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how've you all been?

did you like the last chapter?

how much do you want to hurt me?

remember, you love me. right?


Hermione's POV

A flash of light. Pain. Footsteps. Crying. Whispers and voices. Blood, so much blood. Pain. All I feel is pain.

Blue - grey eyes. Platinum blond hair. Full, pink lips. Broken, heavy, sad sobs. A hushed female voice. The feeling of flying, soaring above the ground as if I were a bird. Landing on clouds, the rush of warmth surrounding me, taking over. It feels like home. 

I struggle to open my eyes and taking a breath hurts. 

"Granger?" A voice murmurs as a hand grabs mine. 

"What-" I croak. It hurts. So, so much. "What happened?" I manage. 

"Oh gods, I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn't mean to go that far, I -" 

"What happened?" I say again. 

"I, um, used the Cruciatus Curse on you and put a protection spell on you...but apparently the protection wasn't strong enough. The cruse broke through it's barrier and well, you were actually tortured." Draco looks down at the ground and its so obvious he's heartbroken. I swallow carefully before saying, 

"Draco....I, I need some time alone with my friends and family, okay?" His blue eyes flick up to mine and they are laced with tears. Damn him. "I'll talk to you later, alright?" 

"O-okay." He stands up shakily and I watch him exit the room, taking a piece of me with him. 


I recovered over the course of three weeks with very intense training and physical therapy. I return to Hogwarts with warm welcomes on a chilly Thursday in May. 

"Hermione!" A voice calls from the Gryffindor table. I look for the source and find Neville sitting with Ginny, Harry, and Ron, all smiling brightly at me. I rush over to the them, a grin plastered on my face. 

"Hi guys!"  I plop down next to Ginny, who immediately embraces me. 

"How are you, Hermione?" Harry says with concern. Ron, for once in his life, stops eating to listen. 

"I'm fine, thank you for asking." The trained response falls easily from my lips. I've told myself it's easier to say "I'm fine", rather than explain why I'm not. 

"Hermione. We know you. You're not fine, we can tell. We're worried about you. Please, tell us what's wrong?" Ron looks at me and gives me a warm smile, and I know I can trust my best friends. 

"Alright. You all know what happened, correct?" They all nod in unison. Of course they would, it was his plan for them to know. "Well, for one, I almost died, so I really, really hurt. That was one of the most traumatic parts of the whole ordeal." I brace myself for what comes next. "A large part of what's wrong comes from...comes from Draco." 

"Malfoy?!" Ron and Neville stare at me incredulously. Ginny and Harry just smirk at each other. 

"How many other Draco's do we know?" I reply sarcastically. "Yes, Draco Malfoy. I...I love him. Well, at least, I loved him. He loved me, too. Or so he says. That was the most terrifying part -- he didn't mean to torture me. But he did. It really messed up my mind and my heart. I'm still not repaired from that. So...that's what's wrong." I let out a breath and dig into my lunch. Five minutes later, no one has spoken. I glance up and Ron has disappeared, Neville smiles sadly at me and Harry's green eyes glisten. "Are you - are you crying, Harry?" I say, shocked. 

"What? Oh, um, no! Okay, maybe. I just...I just can't stand seeing you like this, Hermione. You're all broken and sad. It breaks my heart." 

"Oh, Harry." I sigh. I move to sit next to him, embracing him tightly. "I love you so much. You're the best friend in the world." 

"As are you." He whispers back. 


I finish lunch with Harry, Ginny, and Neville and head to the Headgirl and Headboy's common room. I open my mouth to whisper the password, but I realize I don't know it. Well, I guess I'm stuck for a while. 

"Hey." A very familiar voice startles me. I turn around slowly, heart beating fast. Draco stands there, a tiny, sad smile planted on his lips. 

"Hi." I whisper, so quiet I can barely hear it. 

"Don't know the password, huh?" He steps closer, murmuring a word to the picture. 

"Won't you tell me?" I ask as I follow him into the room. 

"Eventually." He smirks at me. We stare at each other and he bites his lip, eyes roaming my body slowly. 

"Don't..." I say softly. 

"Don't what?" He cocks his head to the side, like a confused puppy. 

"Don't act like you love me...like you want me." My voice has more confidence now. 

"It's not an act, Hermione." Draco says immediately. My face tightens, as I know how well he can lie. "Please, believe me." He begs. 

"Prove it." I state. He moves closer to me, so close I can feel his breath on my skin. Chills run down my spine and my heart races. 

"Okay." He breathes. His cold hands brush my curls out of my face tenderly. My eyes flutter shut and his lips press against mine lightly. They are so cold, but oh so warm. This feels so right, but it's so wrong . I break apart from him and run to my room. I lock the door with magic and curl up into a ball. I cry for hours upon hours until I drift into sleep. 


Light floods the room and burns my eyes. I whine and cover my face with my arm. Two strong arms pick me up off the floor and I know immediately who it is. I want to push him away, want to run, but my muscles are tight and cold, and my heart whispers stay. So I stay. He carries me to the living/common room and lays me on the couch, my legs propped up on his. 

"I love you." He whispers, soft and sweet. We stare intensely into each other's eyes, neither one of us wavering. I love him, so, so much. But I love Harry and Ron, too. So much. Tears well in my eyes again as my heart breaks for the thousandth time. Who knew love could hurt this much? I feel like a piece of paper being ripped apart and stomped on. I need to make a decision. I need to find where exactly 'Home' is. 



i wanted to get this up for you guys considering it's been four months (oops)

my heart broke so many times while writing this

the story is coming to a close :((((((((

I'm thinking one more "official" chapter and then an epilogue 

(also this chapter, the next one, and the epilogue are all named after One Direction songs lol)

ALSO!!!!!! If anyone ANYONE PLEASE could do me a HUMONGOUS favor and make a cover for my next story????????? PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU BEGGING YOU I SUCK AT MAKING COVERS TBH 

oh yeah I'm writing another Dramione story!!! once I finish this one, I'll probably post it! but seriously I NEED A COVER!!!!!!!!


okay I'll stop yelling now lol. next chapter I will most likely add a short description about the next story and give the title! 

OH MY GOD I ALMOST FORGOT 30k READS?????!!!!!!! Y'all this is insane! I can't believe it! I love you all so so so so so so much! mwah!!

okie byeeeee! 



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