Prologue (Pic of Malina)

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She was so normal, yet so not.....


Malina sat against the right wall in her dark bedroom, cradling her new baby girl. Her husband, Flaghton, stood beside her, grinning from ear to ear,

"She's perfect." said Malina quietly, "But I'm nervous."

"Why?" asked Flaghton, "She's a perfect vampire."

"But I sense light in her. We must protect her, at all costs." said Malina.

Flaghton quickly left the room and came back with a small charm shaped like a moon.

"Here." he said, handing the charm to Malina.

"Are you sure?" asked Malina, "We can't confine her forever!"

"It will work." said Flaghton.

Malina put the charm on a chain and tied it around the baby's neck while Flaghton grabbed a flash light.

"No!" said Malina, clutching her child.

"It is for her own good." said Flaghton. He turned the flashlight on and shined it on the baby. The child disappeared, leaving the charm in her mother's palm. When Flaghton turned of the flashlight, she reappeared, with the charm around her neck.

Malina gasped and clutched the baby. "What have we done, poor Sarana?" she whispered, "What have we done?"


Hey guys! Kitty~Chan here! Do you guys like the idea of doing this? I thought a vampire love story would be a good change! If you guys agree, please comment! Also, I'm going to be adding some OC's, so if you'd like to be one, please pm me.



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