Tadashi meets gogo

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A big hero 6 love story of how tadashi meet his friends but most importantly how tadashi meet gogó.

It was tadashi's first day at high school in San Fransokyo.

He was standing outside the school, he had glasses, wore a red t-shirt with matching sneakers and Demi skinny jeans. He was carrying his books.

Tadashi: ah

He was excited for his first day of school, he walks inside and heads to his first classroom. Science.

But when he got inside, he saw students being loud, throwing paperballs.

He sat down and behind was a pair of biker boots.

Gogo: hey down in front

He turns around to see the two boots moving to reveal a female, she had fair skin, pink lips, short, somewhat scruffy black hair with violet streaks, brown eyes and lavender eyeshadow. She wore a leather jack, Demi shorts underneath some black leggings and a white strap shirt.

Gogo: hey

Tadashi: hey

He waves at her as she blows some bubble gum.

Tadashi: hi I'm Tadashi

He hands out his hand for her to shake, but she blows another bubble, pops it, takes it out and puts it on his hand.

Gogo: Gogo, welcome to geek class nerd

He looks at the gun and puts it in his pocket and when he turns back around, she goes up to his ear.

Got: when I'm through with you, you'll never make it to senior year, you'll never survive high school with me around

Tadashi: I take it you don't talk to boys more often do ya

After school when he was walking home, he makes sure no one was looking he then goes through his pocket and finds the gum she gave him on the first day as a freshman.

He takes it and shallows it savoring her saliva, he imagined at that it's her tongue moving around in his mouth.

Tadashi: mmm

It became sophomore year.

So over time, got bullied Tadashi but in a friendly way and he liked it.

In robotics class, while he was writing, Gogo was throwing spitballs at him.

Gogo: (split) (laughing)

He brushes the spilt balls out of his hair then he looks back at Gogo, hearing her laughter made him smile.

Tadashi: (chuckles)

at lunch, he was walking with his tray of food, the school was serving spaghetti, cherry jubilee.

But as he was walking, Gogo put her foot out and he tripped.

Tadashi: AH


(Everyone gasping)

Everyone watched as Tadashi was covered in food, his glasses weee smear with spaghetti sauce and cherry jubilee cake was plastered over his clothes, he gets up painfully. Everyone was gathering around to help him, Gogo laughed at him.

Gog: (laughing) have a nice trip Tadashi

He gets up, takes off his glasses and looks back at Gogo then smiles again as he picks up his tray and sits next to two new friends he made, Fred and wasabi.

Fred: you ok

Tadashi: yeah I'm fine

Wasabi: aren't you sick and tired of Gogo always bullying you, I mean why is she so mean to you

Tadashi: it's okay wasabi, I'm used to it

Wasabi: but why don't you think you should report her

He looks back at her, why didn't he report her for her bullying, maybe deep inside he liked her.

Wasabi: I just don't know what to see inside her

Tadashi: well she is cute

He continues to look at her then Fred hands him a napkin, he takes it and cleans himself up.

Time passed it became sophomore year it was the year when Tadashi meet honey Lemon.

Gogo was riding her motorcycle to school when she saw a familiar face walking to school

It was Tadashi wearing a black and white plaid shirt worn over it was a red sweater, black jeans and black sneakers.

She takes off her helmet and smiles mischievously as she approaches him, she wore the same leather jacket but had black shorts, a purple tank top and black boots.

Gogo; hey Tadashi

Tadashi: hey oh hey Gogo

When he turns around she noticed how cute he's gotten.

Gogo: you ready for another year of butt kicking

She punches his shoulders playfully.

Tadashi: (chuckles) sure I'm ready for another year with you, do your worst

She then elbows his shoulders as she past by him.

Gogo: we'll see ya inside nerd

Tadashi: (Chuckles) bye

As he watches her leave, he couldn't help but blush as he noticed how skinny she was and her bottom was moving, it made him feel a warm sensational feeling inside.

In chemistry class, Tadashi sat down when she heard someone sitting next to him.

He turns to see a slightly tanned skin girl with bright green eyes, and long honey-blonde hair that reaches her lower back. She was thin and distinctly tall, She wears pink lipstick and large magenta-rimmed glasses that also function as impromptu safety goggles. She dressed like it's the 60s or early 70s, she wore a large white peter-pan collared sweater with a pink ribbon and a headband in the same color. She wears a red, pink, and beige horizontal-striped skirt and pink polka-dotted sheer leggings.

She was smiling at him.

Tadashi: hi

Honey lemon: hi

Tadashi: I'm Tadashi

Honey lemon: I'm honey lemon

They shook hands moments later when classes started, but as Gogo was passing by heading to track practice, she heard Tadashi laughing.

Tadashi/honey lemon: (laughing)

She looked through the window and saw him smiling at another girl, when she heard his laugh, she got angry when another had to hear his laughter and when they weee mixing some chemicals she noticed how there was chemistry between them

Gogo: UGH

she bangs on the window and storms off. Back the first track race.

Everyone was cheering as Gogo set the record for fastest runner.

(Everyone screaming)

Fred: YES DID YOU SEE HER GO, I wish I had super speed power

Wasabi: look at her go

Honey lemon: I think she just broke the all time school record

Tadashi: way to go Gogo

After the race, Gogo was walking down the halls when Tadashi and honey lemon were walking towards her.

Tadashi: hey Gogo I want you to meet-

She didn't wanted to see him at the moment so she smacks him away with her elbow on his chest and he hit the lockers.


Tadashi: AH

Gogo: ugh

Honey lemon was terrified as she back away from the pissed off Gogo, as she storms off, she goes to help Tadashi up.

Tadashi: geez what made her cranky

Honey lemon: I don't think she likes me

Tadashi: oh she just needs to get to know you well, we just probably caught her at a bad time.

But over time, Gogo started to bully Tadashi hard. She pushes him hard, puts kick me signs on his back and is the one that kicks him.

And still Tadashi ignores it but then over time after spring break Gogo began to ignore him, avoiding him.

Then when it became junior year when Gogo gets more then she bargains for.

She was riding her motorcycle to school, when she noticed Tadashi again, she puts on a mischievously smile and grabs a tomato she has saved for when she goes back to school.

Gogo: hey Tadashi

But before she could throw it at him, when he turned around she saw that he has grown taller, he stopped wearing his glasses and he was cuter then before.

Gogo: (gasp)

Tadashi: hey Gogo welcome back

She dropped the tomato, speechless to talk to him, she then walked up to him, she then measured herself to him.

And saw how he's grown bigger then her.

Tadashi: hahaha, looks like I grown bigger then you

She liked it when he mocked her but pretend that it didn't matter.

So she elbows his shoulders.


Tadashi: (chuckles) ah

She then walks back to class.

Over time she started to had a weird feeling Around him, she felt nervous whenever she was near him.

At lunch break when she was about to throw water balloons at him, his cuteness that look in his eyes, his eyes had her making a frozen look, like she forgot what she was supposed to do.

And over time when Gogo had this strange feeling inside her heart, she decided that the only way to get rid of this feeling was to ignore him, so she did.

But it was starting to worry honey lemon, she saw how Gogo was feeling for Tadashi.

So one day at lunch Gogo was outside, she sits down next to gogo, Gogo was avoiding making eye contact to her.

Honey Lemon: hey I didn't mean to come between you and Tadashi, it's just it's so hard for me to make some words because of the way I dress and my love for chemistry reaction and your friend Tadashi is such a good friend

Gogo: uhh

Honey lemon: I know you like him, you could tell him how you feel

Gogo felt her bubble has burst as she decided to dodge the question, she gets up and walks away.

Gogo: I have no idea what you're talking about

As she walks away, honey lemon makes a angry frown.

And over time Gogo has been avoiding Tadashi again, honey lemon was get impatient, so during on their last night before spring break, they were assigned to finished their projects in school.

And honey lemon decided this was the perfect opportunity to get Tadashi and gogo together.

Tadashi, gogo, wasabi, Fred and honey lemon were in the same science classroom, studying for next's months final exam.

Honey lemon came in She saw Gogo was sitting far away from Tadashi.

Honey lemon: perfect now time to begin

She ran in, causing a panic.

Honey lemon: GUYS!!

they all faced her, dropping their books.

Tadashi: what's wrong honey lemon

Honey lemon: there's a active shooter in the school we need to hide

Everyone: WHAT

wasabi: AH (screaming) we're all gonna die

Honey lemon: come on I know where we can hide

So the gang followed her but then they all bumped into each other when they saw she stopped in the hallway.


Tadashi: what is it honey lemon

Honey lemon: shh hear that their coming

Everyone: (gasp)

Wasabi: AH

she then grabs Tadashi and Gogo and locks them in the janitor's closet.

Honey lemon: quick you two hide in here, wasabi, Fred and I will hide in the cafeteria

And when the two were being pushed in the closet, Gogo saw how she being smushed close to Tadashi, she saw him smiling at her, she blushes and pushes him away and bangs on the door.

Gogo: HEY WAIT, ugh

She felt nervous and didn't wanted to be here, he kneeled down and say on the floor.

And after hours of waiting, honey lemon was listening to the door seeing if they were talking, but all she heard was Gogo trying to break the door open.


Gogo: ugh let us go

it was pretty amusing to Tadashi.

Tadashi: (snicker)

She looks back at him, glaring.

Tadashi: sorry

Gogo: you think this is funny, we're stuck in a small room

Tadashi: well there is a active shooter

Gogo: there is no shooter, it's a trick to get us together

Tadashi: well you don't know that

Honey lemon, Fred and wasabi leaned in closer to hear them.

Tadashi: you know since we've stuck here together, we might as well talk

Gogo still angry at him, avoided talking to him, still facing the door.

Gogo: there is nothing to talk about and we have no time

He then started to get serious With her.

Tadashi: ok now I know that something is up, ever since last year sophomore year you been ignoring me, you stop bullying me and every time we walk in the hallways you run away from me and you always give me that angry look in your eye what is that about

Gogo: it's nothing, let's just go

He walks up to her, getting close to her face.

Tadashi: it's doesn't look like it's nothing

Gogo: ugh

She gets away from him.

Tadashi: was it something I did, cause if it is I didn't mean to make you upset

Gogo: just let it go

Tadashi: why won't you tell me

Gogo: it's nothing

Tadashi: no it's not

Gogo: leave me alone

Tadashi: why won't you talk to me

Gogo: I just can't

Tadashi: then why, won't you tell me

Gogo: just stop

She was starting to get furious.

Tadashi: why

Then she turned around towards his face and yelled at the top of her lungs as her face turned red from her anger.

Gogo: BECAUSE I LIKE YOU (pasting)

And there that one word shocked him, and when Gogo calmed down, she realized her embarrassment as she saw that look on Tadashi's face, she felt embarrassed and stupid for admitting her feelings out loud to him.

She pinches the bridge of her noses and nods her head while looking away from him.

Tadashi: what? You-like me

Gogo: ugh can we just forget about this and just get out of here

Tadashi: how

Gogo: it started when we first met on our first day at high school, when i saw you, I thought you were cute, I bullied you because I thought you were funny and I tried to push away my feelings and well you met honey lemon I felt sick in my stomach because I saw how you laugh at her, I wanted to be the only one to hear you laugh and when you smiled at her I was jealous and hurt

Tadashi: is that why you been so angry with me

Gogo: I thought you and honey lemon were having a thing when I saw how you were always hanging out with her

Tadashi just stared as it became awkward between the two, Gogo felt weird about four years of drama between her and Tadashi, she rubbed her arm, still avoiding him.

Gogo:ugh look can we just forget about this and just get out of here

Tadashi then walks towards her.

Gogo: look I'm sorry that bullied you for all these years and I'm sorry for ignoring you, I know that is was so stupid of me and I should've talk to you but I'm not exactly a open book

She pressed her palms against her face, Tadashi then grabs her palms.

Gogo: look I-

She then looked up to see him looking at her, still holding her wrist.

Just 10 minutes ago, they were fighting then when the awkward silence set the mode.

She did something that she didn't think, they leaned in and kissed.

Honey lemon ve and the others peeked a little to see them kiss and smiled for them.

Wasabi: wow all this time she bullied him, because she liked him

Fred: YES

Honey lemon: (whimpers) way to go Gogo

The two lips then let go as they pulled away and looked up at each other, then Gogo fell on his chest and hugged him, he returns the hug back, resting his chin on top of her head.

Tadashi: this is nice

Gogo: yeah, you're still a nerd

Tadashi: (chuckles) I know you tell me that everyday

It then became graduation day, after the ceremony every gathered around, Tadashi has got an acceptance letter to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.

Honey lemon: hey Tadashi

Tadashi turns to see honey lemon with Fred and wasabi.

Tadashi: hey honey lemon

Honey lemon: hey we just got accepted into SFIT

Tadashi: funny so did I

Fred: this is so great

Tadashi: cone on guys, let's go celebrate at my aunt's cafe, it's on the house, she says


honey grabs his shoulders and whispers into his ear.

Honey lemon: she's at the end over there

He smiles.

Wasabi: come let's go

Tadashi: I'll join with you guys later, I have to do something first

He looks far away from him on the left side of the ceremony outside of high school, he sees Gogo standing alone, facing back and look just down at something.

He walks up to her.

Tadashi: hey Gogo

She turns around, he sees her wearing a blue dress and holding a piece of paper.

Gogo: hey

Tadashi: I don't know if you heard but I've got accepted into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology

Gogo: yeah that's good

Things became quite and awkward after what happened to them at spring break.

Gogo: well it nice seeing you

Tadashi: Gogo wait...

Gogo: yeah

Tadashi tried to spew ur his words were trembling like a wall.

Tadashi: I, uh we celebrating at my aunt cass, you remember her right

Gogo: yeah

Tadashi: everyone is going, I was wondering if you would come with us

Gogo: really you would invite me after what happened between us

She then saw him grabbing her hand.

Tadashi: Gogo it's okay and you're my girlfriend now there nothing to hide between us

Gogo: girlfriend?

Tadashi: I mean if you want to be

She then smiled.

Gogo: I love to, I really do

The two then hugged.

Tadashi: you know I am going to be miss you at college, I wish we could be in the same college

Gogo: about that

They let go and she showed him an acceptance letter for getting in San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.

Gogo: I'm going to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology too

This made Tadashi excited and smile.

Tadashi: Gogo this is great, now we'll be together again

They were holding each other's arms then the mood set ago as they stared into each other's eyes they leaned in and kissed which seemed like a long time in the ey heard a sound of a camera shuttering.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They turned to see that the gang were watching them, his aunt cass took a picture of them.

Gang: (laughing)

Aunt cass: aw that is so cute, this one is hanging in the kitchen

Everyone then left them alone while heading to the cafe, Tadashi and Gogo looked at each other, smiled as they wrapped their arms around each other and walked home.

Tadashi: I can't wait to tell you about my brother hiro

Gogo: I didn't know you had a brother

The scene changes to a picture of them hugging each other on Gogo's dresser.

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