10 | foolish love

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"The one who spends his life complaining, only continues to complain because others are willing to listen. But the one who lives his life to the fullest, appreciating his prosperity, continues to grow... and strives to help others grow alongside him."

— Forbidden Love


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"You did WHAT?!" Krissy's eyes go wide at the sudden news, and her hands remain firm on her own hips as she glares at her sister intensely.

"I told Aunt I had a man!" Marinette cried, pacing back and forth between the girl's two beds, not daring to look Krissy in the eye. "I know it was a bit foolish, but now she wants to meet someone that does not even exist!"

"So... what did you tell her then?"

Marinette stopped her pacing to turn to Krissy, unaware that she was tugging on her own raven-colored hair in frustration. "I told her he did not like to be around aunts who harassed their nieces."

Krissy eyes narrow, "You did not."

"Oh I most definitely did."

"What in the world, Marinette!" Krissy threw her hands up in the air to that, also frustrated with her sister's logic. "Aunt will eventually want to see this man, and you cannot hide him forever or make ridiculous excuses like that!"

Marinette crossed her arms. "Do not point your disgusting fingers at me. I had nothing else to tell her at the moment."

Krissy rolled her eyes. "What if she asks you again, hmm? What will you tell her then?"

"I will simply lie again."

"Like I said sister, Aunt is persistent and will eventually stop accepting your lame excuses." Krissy scolded, "She will want to meet him no matter how hard you try to keep him hidden."

Marinette rolled her eyes again. "Who are you, my mother?" She then stopped in front of her sister before sitting on the edge of her own bed. "Quit scolding me like I am Emily."

"Emily makes better choices than you." Krissy scoffed after that, raising a challenging eyebrow.

Just before Marinette could shoot an insult back at Krissy, a new voice enters the room, "I could have sworn someone said my name." Elizabeth stepped into view underneath the doorframe and leaned against the frame, offering her sisters a smug smile, "But then again, who would not want to let my angel of a name roll off of their tongue?"

Marinette didn't have the time, nor the patience to deal with Elizabeth and her mouth at the moment.

So, she said, "Shut the hell up, Elizabeth."

"Marinette!" Krissy scolded, since she rarely heard Marinette curse, and didn't like it whenever she decided to.

Elizabeth's eyes went wide. "How dare you speak to me that way! I am telling Aunt!"

"What are you, five?" Marinette mocked her eldest sister, turning only to scowl at Elizabeth. "Why do you not go do what you are best at? Flaunting your trash to a man who clearly wishes he had never looked your way. What horrid sights he will never be able to erase from his mind!"

"How dare you?!" Elizabeth, clearly offended, makes a loud 'hmph' of a sound, before turning on her heel and stomping furiously out of the bedroom. Marinette watched her leave with an amused sparkle in her eye.

Krissy, however, wore a frown. "I cannot believe you actually said something like that to Elizabeth. Such words are not to leave a lady's mouth."

"So only a man can say them?" Marinette challenged, knowing fully well what her sister's answer would be. When Krissy nodded, Marinette simply scoffed in return, "Who made up that despicable rule anyway? I should be allowed to say whatever the hell I please."

"Well, say it to yourself then," Krissy crossed her arms, the frown on her lips clearly evident. "Because I really do not wish to hear it. It disappoints me."

"Awe, it disappoints you?" Marinette mocked in a baby voice as she pouted at her sister sarcastically, "Oh no! Krissy is disappointed in my choice of words! Now curses will haunt me for the rest of my days!"

Krissy shook her head, but a small smile was tugging at the edges of her lips nonetheless. "Oh hush."

Marinette couldn't help but smile as well. Having a sister like Krissy was a bliss for the ravenette. The only person who ever understood her was this girl right here.

"I was pondering on the perfect name to call my fake, non-existent, soon-to-be husband," Marinette giggled, catching Krissy's playful eye. "Have any extravagant suggestions?"

Krissy grinned, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. "Oh! You should call him Richard! Aunt hates that name for some odd reason."

Hmmm... she would keep that in mind.

"Let us call him Lucifer!" Marinette growled playfully in a somewhat scary voice, causing Krissy to giggle behind her. Then, she said normally, "Aunt will be forced to marry her niece off to the devil himself!"

"In that particular situation, I can assure you Aunt will never allow you marry."

Marinette suddenly stopped giggling, and the look on her face almost looked as if a lightbulb itself had flickered on over her head. "That settles it then, we are calling him Lucifer."

"You should name him Robert!"

The two young women quickly whipped themselves around at the sound of the new voice, and under the doorframe of their bedroom door, stood innocent, little Emily, twisting her front of her shoe into the floor bashfully. "I think that is a lovely name."

Lovely? More like too convincing.

Emily was very young and naive, so matter how badly Marinette wished she could reply with a snark remark, she had to remember to always try and treat her youngest sister wth kindness. "Ah yes. It is absolutely... breathtaking. But I still prefer Lucifer over any other name."

Krissy snorted from behind her.

"Can I play this game too where we fool Aunt?" Emily asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.

"What game?" Krissy asked, "We are not playing any game."

To that, Emily frowned disappointedly at the news.

"I have an idea, Emily." Marinette interjected, wanting that smile to come back to her younger sister's lips. "Why do you not tell Aunt Elizabeth has finally found herself a man? Yes. What a fun game that will be."

Krissy eyes went wide, and she shot Marinette a 'what the heck are you doing' kind of glare. However, the ravenette ignored her sister's pointed look, keeping her gaze focused on the little girl in front of her.

"Elizabeth?" Emily questioned, one of her eyebrows twitching in confusion. "But she does not have a man."

"Exactly." Marinette smirked.

It took a moment for Emily to register exactly just what this game was. Her eyes widened in realization, and her lips parted in a 'O' shape. "Oh," she finally uttered, "You want me to lie."

"Mmmm, not quite. More like a fib."

"Marinette, that is the same thing." Krissy folded her arms across her chest disapprovingly.

"Do not listen to her," Marinette said, absently waving a hand in Krissy's direction. "Elizabeth deserves it anyway, Emmy. Since when does she ever treat you nicely?"

That had Emily frowning, "Well, when you say it like that... never."

"Exactly. So why should Elizabeth receive any sort of kindness from you?" Marinette asked, trying to persuade her sister into doing the deed. "It will merely be a harmless joke. No harm at all."

Emily was lost in thought, tapping her chin with her pointer finger and thumb as her eyes stayed focused on nothing in particular. "I suppose it would not hurt to tease her."

"That is my girl!" Marinette smiled triumphantly, raising her hand to high-five the little girl... which Emily returned with a giggle.

Krissy groaned, smacking her forehead in defeat. "Seriously? This is not how you deal with stubborn sisters, Marinette."

Marinette smiled widely, shrugging her shoulders carelessly. "Maybe not. But it is fun nonetheless."



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