16 | admired love

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"A friendship can only begin if there's a connection. Connectionless 'friendships' are just acquaintances trying to convince you otherwise."

— Forbidden Love


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"Would it be terrible if someone else knew I had this token?" Marinette asked her human-like-feline friend. Her hand was balled into a fist, but inside of it lay the arrowhead he had given her weeks ago. When he saw it again, Chat Noir only removed his eyes from hers for a second before he was back to admiring her eyes.

Although Chat Noir wanted to deny it, he'd been fond of her blue-bell eyes from the first time he'd ever met her.

The two of them had their backs rested against the wall, their legs stretched out and molded with the dirt. "Unless you did not say who gave it to you, then I do not see a problem." He said, his eyes boring into her's as he waited for her point.

"And if I did say?" She hesitantly asked him, her smile sheepish as she raised one eye to stare up at him.

His brows furrowed at that, and he frowned deeply at her. Of course she had to open her trap and had mouthed off to someone that he had existed. "You told another human that I exist?" Chat Noir practically growled, "You... you fool!"

Marinette too frowned at him, and she crossed her arms over her chest. "Shut up with your accusations! I said nothing of the sort," Marinette made a 'hmph' of a sound to prove she was upset. "I had only said a man had given it to me. Not a mystical man/cat creature!"

Her last sentence was not music to Chat's ears. Something inside of him tugged at his heart painfully, and he could feel his stomach churn. Why did that bother him so much? Why didn't he really like it when she had called him a mystical man? "I am sorry, I had not meant to accuse you." He shifted his legs slightly when he began to feel numb in his calves. "Who did you tell?"

"I told my sister, Krissy." Marinette wasn't hesitant to tell him her sister's name. "She grew curious when she found your arrowhead stashed away in the pocket of my tailcoat."

"It is your arrowhead." He corrected.

She ignored his correction. "When she asked me where I had gotten it from, I simply said it had been a gift from a man."

"Could you not have lied and said it had been a gift from a woman instead?" Chat Noir asked, his eyes studying her every move as she turned to stare up at him with unamused eyes. He hadn't meant to sound cruel, but he really wished that she wouldn't have mentioned the gift was from a man. It did not particularly matter which gender had given her the gift, but Chat Noir was sure the suspicion would've been a little less if she had lied and had said the gift had been from a woman instead.

However, he had not expected his new friend to get offended by his comment. "What does it matter if the gift was from a woman or a man?" She taunted him, eyes filled with annoyance. "Are you implying I should have betrayed my sister's trust?"

He shook his head, raising both his furred covered hands in offense. He needed to remember that women had a bundle of emotions; he kept that on tab. "Of course not. But now your sister will want to know who exactly gave you such a gift." He raised an eyebrow as he watched her angered expression slowly fade. "And what will you possibly say when she asks who this man is or what his intentions may be?"

Marinette had no words for that.

"Either way, you have already betrayed your sister's trust." Chat sighed and allowed his head to roll back, leaning it against the stone wall. His eyes averted from her own as he now stared straight ahead. "When we do mischievous things behind someone's back, we have already betrayed their trust. There is a reason why secrets on this side of the wall are known as demons themselves."

Marinette looked up at him upon hearing such words, and her eyes suddenly found his jaw awfully attentive to stare at. "Yet, every time we have met, I continue to keep a secret," he continued, his eyes still not bothering to meet hers again. "And one day, this demon will have me caught for my wrongdoings. And everyone will know of my sin."

Marinette unintentionally shuddered. She hadn't wondered what would happen if either one of them were to be caught communicating with each other. Besides, was it really that bad that it must be labeled as a sin? Marinette didn't see anything sinful as to making a new friend.

What did it matter if they were both from separate worlds? Should it matter?

"If it is a sin, why continue on with it?" Marinette asked him.

"Well, sin is the pinnacle of temptation."

"And people can also resist temptation if they really desire to."


"So?" She prodded, "Why do you willingly continue on with it?"

He refused to look her way. But she watched as his shoulders tensed ever-so-slightly at her question. "I could ask you just the same." And finally, he tilted his head to meet her gaze. "I had long ago tried to chase you away, yet you continue to return. Why?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I see nothing wrong with making a new friend," Marinette grinned up at him happily. "Besides, I can actually tolerate you, unlike all the other pig-headed men I have encountered."

"Pitty." Is his instant reply, but Marinette didn't miss the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips.

She couldn't help but giggle herself, knowing perfectly well he had finally tried to joke with her.

"So, you do have a sense of humor trapped somewhere inside of there." She poked at his chest.

At this, Chat Noir let out a low chuckle and quickly caught her wrist before she could even try and poke him again. "I suppose maybe I do. But only some are lucky enough to witness it."

Marinette genuinely smiled at this. This had been the first time Chat Noir had actually smiled or had tried to make a joke when around her. She was happy, to say the least. He was becoming more comfortable with her, and their friendship was flourishing. "Tomorrow, will you show me around this place?" Marinette hesitantly decided to ask him, completely switching the subject.

She almost regretted it when Chat's smile vanished from his lips. He went serious again as he stared off straight in front of him. Marinette knew what he was thinking: whether or not her seeing his world is such a good idea. "I... I do not think that is the best idea." He finally said, and his eyes never dare to see what her reaction may be.

Marinette nodded, and her gaze fell downwards. She knew it would be a long shot to ask him again, she just hadn't expected to feel so disappointed by his answer. Maybe, somewhere deep down, she'd expected by now that he trusted her enough. By now, she would have gladly showed him her world in a heartbeat if he had asked.

Oblivious to her knowledge, Chat Noir tilted his head to look over at her. He watched her for a few seconds as her gaze remained downwards in her lap, and her head hung in disappointment. He smiled a bit sadly to himself as he pictured the beautiful smile she had on her lips only moments ago. He liked it better when she smiled.

"Maybe next time," Chat Noir finally suggested as he tried to clear the air, and at this, Marinette's head snapped up to stare up at him in bewilderment. He could see the excitement already rushing through her eyes as a smile quickly replaced her frown.

What Chat Noir hadn't been expecting was for Marinette to reach over and wrap her arms around him, embracing him in a hug. He froze, his eyes widening as he stiffly watched her show him affection. It was odd really, Chat Noir had never felt such interaction in years. In a matter of seconds, Marinette had pulled away, and it'd been awfully too quick for his liking. She had probably sensed the stiffening of his body.

"I must go now," Marinette reluctantly pouted, wishing her goodbyes wouldn't have to be so soon. "My aunt will be expecting me for dinner."

Still shocked from the affection before-hand, Chat Noir only nodded, "Of course. I shall see you again soon?"

"Of course." She nodded, and the smile she had to offer him he knew for certain was genuine.



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