Chapter 44 My Deep Fear

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Zoe's P.O.V.

I wake up in Sky's arms in the morning, naked and feeling content. It's been a month of blissful mornings like this, and my favourite thing is waking up a few minutes early just to admire my man.

I trace his jaw with my finger, smiling as I remember the countless moments we've shared since I moved in. Living with Sky has been more incredible than I ever imagined.

Sky, as my best friend, was amazing, but as my boyfriend, he's on a whole new level. He's caring, passionate, and always knows how to make me feel special.

I gently brush a lock of hair from his forehead, admiring the peaceful look on his face as he sleeps.

Every moment I spend with Sky is filled with joy and contentment. I always knew Sky's girlfriend would be so lucky to have him, but I never thought I would be that lucky woman. Sky is the perfect life partner. Truly. Every clumsy and troublemaking girl deserves a man like him.

And the way he's fulfilling my sexual fantasies is the cherry on top. He's so wild and amazing in bed, and he makes my life so much better. I often wonder how I would have managed without him if he hadn't entered my life.

God! I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Smiling, I lean down to press a soft kiss on his lips. Sky stirs, his eyes fluttering open, and a lazy smile spreads across his face when he sees me. "So you woke up before me again?" He gently brushes my hair from my face, and I nod in response, grinning.

"Yes, because you know how much I love to admire you."

"But that's not fair. You don't give me a chance to admire you while you sleep."

I chuckle at his words. "You can do that at night because I always doze off before you."

"But watching you sleep in the morning is different, Zoe."

I laugh. Seeing Sky behave like a kid is so funny. Who would have thought that the strict guy had such an adorable side? But I'm falling for him even more with each passing day.

"Oh really? How is it different?" I raise my brows at him.

Sky smirks, pulling me closer. "In the morning, the sunlight hits your face just right, making you look like an angel."

"Fine! Tomorrow, I won't wake up early. Now, are you happy?" I raise my brows at him.

"More than happy." As he captures my lips in a soft kiss, I straddle him, deepening the kiss.

After a quick fuck with me on top, we shower and prepare breakfast. Well, he cooks while I admire him, make a mess, and tease him by hugging him, slipping my hand into his shorts, and grinding myself against him. He warns me that if I don't stop, he'll punish me later, but I don't listen because it's fun to tease him.

Like every day, Sky drops me off outside the classroom.

"As always, you're not attending class?" I tease him, knowing full well his schedule.

He grins. "I have match practice."

I pout playfully. "I should join your team. Then I wouldn't have to attend class either."

Sky laughs, shaking his head. "Seriously, you'll play basketball? Don't you see your height, kid?" He gestures to my height, causing me to frown.

"Shut up! I'm not that short, and I can play basketball. I could even beat you," I retort, crossing my arms.

"Then I'll see you after class on the basketball court, and we'll see who wins." He taps my nose.

"That's great." I grin.

Sky leans in closer and whispers in my ear, "Don't forget that I'm also going to punish you for teasing me in the kitchen."

A shiver runs down my spine as he pecks my lips before leaving. I watch him walk away, feeling a rush of excitement.


"I'm scared, Selena. Every time I get close to someone, something bad happens to them. It's like I'm cursed or something." I share my deep fear with Selena, grasping the mug of my coffee as we sit in the canteen after finishing our first class.

This thought has always terrified me since I lost my entire family one by one, but since I started living with Sky, the fear has become even more intense.

I didn't want to let anybody know that something was bothering me, but it was getting unbearable with each passing day. Sky means everything to me, and the thought of something happening to him because of me is unimaginable.

"Zoe, just get that rubbish out of your mind." She explains, taking my hand in hers. "Life is unpredictable, and bad things happen, but it's not your fault."

I look at her, my eyes filled with fear. "But what if something happens to Sky? I don't think I could handle it."

She squeezes my hand in reassurance. "Zoe, you can't let fear control you. Sky is happy with you, and you're happy with him. Focus on that and enjoy the present. Don't let these thoughts ruin what you have."

"I'm trying to focus on the present only, but it's getting hard." I give her a helpless look.

She pulls me into a comforting hug, which I truly need. "It's okay. I'm with you. You'll get over this fear." She rubs my back, making me feel better. I feel lucky to have a friend like her in my life.

As we pull apart, I give her a small smile. "Thank you, Selena. I feel better now."

"Anytime, Zoe." She gives me a big smile. "Did you share your fear with Sky?"

I shake my head. "No. I don't want to bother him. But he has an idea about it."

She suggests, "Zoe, you should talk to him. If anyone can help you through this, it's Sky."

I nod, knowing she's right. Sky has always been there for me, and I shouldn't keep my fears from him. "I will. I just don't want him to worry."

Selena explains, "I understand, but he's your partner. He wants to be there for you, just like you would be for him."

I know I should share this with Sky soon, but not now. It's only been a month since we started our relationship, and I don't want to ruin it with my fear.

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