Poison Heart

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hey there! again sorry for the loooooooooooooonggggggggggggggggggg wait between the last chapter and this one, especially after a reallyyyyyyyyyy bad cliffhanger oops! I've just had writers block, if you read my update a couple days ago.

hehe you love me. right?


Draco's POV

"Granger! Granger!" I shout frantically, shaking the limp girl. "Madam Pomfrey! Help!" I shout, then curse as I remember Granger placed Muffliato around us. "Damn it!" I struggle to push myself off the hospital bed, which proves a challenge what with Granger weighing me down. I gently wiggle her off my lap, and pull myself out of bed. My legs are weak, and my eyesight blackens as soon as I stand. I take a deep breath and my eyes return to normal. I scurry as fast as I can across the Hospital Wing, to where Madam Pomfrey resides. I pound on the door frantically, fully aware she'll scold me afterward.

"What in Heaven's name do yo - Malfoy!" She yells, her eyes bleary. "What do you think you're doing, pounding on my door so late? You should be resting!"

"Yes, yes, I know Madam. But, it's Granger. She snuck out to the Hospital Wing for some unbeknownst reason and then - then she just collapsed. You have to help her!" Madam Pomfrey gasps and scurries after me, to where Granger lies on the floor, pale as a ghost. She kneels down next to the frail girl and presses a hand to her neck, feeling for a pulse. When Madam stands up and flicks her wand, I'm guessing she found no pulse.

"You. Stay here. Don't move or so help me...." She orders me strictly, hurrying out of the room. Granger's body floats in the air behind her, on a stretcher.

I stand there, frozen, my mouth slightly open. All that runs through my mind is my father's plan and Granger's limp body. It has begun. And it....it is bad, very bad.


Third Person POV

"She needs to be transported to St. Mungo's, immediately. She's in critical condition, and if she isn't put under proper care....she'll die." Madam Pomfrey says sadly, shocking Professor McGonagall.

"What in the world could have caused this?"

"I haven't the faintest clue. Maybe the healers at St. Mungo's will know."

"Yes, yes. I will contact them immediately, and have Miss Granger transported there as soon as possible. Thank you for bringing her to me, Poppy." Minerva thanks Madam Pomfrey, still in shock from Granger's condition. Poppy exits the office hurriedly, amusing Minerva.

'She's probably off to sleep.' She thinks. McGonagall shakes her self out of her stupor and snatches the pot of Floo powder off a shelf. She tosses some in the fire, and, pulling Hermione along with her, transports to St. Mungo's. McGonagall, and Hermione's body, scares the living daylight out of the Welcome Witch. When the Welcome Witch, a stout, blonde woman, spots Hermione's floating body, she gasps and calls for a Healer.

Hermione is whisked away to a private room where Healer Helbert Spleen examines her body for any medical symptoms. When he finds none, he examines her heart, as best as he can. And what he finds is terrifying.


Draco's POV

I know what I have to do next. It's risky, I could get expelled. I do it anyway, though. It's the only way to save myself. I take my wand from the bedside table, and position myself by the gorgeous wooden doors. When they creak open, and Madam Pomfrey steps inside, I cast a spell. I don't even know which one, I just cast. And then I give the signal.

He appears within minutes, soaring in through the window.

"Draco," He speaks. "Well done." He gestures to the body of Madam Pomfrey lying next to me.

"Thank you," I say curtly. The man steps forward so I can see his face more clearly. I knew who it was, but it still shocks me to see him. "Father."

"Let's see if you have earned to be called my son." He grips my wrist tightly, and Apparates to....St. Mungo's.

"How may I help yo - Malfoy." The Welcome Witch scowls. "What are you - oh!" The blonde-haired witch gasps as a blue jet shoots from my father's wand. It doesn't just impact her - it impacts every awake person in the hospital.

"Find her. Find her quickly." He stalks off down the hallway, determined to find her. If I don't do as he says, I'm a dead man. So I scan the Floor Plan quickly and dart off to the third floor.

I reach the third floor and pull out my wand. I whisper,

"Point Me." I think of her and my wand does the rest. I end up in front of a private, excluded room. Room 313. I push the door open, and there she lies, unconscious.

"Excellent job, son." A cold voice behind me speaks. I jump and slowly turn around.

"T-thank you, Father." I stumble over my words, in shock of what she looks like. My father hands me twine and says,

"Bind her. Tightly." My eyes widen but I do as he says. I secure her wrists and her ankles. "Good." He strides over to her and I, and we disappear.


Hermione's POV

My eyes open slowly and adjust to the light. I stare at the grey-black ceiling above me, wondering where I am. I try to sit up, but it's very hard to do so. I look down and see that my wrists and ankles are bound, very tightly. What the hell? I lift my head up, and ouch, that hurts. I look for something, anything to help me out of this situation.

"Good luck trying to get out of this one." A cold, familiar voice speaks from the darkness.

"W-who's there?"

"Why, Granger, forgotten me already?" A light flips on and blinds me. I squint my eyes and find the owner of the voice. My heart drops and I whisper,

"M-Malfoy? What's going on?"

"For the brighest witch of our age, you're not the smartest person. I played you. None of this - of us- was real. It was a trick all along, my father's plan to kidnap you. And you believed me so easily. So, so easily. It was fun to string you along all this time, making you believe I loved you. Me loving you, a muggleborn? Impossible."

"Did you ever l - love me?" I whisper, fighting back tears. 'Stupid, Hermione. So, so stupid.' He takes forever to respond, each passing moment pains me. And when he responds, my world breaks.



so i realize this shorter compared to my other chapters, but hey. at least i updated right? im so so so sorry for not updating for forever. i love you guys though. youre so supportive and i just....i love you guys. you all make me so happy with your comments on my chapters. you all make my day. im so grateful to have such amazing readers as you. thanks and i love you.

well, im gonna go start the next chapter now. (yes im writing it, i know exactly what i want to do so hopefully i can update sooner than later!)

i have my first two soccer games this weekend, wish me luck! im really excited.

also, if you guys ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to message me or comment about your day! i will happily talk to you about anything and try to help as much as i can.

i love you


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