bonus 04 | fatherly love

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When Marinette realizes she's missed her menstrual cycle for the month, it's only plausible that Adrien's dream just might come true.

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The first time Marinette missed her menstrual cycle, she was absolutely terrified. She didn't tell anyone right away when she had confirmed it herself... mostly because that would only further confirm that her pregnancy with Charles was real, and at the time, her emotions were nowhere near excited about having a child that was biologically related to Nathaniel—or becoming a mother at all for that matter.

But now... years later... she'd missed her cycle again.

Marinette wasn't sure how to process the fact that she was indeed pregnant again, except this time, it had been on her own timing and with the man she was madly in love with. A part of her was definitely excited, but the other half of her was nervous. To be pregnant again was a horror in itself, but to be pregnant with Adrien's child is what made it all worth it.

She stepped out of the washroom a moment later, still so in shock herself. Much to her luck, Adrien happened to be coming down the hall when they crossed paths. He stopped short when he noticed the ghostly look on her face.


She stopped to look up at him, her eyes still blown wide.

He was looking at her in grave concern. "What happened?"

She blinked up at him several times, not even registering his words—only that his lips were moving. "What?"

He blinked back at her in confusion, but there was also concern in his eyes. "Has something happened?" Adrien took a step forward and grabbed a hold of her upper arms, pulling her closer to him. Her arms slowly rose to lightly grasp his waist, as if trying to stabilize herself. "You look like you have seen a ghost." He said. "Literally. You even look a bit pale. Are you feeling ill?"

Now those words she seemed to register, only because... now that she seemed to think about it, she could remember feeling a bit nauseous a few days prior. She hadn't known then why she had been feeling that way, but now it made so much sense. "Ill? Not in this moment, no."

Adrien furrowed his brows in confusion at that. "So... nothing is wrong then?"

"No... not wrong, per-se. I am still in shock, though."

Her husband's voice only rose higher as his confusion grew. "Why are you in shock?"

Marinette was having a hard time herself just being able to formulate responses for him. Of course, skipping her cycle was a very evident sign that she was pregnant, but she wouldn't be entirely sure until she went to see the doctor. "Because I discovered something."

Adrien was watching her unsurely. "And what did you discover?"

She was still looking down at their feet when she answered. "Something that has me a bit perturbed."

Marinette could hear the worry in his voice as he asked, "Perhaps you would be willing to share this news that you have just discovered instead of worrying me with your vague responses?"

Her head instantly snapped up, her eyes finding his then. Her pupils were dilated due to her initial shock, and she licked her dry lips, unsure of how he might take this news. "I... I believe I might be pregnant."

It took Adrien a moment for those words to register in his mind, but once they did, his eyes widened and instantly darted down to her flat stomach. "You... you are?"

She nodded slowly. "I believe so, yes."

"What makes you think this?"

"I... I missed my cycle this month." Marinette revealed timidly. Swallowing down her nervousness, she quickly added, "And I have been feeling nauseous for the past few days. I thought it was nothing, but then I remembered these are the same things that occurred when I was pregnant with Charles—"

Adrien didn't give her the chance to finish. Her husband suddenly launched forward and scooped her into his arms, causing her to emit a loud squeal. He held onto her tightly as he spun them around, laughing joyously all the while.

"This is wonderful news!" Adrien exclaimed excitedly. He put her down a moment later, only to keep her in his embrace as he hugged her tightly. His chin came to rest on the top of her head. "I-I can hardly believe it! I am going to be a father... again!"

He squeezed her tightly one last time to emphasize his excitement before he finally released her. He kept his hands on her shoulders, but when he pulled away far enough to meet her gaze, all of the brightness and excitement in his irises dwindled when he saw the uneasy look on her face.

Then, it seemed her words from earlier had registered in his mind and he frowned, "I...I am sorry. I did not even think to ask if this was something you wanted."

Marinette was almost certain she wanted this, especially if it was with her husband. But then why did she feel a bit doubtful? Why did she feel so afraid?

"You mentioned you were perturbed..." He went on quietly, rapidly searching her eyes all the while. "Is it because you do not wish to have another child? I know we never really discussed in depth what we would do if this circumstance arose, but if this is something you do not desire, I would understand and respect it if you wished to terminate the pregnancy."

Marinette snapped her head up to look at him with wide eyes. That had been the last thing she had expected to hear from him.

"I know a doctor who would perform the procedure without question." Adrien continued on despite his devastated tone. "If you wished it, we could have it done carefully and secretly. He would do it in confidence, and no one would know—"

"Adrien." Marinette quickly stopped him before he could go on. While she appreciated his supportive efforts, Marinette was not going to terminate the pregnancy. She hadn't done so with Charles, and she certainly wasn't planning to start with this little one. "I do not wish to terminate the pregnancy."

She watched as her husband let out a sigh of relief. For a moment, he looked at ease, until his eyebrows furrowed, and his frown returned. "So then... why do you say you are perturbed?" He asked curiously, yet in concern.

Marinette let out a defeated sigh. "I... I am happy... I promise I am... but I worry that perhaps I might not be able to handle two children under my care."

"Our care." Adrien rephrased. He was now wearing a soft smile—one that was meant to assure her. "I would be there to help you each step of the way. You will never be alone in anything you face, especially when it comes to raising a child. You know this, right?"

"Of course... it is just that..." she sighed a bit frustratedly, unsure of how to get her words out. "I will love my children, however many I have, regardless. But sometimes I worry that it is wrong of me to bring them into this horrible world that we live in. I fear that the world might gobble them up... or worse... not accept them. They might suffer because of this and... and that would be all my fault. Does that not make me selfish?"

Adrien hummed softly and raised a hand to her cheek, cradling her. Marinette instantly leaned into his touch. "Might this worry have anything to do with this child possibly being a girl?"

She involuntarily flinched in his hold. That was all the answer he needed. Frowning to himself, Adrien caressed her freckled cheek with his thumb. "I understand why you might have concerns regarding this matter. I certainty have no idea all that you have gone through in our society as a woman, but I know the unfairness frightens you for our future generations. However, I have also seen you change the way the world sees things little by little and I have a feeling it is possible for our world to change entirely. I would want our daughter to experience the power she holds and be a part of that change. Besides, if she is anything like you, she will be a fiery young lady."

Marinette chuckled at that. Already feeling a bit better, she leaned forward to rest her forehead against his chest. Adrien's arms came around her once more, encasing her in his hold. Sighing in contentment, he rested his chin on top of her head once more.

The fell into a comfortable silence after that, because no more words needed to be said. Adrien had made extremely valid points, all in which she agreed with entirely. It helped with erasing her fear for the unknown entirely. Yes, there would be hardships in their world now and as the years went on, and her children would be forced to face them all head on, but that was something she wouldn't be able to shield them from. Besides, if she intended to change the world, she was going to need someone to carry out her legacy.

With that in mind, Marinette felt at peace. Whether her child was a boy or a girl, she would cherish them for eternity. She would raise her daughter particularly to become a fighter for equal justice just like her.

But, for the time being, she hoped she was pregnant with another boy.


Wow... it's been a while since I posted the last bonus chapter, hasn't it? I've still got a few planned ones left.

Stay tuned for the next one!

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