Chapter 8 The desire

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Sky's P.O.V.

After the call, I head inside my penthouse. I need a distraction, something to take my mind off Zoe and the torturous images replaying in my head. Painting always helps me clear my mind, so I decide to give it a try.

I hope focusing on a canvas will help me regain some control.

I stand in front of the canvas with brushes and paints in my art room, my favourite place. Whenever I have free time, I come here and paint. I inherited this talent from my late mother. Painting makes me feel connected to her. After her passing a few years ago, I left the house we shared and moved into this penthouse. My dad often urges me to return home, but I'm not ready yet.

As I begin painting, I try to let my mind wander to anything other than Zoe, but it's no use. Every brushstroke seems to be guided by my subconscious thoughts of her. Before I realise it, I'm painting her.

Zoe, lying half-naked on a bed, her lips slightly parted. Her eyes are closed, and her face is flushed, just like last night. The image on the canvas startles me.

Damn! She's seriously becoming my trouble. I'm losing my mind.

My hand shakes as I paint the last strokes. The painting is too vivid, too real. I step back to look at it, my heart pounding. I can feel myself getting hard just by looking at the image I've created. It's not helping; it's making things worse.

"Fuck!" I curse under my breath, running my hand through my hair, feeling frustrated and guilty. How did I let it get this far? How did I lose control so completely?

I rush to the bathroom and turn on the cold water in the shower. The icy water shocks my body, but it's exactly what I need.

I stand under the stream, hoping it will cool down my heated body and clear my mind. But even as the cold water pours over me, I can't stop myself from thinking about Zoe.

"Get a grip, Sky," I mutter to myself, clenching my fists. "You can't let this ruin everything. You can't let her find out."

The cold shower does little to help. The desire I feel for Zoe is too intense, too overwhelming. But I know I have to control it. I have to protect our friendship, no matter what it takes.

Maybe sex with a random girl can help me out.

As this thought comes to my mind, I leave the penthouse and reach the club in no time.

I head straight to the bar and order a whiskey, scanning the room for someone who might help me forget. The bartender hands me my drink, and I down it in one gulp, feeling the burn in my throat. I order another.

Soon, I notice a girl at the end of the bar, her eyes meeting mine. She's attractive, with dark hair and a sultry smile, but she's nothing compared to Zoe.

"Goddammit, Sky. Stop thinking about her," I mutter under my breath before approaching the girl.

I clear my throat, leaning against the bar next to her. "Hey, can I buy you a drink?"

She smiles, her eyes glinting with interest. "Sure. Anyway, I'm Lisa."

"Sky," I reply, signalling the bartender for two more drinks. "So, what brings you here tonight?"

"Just looking for some fun. What about you?"

"Same," I lie, forcing a smile. "Just trying to unwind."

We chat for a while. This isn't the first time I've tried to hit on a girl, but something feels off. My mind keeps drifting back to Zoe. I try to focus on Lisa, on the conversation we're having, but every time she touches my arm or laughs at my jokes, I compare her to Zoe.

After a few more drinks, Lisa leans in closer, her lips grazing my ear. "Do you want to get out of here?"

"Yeah," I reply, needing the escape.

We leave the club and head back to my car.


As we reach Lisa's apartment, she directly takes me to the bedroom. Her hands are all over me, her lips demanding, but I struggle to stay in the moment. I close my eyes, trying to lose myself in the sensations, but all I can see is Zoe.

"Sky?" Lisa's voice brings me back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lie again, forcing a smile. "Just a bit distracted."

She pulls me closer, her hands running down my back. "Let me help with that."

I try to focus on her touch, on the way her body feels against mine, but it's no use. My mind is filled with images of Zoe, and the guilt is overwhelming. I feel as if I'm cheating on Zoe.

I pull away, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, Lisa. I can't do this."

She looks at me, confused and hurt. "What's wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with you," I say, running a hand through my hair. "I just... I can't."

I grab my shirt and head for the door, my mind spinning.

As I drive back to my penthouse, the realisation hits me hard. No matter what I do, I can't escape my feelings for Zoe right now. I need to give myself some time.


Zoe's P.O.V.

I'm certain that Sky is hiding something from me because I've never seen him worry about business before. Today, he came to college and suddenly left without even talking to me. Moreover, he ignored my calls, which he'd never done before.

But why is he doing this? What could be bothering him so much that he can't even share it with me?

Whatever it is, I just pray that he gets through this, because I can't bear to see him like this.

When we had a conversation on the phone, I wanted to know what was bothering him, but I didn't force him to talk, because I understand that sometimes he needs his space.

Still, I can't stop myself from worrying about him. I hope he'll come to me when he's ready to talk.

If I get the good response, I'll post more chapters.

So kindly leave the precious comments.

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