Chapter 42 Hickey!

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Zoe's P.O.V.

The next day, I stand in front of the mirror, getting ready for college. A smile isn't leaving my face as flashes of the previous day revolve around my mind. It was the first day after I moved into Sky's apartment, and it was perfect.

In just one day, Sky made love to me in many positions, and it's quite shocking that I'm still left craving more. I'm so sore, yet I want to feel him inside me again.

What is he doing to me?

Oh my God, the way he teased me yesterday when Selena called me. It was so amazing. After that, the orgasm I experienced blew my mind.

It was another kind of thrill. I'm certain today Selena is going to tease me to no end.

"Sky... I can't hide the mark. Why did you give it here?" I complain as I try hard to hide the deep red hickey on my neck with the concealer.

Sky chuckles, approaching me. "Because, Trouble, I wanted everyone to know you're mine."

God! His possessiveness will kill me one day.

I roll my eyes as a smile tugs at my lips. "I never thought my Sky would become so possessive one day."

He wraps his arms around my waist from behind, his lips brushing against the mark he left. I look at him through the mirror, my cheeks warming up.

"You have no clue how possessive I am of you, Trouble," he whispers in my ear, snaking his arm around my waist, sending shivers down my spine.

"Really? Then tell me how possessive you are of me." I place my hands on his, leaning on him.

"One night, when you left to go to Liam's place from the club, I crashed my car into a tree so that I could call you and Liam couldn't get a taste of what's mine." My eyes widen in shock at his words.

What did he do? He put himself in danger. How could he?

I withdraw from his arms and turn toward him, my eyes filled with anger. "Sky, are you crazy? What if something had happened to you that night?"

"Zoe," he explains, placing his hand on my arm, "I was losing my mind that night, thinking about what Liam would do to you when I was yearning for you. That night, I didn't have any other option. I had to do something to stop Liam from taking what's mine."

I frown and avert my gaze, crossing my arms over my chest. He can't justify himself after putting his life in danger.

"Trouble, put yourself in my shoes." He gently holds my chin, turning my face to his. "If you were desperate to make me yours, would you have let me sleep with someone else?"

"Sky, I understand what you went through, but whatever it is, it's not right to put your life in danger. Promise me you won't do something like that again."

He nods, understanding my words. "Pinky promise, Trouble." He entwines his pinky finger with mine. "I won't do anything reckless like that again. You're right; it was stupid, and you know I fought a battle with myself before doing it."

"You know, Sky." I hold his two fingers, locking my eyes with his. "After losing my family, I can't afford to lose you."

He clasps my face and reassures me, "You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere." He presses his lips to my forehead, bringing a small smile to my face.

As I pull away, I turn toward the mirror and touch the love bite. It feels good to be marked by him, but I can't go to college with this mark.

"Sky, I know you want to let everyone know that I'm all yours, but I can't go to college with this hickey." I look at him through the mirror, gesturing to the red mark.

Sky grins, clearly pleased with his handiwork, but he nods. "Alright, Trouble. I'll be right back." He goes to the dressing room and returns a few moments later with a silk scarf in hand.

He carefully wraps it around my neck, his fingers brushing my skin softly as he adjusts it, causing me to shiver. I fix my gaze filled with admiration on him.

"There, now it's hidden. Happy now?" He pulls my cheeks, causing me to giggle.

I smile, touching the scarf. "More than happy."

"But don't forget you're all mine, Trouble," he whispers, leaning closer to me.

"Will you ever let me forget that?" I raise my brows at him.

"Never." He chuckles before pecking my lips.


"Zoe! Over here!" Selena waves me over as I walk into the classroom. Like yesterday, Sky left for match practice after dropping me off outside the classroom.

I walk over to her, adjusting my scarf, and sit beside her, trying to act casual. But her keen eyes are already on my scarf.

Damn! She noticed it. Now I'm in trouble.

"A scarf and all, are you trying to hide something under it?" she asks in a teasing tone.

I shake my head, touching the scarf. "Nothing like that. It just suits my outfit today."

Selena laughs, leaning closer to whisper in my ear, "Such a liar you are. It clearly seems like Sky is wild in bed."

I blush hard at her words and give up because I know it's useless to convince her. "I can't even begin to tell you how wild he is."

"You don't have to say anything. I can see that." She gives me a knowing look. "So tell me, how does it feel to no longer be a virgin?"

I look around to make sure no one is listening before I answer. "It's amazing, Selena. Sky is... he's incredible."

Her eyes light up with curiosity. "Details, Zoe! I need details."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Maybe later. But let's just say it's better than I ever imagined."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I feel a bit jealous of you," she admits, tapping her pen, causing my brows to furrow in confusion.

"Jealous of me? Why?" I ask, taking a book out of my bag.

"Having a boyfriend. Moving in with him. Experiencing all these new things. It's like you're living in a dream." Selena sighs, resting her chin on her hand.

I reassure her, placing my hand on hers. "Don't worry, Selena. Your time will come."

"My time will never come, Zoe. You know that one day, I have to marry a man of my parents' choice. I can't experience this." She looks straight ahead with sadness in her eyes, and my heart aches, seeing her like this.

I pray silently that someday she finds the love she deserves. I know how much Selena values her parents' wishes, but it breaks my heart to see her sacrifice her own desires.

"Selena," I start softly. "I know you want to please your parents, but you deserve to find love as well."

She smiles sadly. "My happiness is tied to theirs. I can never let them down."

I nod, understanding her perspective, but wishing she could experience the kind of love and freedom I have with Sky. Everyone deserves to have their own fairytale, and I want her to have hers.

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