Chapter 1

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Gray Pov

"Lyon, do I have anything on today?" I was hanging off my giant throne, my head nearly touching the blue carpeted floor of the palace. The king and Queen was out somewhere for I forgot what.

"Nothing for you today, sir." Lyon was my butler.

"Arrggghhh!!! I'm so bored. What can I do?" I sat up in frustration but quickly I wish I didn't cause all the blood came rushing down, making me feel lightheaded.

"If I may suggest sir. Why don't you visit The Loxar Palace?" I turned and stared at my butler, smiling I asked Lyon to prepare the carriage as I thought of all the things I could do over there.


Juvia Pov

I was wondering around in the back yard when I heard a carriage pull up front. Prince Gray was stepping out the car as I reached them.

"Prince Gray," I gave polite curtsy before standing up straight to look at him "what brings you here on this fine day." He returned with a bow and a slight smile, saying he was bored and had nothing to do.

"Please do come in." I gesture to the huge double white doors. He nodded and started to walk, I was beside him and Natsu was lagging behind.

"Would you like some tea, Milady?" One of my maids, Lucy, asked the moment we settle into the main room of the palace. I nodded my head then she hurried off like a frighten little mouse. We sat in silence, looking at everything but each other.

"Princess Juvia." I looked up. "What do you suggest we do to relive this boredom? " He had one eyebrow raised high up to he forehead. I took a moment to think. Then my mouth started to twitched in to a mischievous half smile.

"Let's have a fight." I suggested excitingly. This also made his eyes sparkle with delight with I took as an agreement. "To the back yard!" I shouted with glee, jumping off the couch, I turned back halfway, "Lucy, we will be outside if you need us!" Then I took off once more with Gray close behind me.


"Ready." He replied, somehow he managed to rip off all his clothes except for his boxers, his hands ready to form his ice weapons. I smirked. This is gonna be fun.

"Water slicer." I started the attack.

"Ice shield."

"Ice lance."

"Water lock."

"Ice canon." I stumbled backwards, my dress was ripped and dirty but I don't care. We were panting yet smiling. The string of attack continues, the both us were hot, sweaty and trying our best to catch our breaths. I hit him with a powerful blast of swirling water that caught him off guard. He lost his balance and fell back. I walked over and offered him my hand. He grabbed it and stood, rubbing his bruised backs side as well. I giggled a little.

"Well that was fun." He gave me a lopsided smile.

"Are you kidding?" that came out louder that I thought. He stared at me obviously not knowing what to make of it. " That was awesome." I continued, jumping up and down with my hands flying around. This made him laugh. He was laughing so hard, he gripped his sides and bending over, his other arm supported him on his knee.

"Princess Juvia." Lucy stopped short when she saw us. "No, no, no" she kept mumbling.

"What is it, Lucy?"

"You need to get cleaned up."

"Why the hurry? "

"Your highness is going to be back soon." My jaws dropped, this isn't good.

"Go prepare some clothes we will be up in a moment." She nodded her head and hurried off.

"So, do I leave first?" Gray asked.

"No. There is no time. Follow me." I sprinted up the stairs to my room. There was a dress neatly lying on my bed. Gray entered a second later. Natsu appeared behind him, suitcase in hand. I told Lucy to lead them to a room.

"Miss, the King has arrived." Erza popped her head through the door to inform me. Seeing that I was fully dressed she pulled the door open and stepped inside. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"Thank you, Erza." I walked down the hallway to where Gray was changing, gently I tapped the door. Natsu opened the door.

"Is Prince Gray ready?" Before he had the chance to reply, Gray stepped up behind him. He was wearing a stunning white suit. I felt my face flushed and turned around.

"The King is downstairs. Follow me." I walked, not giving him the time to respond. Take a deep breath, Juvia. You can't be seen like this.


"Darling, get up." I straighten from my curtsy position. Gray and Natsu also stood up from their bow. "And who is this."

"This is Prince...." I started.

"I am Prince Gray and this is Natsu, my servant. We are from the Fullbuster Kingdom not far from here. Nice to make acquaintance with you." My father nodded, his face as emotionless as ever. There was silence for a moment. I opened my mouth about to utter a word.

"We shall be taking our leave." Gray bowed and Natsu picked up the cases.

"Levy, see them off."

"Yes, master." They made their way across the long hallway. It wasn't until they were out of sight that my father spoke.

"What was he doing here?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Well, he said he was bored and so he came here."

"And what did you do?" He had one of his fat eyebrows raised.

"We had tea." I was surprised at how easily I lied. He thought for a moment nodded his head and smiled.

"I like that guy. Invite him over more often."

"Yes, father."

"Run along now." I gave one last curtsy then scurried off to my room.

I jumped on my bed and heave a sigh of relief. Lucy, Erza and Levy entered a second later. They each took a spot on my queen sized mattress.

"I can't believe this is the first time your highness has met Prince Gray." Lucy giggled.

"Yeah, he comes over all the time and yet...." Erza joined in the giggle.

"Well, he always leave before the King returns." Levy stated.

"So....." Lucy was now hovering above me.

"So what?"

"What do think about him?" Levy added.

"What do I think?"

"Come on don't tell me that you don't think he is hot." Erza gushed.

"Well yeah he is kinda hot. I guess."

"So do you like him?" Lucy asked.

"As a friend."

"But it doesn't seem like that." Levy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"What does it look like?"

"Oh nothing." Erza and her hands over her mouth to contain her giggles.

"What do you mean?" I sat up.

"It's obvious. The way you look at him." Lucy said checking her nails.

"You want him." Levy explained.

"No. You got it all wrong. He is just a friend."

"If you say so." Erza said in a sing song voice.

"Isn't it time for dinner?" I asked, changing the subject. Three of them just giggled, got up and left. I sighed and flopped back down onto my soft bed.

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