12 | busted love

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"There's a reason why it's called advice. You don't have to apply it, but you can listen to it."

— Forbidden Love


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Krissy could not help but stare awkwardly at her older sister's new found behavior that morning. Everyone was seated at the dining room table for breakfast that morning, and for the first time ever, Marinette actually had a wondrous appetite.

As Marinette was piling more bacon onto her plate and almost shoving all of her eggs into her mouth at once, everyone at the table that morning was confused, and slightly disgusted at the sight.

"Um, Marinette, maybe you should consider eating a bit slower." Krissy had been the first to speak, twisting her fork into her untouched eggs.

Aunt, however, was not as kind with her words. If anything, she was as blunt as they came. "What are you, Marinette? An animal?!" She asked loudly, slamming her utensil onto the table. "Where are your manners?! I have taught you better than this!"

Marinette swallowed what she had in her mouth, immediately shoving another bite of food into it and completely ignoring the outburst her aunt had just had. Aunt sighed and shook her head, turning her attention back to her unfinished meal. Krissy, Elizabeth, and even Emily continued to stare at their sister as if she'd gone completely insane.

"Just so you all know," Aunt piped up with an announcement after her failed scolding. "After breakfast, I want you all to dress into your finest gown dress. We have been invited to a ball this evening."

At these news, everyone's eyes are back on the ravenette as Marinette practically spat out her eggs. "What?!" She then gaped at Aunt, "Why?!"

"What do you mean 'why?'" Aunt frowned slightly at her niece before her disgusted gaze landed on the mess of spitted out food now on Marientte's plate. "Seriously Marinette, must you make such a mess? It is a disgrace, really."

"But I had plans today!" Marinette groaned, completely ignoring her aunt's scolding. She had no time to go to a ball this evening. She had more important things to do... like climbing over to the other side of the wall to visit her new acquaintance.

Well, friend. She considered him a friend now.

"Is that so?" Aunt raised an eyebrow, and Marinette glanced to her side, only to find Krissy's eyes had averted away quickly. "Plans with whom?"

Marinette's eyes dance back to her aunt. "W-whom?" She hadn't exactly thought of an answer for that.

"Yes," If Aunt could raise her eyebrows any higher, Marinette was certain they would have left her forehead. "We all know your plans consist of nothing but childish acts." Elizabeth snickered at that. "So tell me," Aunt dared to go on, "Whom do you have plans with this afternoon?"

Marinette eyes suddenly widened, and quickly, they darted to Krissy for help. However, Krissy kept her eyes lowered and away from her sister, focusing on her plate of food that she'd barely touched. The table suddenly grew way too quite for Marinette's liking, and she couldn't help but swallow down the large lump that had begun to catch in her throat.

What in the bloody heck was she supposed to tell her aunt?

That she was going to break the law for at least a fifth time by climbing over the forbidden wall? Not to mention that she was also planning on meeting her new friend who lived there too.

Had she forgotten to mention that associating with anyone from the other side was also illegal? Even though, of course, no one had ever dared to get close enough to even meet the creatures on the other side.

Until she had.

Who in god's name could she possibly use as an excuse as someone who would be willing to spend time with her? Who in their right mind would actually plan to spend the afternoon with her... or want to even lay their eyes on her? Marinette had no close female friends, and she'd practically chased away every man and had made them all dislike the very fact she was still on this earth...

...except. And suddenly, a person came to mind.

"Nathaniel!" The name escaped her lips before Marinette could bite her tongue. Krissy's head was the first to snap up and finally make eye contact, almost sending her sister a look of disbelief. By now, Aunt had lowered a brow and instead had a single one arched, and Elizabeth was shooting an amused grin Marinette's way as if she knew something the ravenette didn't. Ignoring their odd stares, Marinette cleared her throat, "Um... I mean Sir Nathaniel Logharth. Yes. Mr. Logharth."

"Since when do you call him Mr. Logharth?" Elizabeth snorted, only to have Aunt raise her hand towards her oldest niece as a sign for her to shut up. Elizabeth cowered back, still staring at her sister with an amused expression, despite the hard glare Marinette offered her in return.

"Sir Nathaniel Logharth?" Aunt asked, as if she hadn't quite heard right the first time. "The Nathaniel Logharth?"

At this point, this was one of those times when Marinette would have to question her aunt's intelligence. Sarcastically, she said, "Is there another Sir Nathaniel Logharth I do not know about?" And then she added, "Of course I am speaking of him! Who else could I possibly be speaking of?"

Instead of receiving a scolding or a lecture for raising her voice, Marinette is surprised when her Aunt Lillian remained silent, as if the woman herself was at loss for words. Her aunt sat still, her eyes focused on nothing particular as she seemed to be lost in thought.

But... it didn't last for long.

"I did not think you would have wanted to see Sir Nathaniel again." Aunt raised her eyes to meet her niece's again after a moment of silence. "I would have never thought you, out of all people, would be trying to peruse a man."

Inwardly, Marinette scowled. Of course she wanted nothing more to do with Sir Nathaniel. Nothing against him as a person (he was not a rude or obnoxious man), but she did not find him attractive in any way, nor did she have any romantic interests in him.

However, she could somewhat tolerate him. And that was enough.

"Maybe I have changed." Marinette challenged, only to earn herself a loud snort from Elizabeth. Their aunt sent a scolding look her way, but Elizabeth couldn't seem to stop the flow of giggles that continued to escape her lips, even after lifting the palm of her hand to her mouth to try and silence it.

"Oh, we will see how much you have changed, Marinette." The way their aunt said those words made it sound almost challenging on Marinette's part. "Because tonight, Sir Nathaniel is the one who has invited us to attend his ball."



Well, damn.



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