36 | lost love

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"A genius can lose his mind.
The confident can be insecure.
The brave can be terrified.
The light can become the dark.
The selfless can sometimes be selfish.
And the powerful can become powerless."

— Forbidden Love


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Three weeks later

Chat Noir kneeled before the stone wall, the wall that provided his sanctuary and safety, but also a wall that confined him to a world of magic - restricting and keeping him from rescuing his true love. Resting his forehead against its stones, he let a tear stray down his cheek. He never cried, not for anything and not for anyone. But loosing Marinette riled an emotion inside of him that he could not control, nor contain.

It had been three weeks. Three weeks since he had last seen Marinette's beautiful smile, and three weeks of non-stop pacing from the blonde - back and forth he marched against the wall, his thoughts only concerning for the ravenette. Chat Noir had devoted himself in nothing but trying to figure out how to rescue Marinette, and so far, each plan he would hatch had run into a roadblock.

His death.

If Chat Noir was to cross over to the other side of the wall, he would surely die, for the only reason he stayed alive was because of the magic the wall provided. But if he did nothing, Marinette would be taken to God knows where, and be used for whatever that sick red-headed buffoon wanted her for.

He held the arrowhead close to his chest - his mother's pride possession, and the token of his undying love for Marinette. No matter what it took, or what kind of consequences he would have to endure, Chat Noir would sacrifice anything and everything to get his lady back.

Even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

However, an alternative to live would be nice. For there would be no purpose in dying to recuse his lady if he could not live with her for the rest of their days.

So, Chat Noir figured, if anyone could change fate and toy with magic itself, it would be his father.

"Father, you must have some sort of spell that can grant me safe passage to the other side of the wall!" Practically kneeling before the king, Chat Noir begged for his father's assistance. Unbeknownst to most of the kingdom, the king's staff held unfathomable power. The king could perform certain magical spells and chants in many miraculous ways, and Chat Noir had been a witness to some of his father's sorcery. However, having such a power brought death along with it, and every spell came with a price.

"You know that I have not performed a magical deed with my staff in years, boy. In so long, that my subjects have forgotten my abilities." the king takes ahold of his son's shoulders, lifting him to his feet. "And you my son, know very well of what kind consequences lie ahead when toying with magic."

"I do not care." Bellowed his son, "I will take whatever consequences come my way. I just need a spell that will grant me safe passage, so that I may rescue Marinette. Please father," Chat Noir begs, welling on tears that were beginning to form on his bottom lid, threatening to spill.

Though the king felt great sympathy for his son, he shook his head. "I forbade it, my son. Whatever consequences come your way will doom not only you, but me, for the rest of our days. I will not send my son into an eternal darkness."

"Father, if I can never see Marinette again, I have already been sentenced into an eternal hell." with sad eyes, he meets his father's stern gaze. "You must understand that I love her, father, and that I would go to the ends of the earth for her. You must know somewhere deep in your heart what that must feel like, do you not?"

His father sighs, nodding to confirm that indeed the king had once felt like this at some point in his life. But to doom his son to eternity, he could not willingly do. Though the king had been harsh to the prince all his life, the king had always loved his son, and would plummet into hell if he had been the cause of his son's death. He just could not allow it.

"I cannot grant you of what you have asked me." The king replied, "I am so sorry, my son, but I cannot destroy the rest of your years."

Knitting his eyebrows together in an angered manner, Chat Noir only sneered at the king. "My life has already been ruined, father. I have nothing else to live for."

"But that is ridiculous, my boy. You have many more things to live for. Miss Marinette will always hold a place dear in your heart, but you cannot dwell on such a misery for the rest of your days." Explained the king, trying to reason with the prince.

"I will not simply give up on Marinette."

Growing somewhat frustrated with his son, the king frowned, "How do you even know the poor girl is still alive? For goodness gracious, she has been stuck on the other side of that wall for weeks! Surely, she could not have survived that long without the magic essence of the wall!"

Oh right, his father still knew not of Marinette's true identity.

Opening his mouth, Chat Noir went to reply. What excuse he had been ready to make was surely at the tip of his tongue. But before the feline could explain, a new voice entered their conversation, sending shivers down Chat Noir's spine.

"That is because, my lord, Miss Marinette was indeed never one of us, but only a simply human's girl."

The king and the prince turned, their gazes falling onto Miss Chloe Bourgeois. The evil blonde cat/woman stepped into the throne room, her heals clicking against the wooden flooring, as she approached the king and his son. Idly, she had no remorse, nor did she care that she had interrupted a conversation. She had even neglected to show her respects and bow, yet the king willingly allowed her to enter. "And why would you dare make such an accusation?" questions the king.

Chloe smirks, "Because, my lord, I overheard your son and Miss Marinette in a deep argument, and apparently, they had arranged a plan in which they would fool you in." turning to meet Chat Noir's gaze, she sends him a knowing look, raising her eyebrow, "Is that not right, my prince?"

Suddenly, Chat Noir had been put on the spot. For one, he had not expected Chloe Bourgeois, the woman he gratefully despised, to have full insights on his and Marinette's schemed plan. How had she even discovered what they had been up to? How did that wicked, blonde, beast know that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a human?

And then it struck him.

Chloé had overheard their conversation? More like she had followed them out secretly when Marinette had stormed out of the dining hall, and Chat Noir had followed quickly afterwards. Chloé had not overheard anything; she had been spying.

"Is this true?" the king's asks, turning to meet Chat Noir's eyes, "Is Miss Marinette really a human, son?"

Sighing, Chat Noir hung his head. "Yes father." not only had Chat Noir defied his father, but worse, his father had trusted him. Trusted that his son would take care of intrusions, because Chat Noir was the head guard, and that was his duty. Chat had told Marinette from the very beginning, when they first met, that his sinful deeds would catch up to him, and they finally had.

"You... you not only allowed a human to trespass, but you dared to get infatuated with one?" Bellowed the King, his voice rising. Slamming the end of his staff into the floor, the king allowed his rage to be set free, glaring down at his son. "What has become of you? You have discarded everything that I have taught you and you have tainted our ways!"

"Father, I love her!" Defensively, Chat Noir stood his ground before the king. "It does not matter if she is human or not!"

"You have forsaken your kind!" The King remarked, ignoring whatever pleas or defenses his son made. "You have chosen them over us, and you have completely disregarded whatever laws I have set! You are even willing to throw away your duties as my successor for this... this human girl! Imagine what your mother would think of you if she were still alive today!"

His father's words stung, despite that Chat Noir had never let them get to him before. But the mention of his mother faltered Chat, leaving his angered expression to ashes. If his mother were alive today, surely her opinions and say in the matter would not be anything close to his father's.

"If my mother were alive today, she would have told me to follow my heart." Chat muttered, his hard glare meeting his father's. "And that is exactly what I am going to do, with or without your help, father."

And with that, Chat Noir turns his back to the king. If his father was unwilling to help him, Chat Noir would face head on the consequences of his rash choices.

If he was meant to die, then so be it.

"My prince, wait!" Called Chloé from behind him, and even with his long and fast strides, she caught up to him outside. "Please reconsider!" She begged.

Sharply, he turns his head to meet her eyes. "Reconsider what? Marrying you? That choice was made long ago." With a huff, he looks forward once more, continuing his strides to the stone wall.

"Reconsider walking into your death!"

He suddenly pauses, slowly turning to look back at the blonde woman once again. "Oh? So suddenly, you are concerned for my well-being?" Eyebrows furrowed, he takes a dangerous step closer to her. "The moment you walked into my life and demanded we be wed was the moment I had no respect for you. You will not, and I repeat, you will not keep me from rescuing my love. And I do not give a damn of what strings you try to pull. I will never marry you! Ever!"

He turns once more, his eyes fixated on the wall up ahead in the distance. Again, he continues his long strides, his only focus in rescuing Marinette. He can feel the presence of Chloé behind him, following him like a lost puppy, but he makes no move to acknowledge her existence.

He reaches the wall, his eyes traveling up it. This was it, his final moment in which he would sacrifice everything for the woman he had madly fallen in love with. If this was it, at least Marinette would know that his actions were only the truest, and hopefully, he would have fully gained her trust. At least, she would be happy. Away and free from that terrible retched man who had kidnapped her for his own well-being to begin with. She could live her life, travel the world, and experience the life he had always wanted.

As long as she was happy was all that mattered.

"Your life is more important than a silly marriage, Prince Chat Noir." Replied Chloé, helplessly watching as Chat began to climb up the stone wall, successfully perching at the top. "You have to understand that once you cross over, you will be throwing away life itself! And all this, for what? One girl?"

At this, Chat Noir turns to meet her gaze below, "I understand clearly, and I will do whatever it takes to get Marinette back. One day, probably very far off into the future (if you are lucky), you will understand why I am about to do this." He then faces forward, a whole other world waiting for him to discover ahead of him. Though he would be leaving life itself, he would once again frolic in the spirit world, and finally get to experience the feeling of freedom. No more bounds, and no more deceptions. He would become free. "Because love has no bounds." He utters softly, and with one leap, Chat Noir ascends into the air, his full destiny and fate waiting below him.

And when Chat Noir's booted feet grace the grass of the other side, he had never felt more alive.



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