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idk how long this chapter is gonna be, im really busy, so very sorry if it is short.


Draco's POV

My eyes flash open, but I can't see anything. I feel more than one pair of hands dragging me, so it must be two people attacking me. I hear a foot collide with a door, and then I am roughly shoved to the ground.

"Where HAVE you been, Draco Malfoy?!" A small, bubbly voice pierces the room. Crap, it's Pansy.

"Um...I, uh, um..." I stutter, at a loss for words. How can I explain what I just did?

"We had a date tonight, Draco! A double date with Crabbe and Millicent! We were going to sneak out of the castle and go to Honeydukes! Did you forget?" Pansy screeches. I lay on the floor, panting heavily. What do I do?

"Merlin's Beard, Pansy, give the kid a break! He looks like he's been through hell and back." A rough male voice breaks the silence. Blaise. Thank Slytherin.

"I,I need to go. I'm very tired, I need some rest. Maybe another night." I say, my voice returning to it's normal state. I push myself off the ground and dash out of the room. I break into a sprint as soon as I hit the doorway. I don't stop for a full five minutes. I slow down to a walk when I reach the fifth floor. I fall to the ground, burying my head in my hands. I. Will. Not. Cry. Draco Malfoy does NOT cry. I choke back the tears I feel threatening to spill over my lashes, biting my tongue. Why would I be crying? Oh, um let's think, Granger, who I think I have a crush on, almost drowned AND almost gave away a secret, and Pansy is persistant as always. Ugh. I take a few deep breaths and decide to take a walk around the grounds, no matter how late it is. I push myself up off the cold, hard ground, rubbing the soreness on my legs. I walk slowly, not wanting to go to the common room. I turn a few corners, and realize I have come to the Room of Requirement. Yes! I can be alone! I close my eyes and think hard 'I need a place where I can be alone'. I take a few steps, then repeat that line. I take a couple more steps in the opposite direction, breathing slowly. One more time, I repeat the line and walk for a second or two. I slowly open my eyes, wondering what I will see before me. My eyes take in a tall wooden door, elegantly carved with difficult patterns. Thank Slytherin! I let out a long sigh of relief, my hand on my chest. I begin walking to the door, knowing I will find a safe haven, a place to be myself. My hand is just reaching the wooden doorknob when a larger, warmer hand beats me to it. 

"What the-" I begin to ask the person, when their other hand clamps over my mouth, and they drag me into the Room of Requirement. Again? Why me? 

"What did you do to my girlfriend, Malfoy?" A rough voice spits at me. I would recognize that voice anywhere, one of the red-heads himself, Ron Weasley. Weaselbee is actually what I call him. 

"I didn't do anything but save her bloody life, Weaselbee, be grateful! I shouldn't have even saved her, the pathetic mudblood." I felt a pang in my chest, right by my heart, as I spat the words at Weasley. I watched Weasley's face redden and get puffed up. It was silent for a couple seconds,  and then he exploded. 


"Mhm...sure. You couldn't even if you tried!" I laughed sarcastically. Like him, the scrawny red-head, could take ME on, Draco Malfoy. Weasley's eyes narrowed and he pounced on me like a slow cheetah. I dodged his slow attack, but he, unfortuantely, grabbed my ankle and yanked me down onto the ground. I threw a few punches at him, and he I. I ended up hiting him more than he hit me, but he still got me. I'm pretty sure I'll have a black eye, but he'll be much worse. I let my anger reside and I tumble off of him, both he and I panting. 

'" I say between breaths. He just glares as I walk out of the room. I don't even bother to run this time. I just walk leisurely, letting all my feelings fade away. 

"Malfoy?" I hear a musical voice ask. 

"What do you want?" I spit at the person. I don't care anymore, I'm so done with everybody. 

"What are you doing up here so late at night, it's past midnight." The voice responds. Past midnight? Are you serious? My gosh, I need sleep. 

"I...I....I honestly don't know anymore.." It's true, I don't. 

"Oh, do you want to talk about it? Or anything at all, really?" The voice is closer now than before, and then a silvery blonde with bright blue eyes comes in front of me. Luna. Of course. I should have known. Who else, besides me, would be up here this late? 

"No, but thanks. And why are you up here so late, anyway?" I tone down the harshness in my voice. I always was nice to Luna, she was strange but she could talk to anyone. 

"I didn't feel like being a part of Ravenclaw tonight. I needed to clear my head. Full of nargles, you know." She smiled faintly and put on her strange pink and blue glasses she always carried. "Your head is full of them, too. Maybe you should get some rest. Goodnight, Draco." She waved at me and skipped off down the hallway. She was right, as always. I did need sleep. 


"N-no. Nno. No. NO!" I screamed. It was late, and then whole school was surrounding me, as I lay weeping over her curly hair. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't. Not Granger, not brilliant, beautiful Granger. How did this happen? 

"Malfoy? What the bloody hell?" 


"Draco, it's all right. "  


Three voices spoke to me. The first one, of course, Weaselbee. The second surprised me, addressing me by first name not last, Ginny Weasley. The third was even better. Harry Potter himself, comforting me, Draco Malfoy. 

"How did it happen?" I whispered to Potter. 

"McGonagall believes it was the Killing Curse, and Hagrid says he saw someone move toward her with their wand out, and cast a spell."

"Who was it?" I see him glance at Ginny, and she shrugs. "Tell me. Please." I add. 

" was your father, Lucius." 


That is the dream I have during the night, and I wake sweating bullets. Thank Merlin it was just a dream. 

"Aye, mate, you alright? You're sweating dogs over there." Blaise asks, looking at me from his bed. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hot is all." 

"Oh. Okay. Hey, did you hear the mudblood Granger almost drowned last night? McGonagall won't release who saved her, but my guess is either Saint Potter or Weaselbee." 

"Oh! No, I didn't hear that. Too bad she didn't drown though. One less mudblood at this awful school." Again, a stab of pain. Blaise chuckles and says, 

"Oh, by the way, McGonagall stopped me and said to send you down to her office immediately. Preferably soon, so you can have a decent breakfast." 

"Okay, thanks mate. I'm starving, I'll leave now." I slip on a clean shirt, run my hand through my tangled hair, and race through the common room. It was true, what I said. I was both hungry for food, and for information on Granger. 


hi wow okay, so i take back what i said at the beginning about being a short chapter, it ended up with over 1300 words! so yeah. 

if anybody likes 5sos, message me. we have quite a bit to fangirl about. (;


ugh i have a lot of finals coming up help.

anywaysss, byee.


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