Part 15:Bakugou

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Early morning,
UA Dormitary ground,
Class 1-A Dorm...

Todoroki's POV

I sneakily walk into the common area, observing my entire surrounding intently. Alright, no one is around which mean I'm safe.

I smile slightly before quickly sprint toward the elevator. I press the button, waiting for the metal sliding door to open. A few seconds flew away and the door finally open, welcoming me in to enter the metal room. I step into the elevator carefully.

The door automatically close, bringing me to the fifth floor where my room is. I lean my back against the cold wall, thinking about last night's event that occur.

We really... Did it last night, didn't we? It's still unbelievable that I'm not a virgin anymore. Well, it doesn't matter to me since Dabi is the one who did me.

The door open, signifying that I have arrived at my floor. I step out of the elevator, walking toward my room casually like nothing happen. I honestly realize my mistakes.

This time is worse than before... I didn't return to dorm before night... I hope Aizawa-sensei didn't know about this.

I walk past Yaoyorozu's room, feeling glad that she hasn't woken up yet or I'm screwed up. I finally reach my room, shoving my hand into my bag, looking for the key. I inserted the key into the small keyhole, slowly turning it. As soon as I hear the click sound, I push the door in delight.

It feels so great to be in your own room...

I walk to my drawers, taking out my gym clothes, a new clean pair of my undergarments and then grab my towel to take shower. I leave my room and then walk down the quiet hallway.

At least I thought it is quiet.

"Todoroki-san! You finally returned!" Yaoyorozu greets me delightly after I accidentally stumble upon her. Asui is standing behind her with her finger usually places on her chin. "Ribbit, when did you come back, Shoto-chan?" She asks me curiously. "This early morning." I bluntly answer her question.

"This morning...? Without getting caught by Aizawa-sensei?" Yaoyorzu gasps in disbelief. I nod my head, telling her her statement is true. Both of them gasp, looking at each other in amazement. "That's amazing..." Asui murmurs. "I know, I'm surprised that Sensei hadn't caught me yet." I exclaim slightly smirking at the last few words.

"But still, you shouldn't do that. Your action violate the school rules." Yaoyorozu reminds me. "I know but I can't promise I won't stop leaving the dorm at night." I unenthusiastically say, crossing my arms behind my head.

Momo Yaoyorozu... More like Mama Yaoyorozu. No wonder the girls always come to her when they have problems.

"Now, now, why don't we take bath together?" I suggest  earning two smiles from two innocent girls. They delightly nod their head in agreement. We all head to the elevator together.


A few minutes later,
Common area,

Todoroki's POV

I place the tray on the table carefully as I pull the chair to sit. "Thanks for the food." I chant before start eating my breakfast. "Good morning, Todoroki-san." Midoriya suddenly greets me, halting my action to eat. I raise up my head and see the face of the cute male greenette in my class, smiling brightly. "Morning, Midoriya." I smile slightly at him back. "M-Mind if I sit here with you?" He shyly asks me. I just nod my head, allowing him to sit together.

Midoriya's bright smile widens as he puts the tray of food down gently, his scarred hand pulls the chair in such a polite manner. I only watch him in silence. "Um, Todoroki-san, where did you go last night?" Midoriya asks me and from the tone of his voice, it is obvious that he is worried about me. I somehow feel bad about this.

"I... Went to visit my mother." I hesitantly tell Midoriya a lie. Poor boy gets tricked by me but I have no other option. I can't let anyone knows about my relationship with Dabi.

Midoriya hums lightly in understanding as he chews on his food. "But why didn't you come back?" He asks again. This brocolli boy is seriously curious.

"I accidentally fell asleep in Mom's room..." I utter again my lie, guilt starts panging my heart.

Forgive me, Midoriya...

"I see...." Is Midoriya's only response. He doesn't seem to fully believe me. Sweats trickle on my temple, nervous after seeing his lack of reaction. But luckily, the buzzing noise of my phone save me from this situation. "Pardon me." I excuse myself, standing up from my seat and leave the table. I tap the green button to answer the call.

Dabi, why did he call me all of sudden?

"Hello, Dabi?" I start the conversation. "Hey, Princess..." Dabi speaks up unenergetically on the phone. "Um, is something wrong?" I question my villainous boyfriend in concern. He heaves a sigh. "Will you please come to the park tonight? We need to talk..." He says sadly, as if he has lost hope in this world. "Dabi, did something happen to you? Please tell me." I insist, my grip on the phone tightens.

"Well, yeah... I've a problem... I miss you, my princess." Dabi chuckles delightly when he ends his sentence. I frown at his childish yet sweet statement. "Look, Dabi. I'm in common area of my dorm right now. We can't talk too long or my classmates will catch me." I warn him, reminding of his careless action.

I never have the courage to call him during this time...

I can hear Dabi huffing in annoyance on the phone. "Jeez, fine... I'll see you tonight,Shoto. Good luck with your boring study." He chuckles heartily before ending the call. I just smile as my dual coloured-eyes lock on tgmhe screen before putting my phone back into my blazer pocket.

I walk back to the table I sit at just now, without realizing a pair of eyes are watching me intently from afar...


After school,
1-A Classroom,

Todoroki's POV

"Are you sure we don't need to wait for you?" Yaoyorozu asks me to confirm again for last time. I just give her a simple nod. She looks at Jiro and the rocking girl looks at her back. "Then, we'll take our leave. Good luck with your class duty, Todoroki." They excuse themselves before leaving the classroom.

As soon ss the door closes, I stretch out myself a bit, observing the class quietly.

I'm alone, huh? Well, that's much better.

I walk to the very back of the class to open the locker that stores the cleaning equipments. I take out the broom to sweep the class clean.

As I am sweeping the floor, the door suddenly opens, revealing Bakugou with his genuine grumpy face. I ignore him, only focusing on my duty. "Stop ignoring me, Half-And-Half Bastard." He snaps furiously, walking toward my direction with his hands shove into his pants pocket. I look at him emotionlessly.

"Do you need something from me, Bakugou?" I ask this angry firecracker. He frowns his eyebrows together, looks like he is thinking about something.

"Oi, Todoroki." Bakugou calls me out with my name, getting my full attention on him. "Tell me the full truth." He demands in commanding tone but I just stare at him, confused.

"Tell you... What?" I state, putting the broom aside since I take this as serious matter now. "About that freaking man who talked to you on phone..." He murmurs in husky voice.

My heterochromia eyes immediately go wide, my feet instinctively step back further from him. Bakugou only steps closer to me as I try to distance myself from this hothead. I keep getting farther until my back hit the wall.

Tch, I can't escape at this rate.

Bakugou finally stands before me with hard stares directing to me. He placed his hands on both side of my head, his crimson red eyes meet my mismatched ones. "Tell me... Who is that man, NOW." He orders, glaring at me like a hungry predator who waits for the right time to eat his prey.

I'm dead.


AN- Woho, hey everyone! Dang, it had been a while since I last update!

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