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Ps: thank you Shazlife
@ SarainaRikara _Foever for making such a beautiful cover!!

Anika: shivaay say something
Shivaay: how much money do you need?
Anika: shivaay what are you saying?
Shivaay: do you think I'm a fool anika?
You think I will believe your lies?
Anika : shivaay I'm not lying
Ansh is really your son, I really need your help
We need to save our son
Shivaay : wow what an acting Anika
Don't you have any shame to say this
Anika: shivaay what are you saying
I'm telling the truth
Ansh is really your son
Shivaay: prove it to me
Anika: shivaay what are you saying
Shivaay: why Anika
Why are you scared of Ansh is my son then prove it
Anika pov
I was stunned by shivaays rough response on our son doesn't he trust me?
But for now I need him to see the truth
As this is the only option to save my
So I decided to prove it to him
Anika: ok shivaay
If you want proof then let's do the DNA test
Shivaay pov
I was unable to believe the truth
Why does all bad happen to me
Is Ansh really my son or is it another
Stupid plan of Anika
I should find out but for now
I just have to wait for the test results
This results will not only affect me but also my whole family
Om pov
Everything turned out to be awkward
Seeing Gauri and my daughter play a happy family in front of me
Hurts a lot
But I couldn't do anything
It was all my fault, that Gauri is now far way of my reach
As I was drowning in guilt
The murdress of my love was standing in front of me
Anika: omkaraji
Om: what do you need now
Anika: Ansh got another attack
Om: what ?
Why didn't you tell me
Where is he ?
Anika: he is in his room
I and shivaay just bought him back from the hospital
Om pov
I was about to rush to see the child
Even though the reality hit me that he is not my son
But still I raised him as mine
I was about to leave when Anika's word stuck my mind shivaay?
I faced back to her and asked her just one question
Om: what was shivaay doing with you Anika
Anika: shivaay was offering help Om
Om: does he know the truth?
Anika : Yes!
Om : you mean he knew the truth that you were bearing his child
And still he didn't marry you that day
Anika: no Om it's not like that
He knew it ..
Anika pov
before I could finish my word
Om raised his hand again
But this time he didn't slap me
He just banged his hand on the glass only to be covered in blood
Anika: omkaraji your hurt
Om: this is not the hurt
Anika did you know
What you have done?
You destroyed me
Anika: I'm sorry Om
But listen to me
Om: what should I listen to you?
Because of you and shivaay
I had to break ties with my pregnant Gauri
I didn't marry her nor I claimed my own child
just because of yours and shivaays plan
Anika: omkara listen to me shivaay is not ..
Om: shut up Anika
Everything was a trap
My own brother and my wife betrayed me
Is this marriage a joke to you ?
Anika: Om im sorry for my misdeeds I promise that I will fix everything
After DNA results
I promise you that I will fix everything , we will have a divorce and you can go back to Gauri and shivaay will be with me
Om: do you think it is that easy Anika?
For 4 years I treated Gauri and my child like a trash
I left them when they needed me the most
And now you think they will accept me
If I say I want them back
No Anika
Relationships never work that way
You have not only taken away gauris right
But you deleted my existence for my family
Anika: but Om
Listen to me
Shivaay pov
I saw Gauri all exited looking at the venue decorations on her laptop
I didn't know what to say and how to say
But I never wanted to break her heart
I needed to choose between a happy family of gauri and mishti
Or to protect my sick son from dying
I didn't know what to do !
It all rests in the results tommorow
And I really pray in my heart
That the tests must be negative
Though I want to save that sick child
I don't want Gauri to be broken again
I never felt so helpless in my life
Gauri : shivaay !'
Shivaay !!
What are you doing
Your seeing that door for about an hour
Come on in
Shivaay: Gauri it's nothing
I just came to get my files
Gauri : go ahead
Shivaay : ok
Gauri : what happened she shivaay
Why are you so nervous?
Shivaay: nothing Gauri
I'm just feeling a bit sick
Gauri: take rest shivaay
I fell your over working yourself
Shivaay: thanks Gauri
*************************************gauri pov
At night I was roaming around the house
Only to be tormented by the old memories , the days I spent before shivaay and Anika's
I mean omkara and Anika's wedding , the romantic moments were all disturbing me
As I was walking on the terrace I saw omkara with his hand bleeding
I was worried for him , I went to him and wrapped his wound with my scarf
Gauri: that's too much blood
What were you thinking
You need to be treated  omkara
Come with me
Om pov
Is this for real ?
Gauri called the doctor and gave me medications
She took care of me like the same old Gauri
Did she really forgive me
Om: Gauri
Gauri pov
For one second, I stopped what I was doing and got up
What was I thinking ?
Why was I helping this man out of all people?
I got up just ready to leave
But omkara pulled my hand and I landed on him
Gauri: what do you think your doing
Leave me
Om: no
Gauri: leave me
Om: you still love me right
Gauri: in your dreams mr. Omkara Singh oberoi
I was just helping some one in need
Om: then why do you feel my pain
Gauri: I'm used to feel pain
It can be anyone's
Om : but Gauri ..
Gauri: leave me Om
We are done
I don't have any thing for you
Go and romance your wife
Leave me alone
Om: but I still love you gauri
Gauri: love ?
Don't insult love by speaking about it  mr. Oberoi
You never knew anything about love
If you loved me , you would have at least contacted me or have at least replied to my messages when I was in the most pain
Om: Gauri what are you saying
What messages?
Gauri: what an acting mr. Oberoi
Truly you needed to be in movies
Om: Gauri really tell me
I don't know anything
Beleive me
Gauri : beleive you ?
I could believe a psyco or a murderer than you
Leave me Om
Don't try to pull me down
Om: Gauri !
Gauri: goodbye mr. Oberoi
Pinky: what do you mean shakthi
Shakthi: really pinky !
Shivaay helped a lot in business
He is really rich
Pinky: what a lucky person
Shakthi : yes and one more thing pinky
I know I should not tell you
But shivaay is marrying Gauri
Pinky: what ?
Shakthi: yes in 2 days
Gauri is going to get married
At last she will be settled in life
Pinky: you mean to say that Gauri is going to be a millionaire
While my daughter is going to live off from her handmedowns
Shakthi: what are you saying pinky ?
Pinky:don't worry shakthi
I will not let this marraige take place
Shakthi: please pinky I beg you
Don't do anything to her
She also needs happiness
I beg you pinky , I will do anything you say
But please don't destroy her happiness
Pinky: she doesn't deserve happiness shakthiji
Only my daughter deserves bit
And I will make sure it



Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

Please comment and tell me how you feel about the story

thanks a lot for your comments and support

I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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