Chpater 13

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Juvia Pov

"What are we going to do?" I gripped on the nearest I could reach which happens to be Gray's arm, he winched but I didn't let go. We were leaning closing on the locked door of his room. He pressed his ear against it, listening carefully at the commotion that was downstairs.

No one Pov


"I didn't know you could cook so well, Sad Prince." Juvia commented once Prince Sting and Rogue left.

"You never asked." I smirked.

"Get a room you two." Lyon threw a cushion at me. We all brust out laughing. We all shared a comfortable silence for a moment.

"So when do you two plan on running away?"

"Maybe in a day." Juvia said.

"Or two." I added and she repeated with a smile. Lyon opened his mouth about to say something when we heard shouting from outside.

"WHERE IS PRINCE GRAY?!WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" Juvia's face drained of all colour and her eyes twice as wide.

"Quick go hide." Lyon pushed us towards the stairway before turning to go answer the door.

Gray Pov

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I heard the scream coming from the main hall, followed by the cound of Lyon's voice trying to coax her into leaving.

"We won't leave without her." The Queen raised her voice but not good enough to match up to the King.

"WE KNOW SHE IS HERE!" The King bellowed again.

"Please! Just clam down and we can talk about it." This was the first time that I heard Lyon raise his voice even the slightest. I was shock and I could tell they were too. My phone vibrated.

Run! Now. I don't care how. I smiled, I always admired Lyon's ability to type without looking. He must have send this from behind his back. I looked around the room, trying to decide where to run out from. Juvia tugged at my sleeve and pointed towards the window.

"We will get hurt." I whispered.

She did gave me the are you dumb? look. "We got magic." I face palm myself for not even thinking about it. I opened the window wide and created a ice slide. She held on to the frame as she stepped up. She turned behind, looked at me then frowned.

"What's wrong, Sad Prince?" I dared not look in her eyes.

"You need to go back to your Palace."

"What are you saying?" She climbed down, now standing only a few inches away from me. I combed my hand through my hair.

"I can't go through with this. I can't take you away from them. I'm sorry." Juvia held my chin and made me look at her. She had a sad smile on. Then leaning closer till our lips touch. My hands found her waist and pulled her closer, she had her fingers entangled in my hair. She open her mouth just enough for my tongue to slip through and play with hers.

She pulled away slowly. "I'm sorry too but I just can't stay." Stepping out on to the window frame, she turned and flashed me one last smile before hopping down and sliding away. I watched her go until she run into the forest, out of sight. It was then I remembered her parents downstairs.

"WHERE IS PRINCE GRAY?" I heard the kind demand. I took one last look at the window and headed down the stairs.

"Here, I am." I appeared from the corner of the room, appoching them. Lyon's face was a mix of confusion, worries and pity.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DARLING? " The Ling got uo and grabbed my collar, lifting me on my tiptoe.

"Excuse me your highness but I haven't seen her all day." He let go of me and strated pacing around. I adjust my collar before taking a seat next to Lyon. "If you like I could send out a search party." The King didn't seemed to be paying attention. I looked at the Queen was pale, her eyes following wherever the King went.

"That would be ver kind of you however we do not wish to trouble you." The Kkng stopped abruptly, finger up the air then he shook his head and continued to walk back and froth.

I glanced down at the tabletop and commented "Where are my manners? Here have some tea." The Queen looked from the tea to her King and shook her head.

"We must be on our way on if you don't mind." The three of us stood up and the King jerked alert when she place a hand of his arm.

"Yes. We must be heading back now."

"We hope you find the Princess soon." Lyon and I bowed, seeing them off.

Once they were gone, Lyon turned to stare at me. "I'm so sorry." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, I looked out far and shook my head.

"Its okay." I gave his hand a little squeeze. He nodded and we headed inside.

The End

A/N: Hey, do you think I should do a squeal? Comment and tell me what you think.

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