?

Shit! How many more shocks are going to come my way? What else is he hiding from me?

My life has been turned upside down since my kiss with my best friend. I'm certain now that nothing will ever be the same again between us.

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