chapter 11; Eren I'm Here

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I looked around...I was conscious again. But I must've passed out again, the room was silent. I was cold. I turned to see a crying Eren, looking down at me. His tears trickled down and my hands. They were hot. He fell to his knees and cried into his hands. "Eren?" I asked. He looked up at me with his beautiful teal like eyes and they glistened . "levi...Sir I thought you died" he said . sir. It rang throughout my head.
"Eren, is the titan..."
"It's dead, I killed it"
"How so?"
"Before you could attack it, it threw it's new fully grown arm and threw you to the ground making you go unconscious ...I thought it killed you...and I ripped it to shreds" he said looking down at his hands with fear.
"Eren you saved us" I said ducking a strand of hair behind his ear. "Lev-"
"no you did , don't blame yourself"
"but levi I hav-"
"Eren I said it's okay, don't blame-"
"They're going to execute me Levi!!"

My heart soon stopped..

"What?" I asked. I looked down and began to shake. "It is my fault, even with the fact I saved the city...they want me dead" he said. "I can't say much...because they're watching" he whispered silently. "Who ordered them to kill you eren?" I asked "I know nothing yet, but one of the officers came and said I might be executed for killing half of our soldiers after I killed the titan...I lost control if it...and Annie's gone" he said. I would've thought he would've been useful for us. Now they want to kill him?

"I won't let them" I say. I tried getting up but pain shot through my leg. "Levi, your leg is broken..." He said softly. "It's for the best" he says "no its not Eren! Killing an innocent isn't the answer!"

He looked up at me with disgust. "You've done it! Why is it different with me?!" He said raising his voice. Surprised with the suddenly Change in tone. "Because I...I love you Eren" his eyes didn't soften . his expression still the same. "I can't lose you again...I promised..." He looks at me .

"who did you promise"
"Your mother when i almost died, she gave me her trust and asked me to protect you and I'm going to keep my word whether you like it or not jaegar, you mean so much to me" I said holding back tears. "I love you levi" he said bringing me into a passionate kiss. "Jaegar, it's time" said the man in a black suit. He began to cry. "I love you levi...protect the city ...I'll always be here" he says. "No...No Eren don't leave..NO DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!!"
"NO...I love you please don't leave..."

I got up from the bed, to only fall onto the floor along with a scream of agony. "ARGH..." I got up and limped to my door. No I have to save him. I began to job ignoring the fact my leg was broke. I still had my uniform on thank good. Only my left side of my pants were ripped to do the surgery. But then it became bright and I began to run. Carla is watching over me. My leg was healed instantly . "I'm coming eren" and I ran to my only happiness in this dark world. Eren jaegar.

Eren's POV

I was going to die. I didn't care if I did but I was leaving levi behind. It was to let go. I said goodbye. My final words to him. His screaming pained my heart. Now I'm here. Tied . my clothes were ripped from trying to escape. I was covered with dirt from being beaten. But I couldn't turn. My wrists were surely bruised. They were losing circulation as well. My eyes were kept focusing on the ground. They were deciding how I should die. I didn't care anymore...

"Sir what shall we do" one man asked.

Several minutes later

"Decapitation? Bullet to the heart? Lethal injection?" He suggested.

"Bullet to the heart..." He chose. I'm coming mommy. I'm coming to your arms once again. I failed you. I truly did but I'm going to be safe. Safe again with you. I turned to see Mikasa. But she was in the shadows. But I easily spotted her. She mouthed.."just keep still, and don't fight them me" she said before disappearing. She'll get herself killed if she tries to save me. But I couldn't speak..Mikasa please don't. . .

Soon they put the barrel to my chest. It was cold. The man looked down at me..
"I didn't want to kill you kid, I'm just doing my job" he sounded awfully like jean.
Before I knew it


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