The princess and the soldier

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In the land of oz, in China country, the dainty China princess was welcoming suitors again once more.

She wore a lavender gown with white ruffles, and a had Elsa braid hair style.

She sat on her royal throne next to her royal advisor Edward.

Edward war her right-hand man and has looked after her since her father died since she was a teen
And as she was represented by a suitor, but None of them was ever good enough for her.

None of them won her heart, except Marshall mellow.

Edward: China princess I present to you Prince Langwidere of Evan

Prince Langwidere: you highness

Judging by the suit he wore he was boring

China princess: (yawn) next

Prince Langwidere: (gasp) aw

Edward: ok king Evoldo ruler of Ev

Evoldo: my princess

China princess: next

Evoldo: huh aw

Edward: moving on

If fact none of the suitors tried to win her, the only suitor that won her heart was Marshall mellow.

China princess: (sigh)

She still remembers the song her singed to her, she still in love with him.

One by one she rejects all the suitors

China princess: next, next, next, next, NEXT

After rejecting every suitors Her royal adviser has had his patience and was getting upset.

She walks to her room, he follows

Edward: my lady, this is the second time this week you cannot keep rejecting every suitors that comes to meet you, you need to decide

China princess: Edward, I cannot just chose a man I just met, if I'm going to chose a husband I want it to be out of love

They were walking in her room, she was adjusting herself in her silver mirror and as Edward was ranting on, She didn't listen because was thinking about Marshall mellow.

Edward: Miss, you have three weeks for you to find a suitor by your birthday, I don't think there is time for romance,

China princess: (sigh)

Marshall mellow was all she ever thought about, she looks outside her window to see a glimpse of candy county.

Edward: are you even listening

China princess: huh oh yeah I got to go

She heads out.

Edward: huh (grunts) you know your father had to chose a queen quickly when he was alive

That rude comment about her father offended her, she stops in her tracks and glares at him.

China princess: if he were alive, he'd tell you to leave me be and it will be my decision on whoever I should marry

Edward: why I never

As he marches away she decided to go out for a walk and meet an old friend.

She sneaks out of the castle, wearing a pink rose velvet hoodie cape. And carefully walks out of China country and straight towards candy country.

After a long walk in the dangerous forest, she stumble upon candy county, she pulls her hoodie up a bit then goes to find Marshall mellow.

And as she walks the streets of candy, she was amazed on how amazing candy county was, she then saw a couple of candy bar ladies flirting at Marshall mellow.

Lollipop ladies: (flirtatious laughing)

Lollipop lady 1: oh Marshall you are so brave

Marshall mellow: just doing my duties ladies

at first she thought it was nothing until she heard him laugh, his laughter made her feel warm inside, she was hiding behind a candy cane, the sight of him made her heart beat fast and his voice she loved hearing his voice it was lovely.

she did feel a bit hurt when she saw him with two lollipop girls and as she backed away she didn't see the chocolate horse that was about to stomp on her

Horse: (neigh, neigh)

China Princess: (gasp)

He was startled and as he ran, he knocks down a cart and it ends up rolling down towards her and as she blocks herself, it was stopped.

China princess: AH (gasp) huh

She looked up and saw that Marshall mellow was holding the cart and keeping it from smashing her
He looked down and smiled at her, she smiled back
Soon after the commotion.

Marshall: princess what are you doing here

Princess: I came here to see you

His heart lit up when he heard her say those last words.

Marshall: my lady as much as it warms my heart to see you, shouldn't you been at your kingdom, your people might be worried about you

Princess: they'll be fine, I was hoping I could see you and perhaps have a little chat

Marshall: I have time

They walked down the street keeping her close for anymore destructive things that could smash her.

Princess: so how have you been

Marshall: good but (sigh) ever since we saved oz, general candy apple has been talking to be about meeting someone special and settling down but I'm not sure if I can

She could relate to him

Princess: I know how you feel, I'm having the same problem back at the kingdom, I'm being forced to marry someone I barely know, if I want to marry someone I want to be out of love

He looks down at her

Marshall: sometimes I missed the adventure we had, I-I think about you a lot

She looks at him and smiles

Princess: so do I

As they continued to smiled at each other it became silence and Marshall began to break the silence.

Marshall mellow: (ahem) you look really beautiful

She looks down at her dress and blushes at his comment.

China Princess: thank you and you look great too

He smiles brighter then bends down on one knee to her and takes out his hand, she walks up to him then takes his hand and when their hands touched, that same magic when they first touched hands sparked, As they stared deeply smiling at each other's eyes.

The moment seemed beautiful and she wanted it to last forever but when the most beautiful sunsets must come to a end, It was time for the princess to leave.

Princess: well I better go now, before the kingdom starts a war searing for me

they slowly let go, she heads back, he escorts her safely to the woods and when they get closer to her castle.

China princess: well thank you Marshall and it was nice seeing you again, it's always nice seeing you again

Marshall: will I see you again

She looks back at him seeing him reaching out to her.

princess: maybe, we'll goodbye Marshall

She walks off but not before hearing his voice again.

Marshall: When a princess seeks a prince There's only one heart to convince A heart that flutters like the wings of singing doves One can dream the dream alone Or pursue a man unknown Companionship
and someday even love

She looks back at him and smiles, then she walks off and as Marshall mellow heads back to his duties, she places her hands over her heart.

Back with royal advisor, Edward was having a chat with the princess right-hand man Fredrick

Fredrick: what are we going to do, she refuses to choose a husband, We're at our wit's end

Edward: do not worry my old chum

He takes out a scroll that has lies he written in, if the princess couldn't choose a suitor then Edward will just have to force her.

Edward: I have the solution Right here. "If the princess has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the kingdom shall choose for her."

Fredrick: But The princess rejected all those suitors we welcomed How could We choose someone she hasn't rejected?

Edward: Not to worry, There is more. "If in the event a suitable prince cannot be found, a princess must then be wed to..." Hmm... Interesting...

Fredrick: What? Who?

Edward: The royal vizier. Why, that would be... you

Fredrick: what? Me why

Edward: on come on old chum, do not deny it, you have always love the princess, since she was young

Fredrick: uh huh

He remembered the first time he met her, she was so young and beautiful, the day she lost her day, he was there to comfort her.

Fredrick: all right I admit it, I'm in love with her

Edward: which makes you the perfect suitor for her

Fredrick: but how could I tell her?

Edward: you just leave everything to me

Fredrick: but what if she doesn't want to

Edward: it's not like we have other choices do we

Finally Fredrick was convinced

Fredrick: alright then it's settled then, I'll proposed to her on her birthday

Edward: then it's decided

He grows a sinister smile

Every day, the princess goes to see Marshall mellow as promised, they became real close...again.

Her feelings for him grew and blossomed like a rose. In a Enchanted garden they were talking.

Marshall/China princess: (chuckles)

They were laughing and she liked seeing him laugh And just as her luck wouldn't change, she was walking around the castle, when she saw Fredrick rehearsing for his proposal.

Fredrick: China princess, no, my lady

He gets down on one knee

Fredrick: we knew each other for so long and there's no other suitor better for you, and-and I love you

Princess: (gasp)

Those last three words scared her, she liked him as family but didn't felt the same way, her heart was taken by someone else.

Fredrick: will you marry me

She got so frightened.

He turns around and was embarrassed and shocked to see that she was watching the whole thing.

Fredrick: ah princess uh, so what do you say I am your last option

China princess: (pasting) Fredrick I'm sorry but I just can't love you

He was hurt then she rans away, she gets on her horse lavender and goes to the forest.

Without looking, a giant branch lands in front of them

Princess: (gasp) ah

her horse gets spoke and pushes her off

Lavender: (whinny)

Princess: ah

The horse runs and bumps into Marshal, another branch was about to fall on her, when Marshall caught it.

Princess: ah

Marshall: well you're a long way from home

Princess: mellow

Marshall: what are you doing here, the woods is a dangerous place for a princess

Princess: I was doing fine (giggles)

Marshall: really, in just a few seconds you were almost shattered

Marshall/princess: (chuckles)

Marshall: so what are you doing out here

Princess: getting away from my kingdom (sigh) it's not easy ruling a kingdom

Marshall: is something troubling you my lady

She didn't wanted to tell him the truth so she lied

Princess: it's my royal advisor

Marshall: oh go on

Princess: he's pressuring me to chose a king, ugh it is so hard to find the right man

Marshall: why do you let him control you, you helped defeated a army of flying monkeys without any suitor doing it for you, he shouldn't be controlling you, you're the princess you have the rights, it should be you decision on who you should marry

The princess thought for a moment and he was right, she was the princess it was decision on who she should marry.

Princess: hm, you right mellow, I control the kingdom, I'm the one who wears the crown, I shouldn't let him control me anymore, I decided who I should marry not him

He smiles at her

Princess: and I think I already chose my king

Marshall: well whoever he his he must be a very lucky suitor

Princess: oh he is, thanks again mellow but I must go now

He hands her lavender and gets her on back.

Princess: goodbye mellow

Marshall: my lady

Marshall received a summons to see the china princess. As he goes inside the castle, he was stopped by Edward

Edward: excuse me

Marshall: huh

He looks down to see him

Edward: may I help you

Marshall: I am here to meet the china princess, I was summoned to meet here

Edward lied

Edward: she's very busy so please be gone

Fredrick: is everything alright

Edward: no this intruder was about to harm the princess

Fredrick: (gasp) oh


He claps his hands to summon the royal guards, if it weren't for the princess walked in.

Princess: what's going on

The three men turned to her

Edward: I was just getting rid of our intruder

She looks up to see Marshall

Princess: that won't be necessary, I asked him to come

She walks over Marshall mellow

Marshall: is something wrong you majesty

Princess: well, not exactly

Soon later the citizens of China country was in the castle

Princess: attention my loyal subjects, I the princess of dainty china country has found my suitor

Everyone: oh

Fredrick was amazed to here her news, he assumed it would be him and thought maybe she changed her mind.

Princess: Marshall

He bends down and she takes his hand

Princess: after being around you these past few days have been really wonderful and over the time I thought about you, Marshall mellow I want you to marry me

Edward: WHAT!

Fredrick: WHAT!

Marshall: what! Me? I-I

Edward: but you highness, he's-he's-he's too big

Princess: so was the last suitor

Edward: but you majesty, he's not royalty and the law says

Princess: (sigh) the law says is a waste Edward, I am the princess, I decided who should I marry

Those last words Edward said had Marshall felt upset, he ran out in time for the princess to get ready.

Fredrick: (sigh)

He drops the box with the ring in it down and walks off upset

Edward: you're majesty please I advise you that this decision is a huge mistake

Princess: Edward please I need to get ready for emerald city's party tonight, besides this is my choose you have no rights to tell me what to do

Edward: you're majesty I forbid you to make this decision

She then gets up, feeling offended and faces him.

Princess: you forbid it, okay first off I am the princess I give the orders around here and second you are just my royal advisor

Lady-in-Wait: my lady, you're ride is ready

Princess: ok good, oh and Edward you're fired

He was shocked

Edward: what?

Princess: that's right, pack up your things and leave the castle, I'm done with you goodbye Edward

As she heads to the royal carriage, she wore a emerald green sparkling gown with open sleeves and white gloves and brown boots.

Meanwhile earlier that same day, Marshall mellow went to see Glinda

Glinda: Marshall mellow, and for what do I owe the pleasure

Marshall: I need your help

Glinda: come in

He looks down in sadness

Glinda: is something wrong

Marshall: china princess has offered me her hand in marriage

Glinda: aww, but you don't feel the same way

Marshall: of course I do I love her with all my heart

Glinda: then what seems to be the problem

Marshall: I'm...too big, that's why I want you to
make me the small size as her

Glinda: WHAT? But Marshall, the size of your height doesn't matter, it's the size of you heart that counts

Marshall: Glinda please I love her, I'm doing this for her

Glinda: alright Marshall if that's what you want, but know this you may never go back

Marshall: I understand

She waves her wand and smoke surround him

At the party, everyone was wearing emerald green, the princess was looking for Marshall mellow, she happens to stumbled upon wiser

Princess: wiser

Wiser: huh, oh good evening princess

Princess: wiser have you seen Marshall mellow

Wiser: no I haven't

Princess: ok thanks

Wiser: bye

She gives up and sits on the staircase step, when a gentle man figurine comes to her

He wore a a blue jacket, brown-gold gloves and boots

Marshall: excuse me

She looks up at him and he takes out his hand to her

Marshall: may I have this dance

She didn't know him, but it would be rude not to take the offer, so she takes his hand

Princess: sure

They walked to the dance floor and a romantic waltz music played and they waltz on dance floor, when she saw his eyes, they reminded her of Marshall's emerald eyes, exactly like his.

outside of the Royal Palace of Oz, Edward was walking inside, with a rock in his hands
Edward: sorry you majesty, but you reign must be put to an end

Back with the princess, she and the mysterious stranger were dancing throughout the night

Marshall: you look very lovely tonight

Princess: thank you, I was waiting for a special friend of mine, you haven't seen him have you, he's very tall, charming, sweet and caring and--

Marshall: and is a marshmallow

Princess: (gasp) YES have you seen him

Marshall: yes

Princess: where

Marshall: Never told you, but I meant to, Before I could begin. Even then, I loved you even then. See my heart is, Scared of places, that its never been. But even then, I loved you even then. If my voice should, start to tremble, If I am shaking I love you now, like I loved you even then

She looks up at him and realized she was talking to him

Princess: mellow, (gasp) what happened to you

Marshall: I want to marry you China princess I do, so I have Glinda made me small for you

Princess: Marshall, I liked you the way you were before, I loved weather your small or big, your singing is what made me fall in love with you

He smiled at her

Princess: is there a way to change you back

Marshall: I'm afraid there isn't

She looks at him sad, but just then Edward came running at her

Edward: (screaming) ah!!!!!

Marshall/princess: (gasp)

But before he could attack them, wiser smacked him across the room and he shattered against the wall, and broke into many pieces, they looked up at him

Wiser: he was planning to smash you both so he could take over the kingdom that's why he wanted you to find a suitor real quick, that way he could take over the king's head, also he murder your father that way he could be next in line for king until you were crowned princess

Princess: oh well thank you wiser

Wiser: your welcome and I found out a way to get you back to normal

Marshall: what is it

Wiser: true love's kiss

They looked at each other and smiled

Marshall: well we are going to get married anyway

Princess: so long as you agreed to be my king, it's fine with me

They leaned in together and pressed their lips together

Marshall/princess: mmm

A yellow light glow around Marshall and he turns back to normal

The scene changed to them kissing on their wedding day, Fredrick watch the women he was in love with was marrying another man

At the table, the king and queen were sitting
China princess looks up at him smiling

Princess: you're going to make a great king

Marshall: it's scary but

He grabs her hand and holds on tight.

Marshall: I'm glad, I'm doing this with you

They smiled at each other and gave one more kiss.

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