Forbidden Love

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chapter one

Hermione's POV

I had been in the library since three o'clock this afternoon-well, ever since Ronald had made me burst into tears. Ugh, why are boys so thoughtless? I glanced at the clock- seven pm. I had definitely missed dinner. As I thought about dinner, my stomach growled. I put the book I was reading back before heading to the entrance of the library, but I paused in the act. I got the feeling someone was watching me-following me if you must. I pushed some books away and peeked through the gap at the left section. No one there. I did the same at the right section, too. But, this time I found someone staring back at me.

I jumped back in surprise. Those eyes looked familiar. But-no, it couldn't be, surely not- Draco?

"Granger." He said, but this time it didn't sound as icy as it usually is. He stepped out from behind the bookcase, all the while not breaking my gaze.

"H-how long have you been watching me?" My voice trembled.

"Oh, about an hour or so." He shrugged casually.

"Why have you been watching me?" I asked a little more confidently.

"Well, I saw you run from Potions in tears. After dinner, I came down to the library, knowing you'd be here. I thought you'd need comforting." Draco said, smiling.

"And why would I need comforting from YOU?" I asked.

"Because. This is why." He replied, moving closer.

The next thing I knew was Draco pressing his lips against mine, but I wasn't objecting. It felt good to know he actually cared more than Ron. Wait, what was I saying?! I'm confused. After what seemed like an eternity, we broke apart. Draco's face was as scarlet as Gryffindor's colors. He avoided my eyes as he said, "Well, uh, see you see you around Hermion- er, Granger."

"Bye." I said, my heart fluttering. When Draco was gone, I leaned back against the bookshelf and sighed, thinking of him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something white lying on the ground. I reached down and picked up the folded parchment. Breathing heavy-had he dropped this?-I opened the paper. On it I saw words scrawled in big, messy handwriting. They said:

i love you hermione


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