Part 14:Because I Love You

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Class 1-A Dorm,

Midoriya's POV

The dorm is a bit hectic with the girls keep going on about Todoroki-san goes missing. I only watch them arguing with each other in worry. "We've to look for her!" Jiro-san exclaims in madness since Yaoyorozu-san and Iida-kun try to stop her from going out on her own to look for Todoroki-san.

"We understand your feelings but we can't act recklessly." Yaoyorozu-san says in concern. I only remain silent ever since just now.

I have to do something to stop the quarrel.

"E-Everyone, I think Todoroki-san is doing just fine. Maybe she is staying at the hospital with her mother." I assure them to lessen the tense in this common area. Everyone turns to look at me in disbelief. I flinch back, feeling a bit scared of their stares. "Todoroki-san usually visited her mother at hospital on weekend so it makes sense if she doesn't return yet." I state in calmness.

"But it's againts the rule to return late..." Yaoyorozu-san speaks up, intertwining her fingers together in concern. "I know...but I hope you guys can keep it secret from Aizawa-sensei for Todoroki-san's sake. If she is caught returning to dorm late again..." I gulp down my saliva in anxiety. The possiblity of Todoroki-san getting expelled is high since she had left the dorm late at night before too.

We all look at each other, worry is clearly written on our faces. "I see... We'll keep it secret only among all of us. Deal?" Jiro-san pumps up her fist in seriousness. The others including me nod in agreement, pumping up our fists too. My classmates gradually leave the common area, returning to their bedrooms to go to sleep. Before I walk away, I turn around facing the door that leads to outside the building.

I hope you are doing fine, Todoroki-san...


Next day,
Early morning,
At Love Hotel...

Dabi's POV

I open my eyes slightly when I sense something moving in my arm. As soon as I open my eyes, I see Shoto sleeping soundly next to me with comforter covering our body. But then I realize we are both naked. My aquamarine eyes go wide in an instant. I gasp in disbelief as my eyes are still locked on Shoto. I sit up myself on the bed in hurry, eyeing her from head to toe.

N-No way... W-We really did that last night?!

I rub my face in regret, recalling last night's event that occur to us. I'm not strong enough to hold back my lustful desire toward Shoto, resulting of me  taking away her innocence!

Dang it, if only I can rewind the time... I took advantage of my own girl!

A low groan of frustration escapes my scrapped lips. I mess my jet black spiky hair in irritation. How can I explain this to Shoto when she wakes up?

"Dabi...?" Just right after I'm thinking about her, Shoto wakes up in such a bad timing. I turn to look at my girlfriend who sleepily tries to wake up. Her soft hand clutches the comforter, covering her bare chest that are exposed.

"S-Shoto..." I call her out in nervousness, turning around facing my girlfriend. Shoto rubs her sleepy eyes to adjust her blurry sight. "Dabi, are you alright? You look very pale." Shoto sits closer to me, her pretty heterochromia eyes cloud with concern. I immediately wrap my arms around her shoulder in guilty. Shoto confusedly hugs me back.

"I'm sorry, Shoto, I'm so sorry..." I keep whispering into her ear, asking for her forgiveness. "Sorry... For what?" Shoto asks me in cluelessness, still doesn't know the reason behind my action.

I break apart from Shoto, gazing into her eyes deeply. "Shoto, I...I took away your purity..." It pains me when I utter those words. Shoto stares at me long before observing her bare body. She gasps in shock after a few minutes of silence.

I'm done for. This is all my fault... If only I'm strong enough to hold back my desire...

But it's too late now...

"Oh... Last night..." Shoto mumbles im understanding at last. She turns to look at me, staring long not saying anything. "Dabi... I didn't mind at all." She says emotionlessly, making my jaw drops.

She what?!

"Woah, woah, Shoto. This is a BIG problem, you know. How come you didn't mind about this at all?!" I ask her in shock, not believing in my hearing just now. My ears are probably tricking me.

"Well, I didn't mind about it since you're the one who did it to me." Shoto explains calmly. I gasp slightly at her unexpected explaination. "Why...?" I mutter in low voice, confuse by her statement.

"It's because... I love you,Dabi. Having my first with you is not  a bad thing at all. I mean, I did it with the person I love. So don't worry about it, okay?" Shoto caresses my cheeks gently, a warm smile presents on her beautiful feature.

My eyes widen slightly in disbelief. She really doesn't care about it. "It's already morning, huh? I should get ready to return now." Shoto stretches out her arms before getting up from the bed but I immediately grip her slender wrist, pulling her back to hug her.

"Shoto... Are you sure about this? You really don't mind?" I whisper into her ear huskly. Shoto smiles kindly, holding my stitched arm with her warm hand. "Yup, I didn't mind at all. As long as it's you the one who do it to me, I'll be happy. Because you're my love, Dabi..." Shoto utters softly, her gentle gaze meets mine.

She is too kind...

A small smile finally tugs on my lips when I hear her answer. I lean my head on her bare shoulders, sighing in relief. "Thanks, Shoto." I mumble. Shoto chuckles before standing up all of sudden, making my head fall on the bed without warning.

"Heh, sorry but I have to get ready now. I don't want to get punished again." Shoto says, putting on her undergarments and clothed back. I only remain on the bed with the comforter covering my bare body. "Dabi, are you going to stay here?" Shoto raises an eyebrow since I don't move an inch, only staring at her who already fully puts on her clothes.

"Nah, I'm gonna escort you." I exclaim, getting up from the bed and grab my clothes that are scattering on the floor. I wear my boxer first before putting on my dark blue hoodie and pants.

"We should go now." Shoto reminds me and I only nod. We both leave the room together. She locks the door before bith of us walk toward the elevator to go downstairs.



Todoroki's POV

I hand back the key to the receptionist. She is grinning widely at me and Dabi. "I see that both of you have lots of fun last night~" She giggles gleefully. My cheeks heat up at her statement. I quickly hold Dabi's hand and walk away from her desk. "See you again, Miss!" She calls me out.

I only sigh long before leaving the building with Dabi. As soon as we get out of the building, I read the signboard displaying the name of the hotel. It says 'Hotel Sweet Night: For The Ones Who Seek Sweetness of Love'

My eyes go completely wide when I read the signboard. "Oh gosh... Is this love hotel?" I say as I turn to look at Dabi. He hesitantly nods to me. "T-That's why I told you we shouldn't stay here." Dabi exclaims, averting his eyes from my stare.

This is all my fault...
Dang, I'm the one who drove him to do this to me.

"Oh... Sorry about that..." I apologize to my boyfriend. "It's alright, princess. Besides, I have fun spending my night together with you..." Dabi says, snaking his strong arm around my slender hips, smiling seductively at me. I only smile at him back.

Ah, how I love him.
There is no way I can hate that smile of his...

...Or so I thought...


A/N: Woah, it had been awhile since I last update! So sorry! I was very busy with school ever since I became my school's student role model... Or like an honor student. I don't know how to explain it but seriously I was like super busy😓

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